Community > Posts By > Uniquesky1
I am a single mother. Yes I think it is hard but as a mother it is your job to really get to know a man before you even let him in your life a little bit. Every guy you meet you should be thinking would this guy be someone I could have my children around every day and be a role model if not let them kick rocks. If the guy you date cant see how precious a child is and the time that you are taking away just to see him then he is not for you or your children. It may get annoying because you have to invest alot of time but I say invest the time and save your heart. I am a firm believer in it takes a real man to be a step father to another man child. I would never even date a guy that cant understand that my schedule may change or my child may get sick the last minute or that I present myself in a respectful manner and deserve respect because I am still human and I am still a woman. Alot of people do not understand a single parents life a real man or woman will take the time to learn.
black chick white guy
I dont think that race should matter but i do believe in what some like others may not. I personally have always loved and been very attracted to white men. I was probably one out of 5 black children in the town I grew up in until high school. I use to think that something was wrong with me even as I got older. My friends would make fun of me so eventually I would force my self to date within my race but then I finally realized in the end I need to be happy and physically attracted to that person.