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Wasn't looking for it, did not want to, not sure how it slipped up on me. The sad truth is I have fallen for someone that belongs to someone else. I don't want to break up his family. I do still want to spend as much time with him as possible. I know this has no happy ending just wish i knew how to let go. I try and date others but he is the only one that captures my attention. I am so confused. I know you people here will not hold back on your opinions and looking forward to hearing what you have to say. Is it possible to have a happy ending when in love with a married man that you want him to stay with his wife but still want him as a lover, friend etc.... Why do you need him to make you feel good? Can you be happy just being alone for any length of time? Because if you don't like yourself enough to spend time with just yourself, you don't respect yourself. If you don't respect you - how will anyone else? A man that will use you for his own pleasure at your expense is not the man you want. You will always try to make him treat you well and it will never happen. He will always be the taker and you the giver because that is the precedence you set now by allowing this relationship. When you stop thinking about him, you'll stop comparing others to him. You'll be open to a new personality and the fullfilment that relationship can bring you. Went alone for a 3 yrs or more by choice did not even care to date was having fun with me myself and i then with everyone telling me i needed to go out and meet someone well I did . and here I am .. No really met more than just him but he is the one I have let myself really care about. You are so right about the precedence thing i feel that is the case with all relationships so it is important to set it right in the beginning. I am happy with myself but i know the type of man that i want i will need to better myself I get all that/ He isn't the only one using here. NOT at all. How funny you see it as him using me at my expense. Now if i was sitting here waiting for him to divorce and not allowing myself to look else where that may be true. I do have a hard time going out and getting excited about someone new but i have gotten better lately . if i compare others to him so what it just means they will really have to be quick witted, animated, humble, willing and persistent. all the things that attracted me to him. |
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Fri 09/03/10 08:35 PM
Wasn't looking for it, did not want to, not sure how it slipped up on me. The sad truth is I have fallen for someone that belongs to someone else. I don't want to break up his family. I do still want to spend as much time with him as possible. I know this has no happy ending just wish i knew how to let go. I try and date others but he is the only one that captures my attention. I am so confused. I know you people here will not hold back on your opinions and looking forward to hearing what you have to say. Is it possible to have a happy ending when in love with a married man that you want him to stay with his wife but still want him as a lover, friend etc.... He really got into your head did'nt he? The only way you get over him is to totally break off any and all communication. Never go back, even if you think he'll soon be free. Save that passion for another man who is available. Maybe even have your next boyfriend role play like he's a married man with you. Now role playing married man, how would that work? I have to admit i do like that i just get the good parts when he is here. Knowing we would never be a couple but really enjoyed each others in many ways made it what it was. It is easier to open up to someone not directly involved with your everyday life. I know she wishes he would spend more time talking and paying attention to her but spending to much time with his head somewhere else. I think everyone knows that is always the case. yes he did get inside my head. He is very smart and good at it. He paid attention in psych class. He is believe it or not a good guy with a good heart but has a part of him that likes to live on the edge and see what he can get away with like a puzzle or a game or a sport. That's it!!!! HE IS A SPORT LIAR.... lmao oh that's funny I will have to include that in the dear john text. I really don't hate him for it and hope he doesn't wind up getting caught with the next one and oh I am sure he will stray again. If he gets caught he is hurting himself as much or more than the wife. Different kind of hurt but I know it will ruin his him. The guilt he will feel for hurting her and his family if they did get divorce will send him to a dark place. But just like the man that races cars and crashes to near death gets well and gets back in the car and races again it is living on the edge testing limits and his is a mental testing of limits of trying to get what he wants and keeping everyone happy and really it is amazing how much time he spends with me considering his life with her. She controls so much to know so little of what is really going on. Here is a small part of the kicker and to me the deep seeded reasons for his actions, his first wife left him cheated with his best friend and one day just left him no explanation said she would be back in a week never came back. It’s amusing how you can continue to get on here and defend the guy, but I guess you have little choice if you are going to justify your own actions. Given the info you have stated in this thread, let me share a thought or two with you. First of all, (again) he is not a good guy. Good people do not conduct their lives in such a manner as this. He has absolutely no respect for his wife, his marriage or you and I cannot for the life of me understand how it is you don’t see this. He is using you for his own selfish reasons and you are simply a pawn in a game run by a dishonest man/child however, you are not without blame, you are a willing participant in a web of lies and deceit that will one day have very serious implications. This is not living on the edge, don’t fool yourself or paint some kind of romantic notion here. It is what it is, cheating! And try not to be so naive to think you know him. You only know the he that “he” wants to know. You only know the person who has to sneak around to visit you. You only know the guy will say and do anything to be able to live and practice a duel existence. That’s a pretty simple truth and one you will have to come to terms with, if and when you move on with your life. I realize it may be difficult to have to admit to the entire world and to yourself that you fell for and embraced a man that is nothing more than a fraud, but hey, you are not the first and you won’t be the last. So instead of dismissing all of the things people have said here, in an attempt to find some solace, why don’t you try to learn from all of this so that you won’t find yourself in the same dilemma somewhere down the road? Not trying to defend. I feel he does love his wife and respects her and is proud of her but he does not respect the marriage maybe a more correct statement or he thinks of himself first. It is the same thing that happens in SOOOO many marriages. The wife gains a lot of weight after kids and wife puts all her time and attention to the kids(as it should be, but have to make time for husband too), she starts to feel unattractive and doesn't want sex often at all and the husband starts to look at life wondering if this is it? Is this as good as it is ever going to get? He starts to wonder if he has what it takes anymore because wife's constantly turning him down for sex. It happens time and time again and after about 7-12 yrs is when a lot of marriages make it or break it. That being said when he started telling me how they just didn't have anything in common anymore and he wasnt attracted to her. I said he had just forgotten why he married her and they do have something in common something so in common that no one else has but you and her ....your kids.... It is hard to see what you have until you see it from someone else point of view sometimes i feel. We get off on the wrong train of thought and make excuses for our thoughts and actions. I know i am guilty because I knew from the beginning his situation. Not looking for sympathy or someone to tell me its ok to continue. I am not even trying to justify really just stating fact. If you think i don't see threw his lies you are wrong, I have only told you what i think and not what he has said to me. He has that she is the last person on earth that deserves this. I am sure you think he is just saying that to work game on me. I do not want him to leave her. I do not want his kids to be hurt. I guess i am just a selfish ***** because all i want is to spend time with someone that rocks my world in so many ways. It sucks that i let him get in my head. I will take the blame form here on out because all I have to say is no. I am weak and I am human. I will pray i wake up tomorrow as strong and perfect as some here think they are. lmao ... or maybe i will just continue to be human. lol ... For some reason some of you think i thought of myself as blameless and that was never the case just wish there was a way to have cake and eat it too. You “feel he does love his wife? Well, his actions show a different story. This whole line of crap about nothing in common (anymore), she gained weight, no time for him…..just excuses; all laid out in an effort to DEFEND him and to give him reason to stray. Not to mention the fact that you don’t really even know if any of this true or not. ****Well I do know they are true, in his eyes, I also know that is what he tells himself to give himself reason to stray. I know that they have things in common, he just doesn't see them now. Please point me to where anyone here has they are perfect. Please show me just one instance where anyone says they don’t make mistakes….you can’t, you know why? Because nobody has said anything of the sort; by you simply suggesting that, shows that you are not really seeing the whole picture here. You are still justifying. *****Yes but some make comments as if they can not see how a person (Me) could allow this to happen and how it should be so easy to walk away and that i must be some horrible person for getting here in the first place. There are over 300 million people in the U.S. alone; you cannot tell me that the only one of them that can “rock your world” is this guy ****Sad but true I take it you have not been to Louisiana lately.!!!! Have you seen "Deliverance" the movie.?? Well enough said! . And then you follow that by telling us you can “see through his lies.” How revealing is that statement? *****All men lie about something i am almost positive. He has certain qualities that make up for all the rest. I know you think he is playing me but he knows I am his friend and he knows I see him for what he is not trying to fool me into anything. The lies i see through are the little things he would say in the beginning about his social status, or there was a couple more i cant recall now. Personally I don’t think you are being selfish, I think you find comfort in the fact that he is married and the chance of him leaving his wife are slim. That way you can keep your freedom and stand little chance of getting hurt. *****Wow you getting very close. I do see myself reacting in ways the make that very true. I see it every time they have a huge fight. It scares me to think of him getting a divorce. I try to be voice of reason why he needs to cool off and see things from her side of the argument. I think it maybe the fact i was in a bad marriage and i have seen and know some far worse marriages. I think I have lost faith in them and maybe just want the good parts of it because the day to day BS not worth it sometimes. When he talks about their fighting it reminds me how happy I am i am single again. I was so happy to get out of my last marriage but sad it didnt work out. I also think you revel in the attention and get a thrill out of doing something that you know is wrong, just as you have come to the understanding that by doing this he “is living on the edge.” ******No dont like the fact that it is wrong at all. I wish more people would see that it is possible that you can have a sexual friendship with another occasionally through life without wanting to divorce the other. The reason for the lies is because everyone says its wrong / Read the book "ethical slut" its free online or google, anyway I understand what they are teaching in that book and if honest no harm no foul. The problem with all of this is you cannot have your cake and eat it too, unless you find someone who you can actually have a real relationship with. You know, one where both parties give all of themselves and actually put everything on the line for one-an-other. ********It is not easy to find someone that keeps my interest past a few dates, or that I keep their interests. I know I need to better myself to find the man I am looking for. I have met on the rare occasion this type of man but didnt have my a game on and really dont have a game now. so mr married fit the bill i guess like you said above> Not much chance he would walk away from cake that he is eating too. No hurt for me cake for him. yep i think you got this one correct. Something for me to think about . |
Wasn't looking for it, did not want to, not sure how it slipped up on me. The sad truth is I have fallen for someone that belongs to someone else. I don't want to break up his family. I do still want to spend as much time with him as possible. I know this has no happy ending just wish i knew how to let go. I try and date others but he is the only one that captures my attention. I am so confused. I know you people here will not hold back on your opinions and looking forward to hearing what you have to say. Is it possible to have a happy ending when in love with a married man that you want him to stay with his wife but still want him as a lover, friend etc.... He really got into your head did'nt he? The only way you get over him is to totally break off any and all communication. Never go back, even if you think he'll soon be free. Save that passion for another man who is available. Maybe even have your next boyfriend role play like he's a married man with you. Now role playing married man, how would that work? I have to admit i do like that i just get the good parts when he is here. Knowing we would never be a couple but really enjoyed each others in many ways made it what it was. It is easier to open up to someone not directly involved with your everyday life. I know she wishes he would spend more time talking and paying attention to her but spending to much time with his head somewhere else. I think everyone knows that is always the case. yes he did get inside my head. He is very smart and good at it. He paid attention in psych class. He is believe it or not a good guy with a good heart but has a part of him that likes to live on the edge and see what he can get away with like a puzzle or a game or a sport. That's it!!!! HE IS A SPORT LIAR.... lmao oh that's funny I will have to include that in the dear john text. I really don't hate him for it and hope he doesn't wind up getting caught with the next one and oh I am sure he will stray again. If he gets caught he is hurting himself as much or more than the wife. Different kind of hurt but I know it will ruin his him. The guilt he will feel for hurting her and his family if they did get divorce will send him to a dark place. But just like the man that races cars and crashes to near death gets well and gets back in the car and races again it is living on the edge testing limits and his is a mental testing of limits of trying to get what he wants and keeping everyone happy and really it is amazing how much time he spends with me considering his life with her. She controls so much to know so little of what is really going on. Here is a small part of the kicker and to me the deep seeded reasons for his actions, his first wife left him cheated with his best friend and one day just left him no explanation said she would be back in a week never came back. It’s amusing how you can continue to get on here and defend the guy, but I guess you have little choice if you are going to justify your own actions. Given the info you have stated in this thread, let me share a thought or two with you. First of all, (again) he is not a good guy. Good people do not conduct their lives in such a manner as this. He has absolutely no respect for his wife, his marriage or you and I cannot for the life of me understand how it is you don’t see this. He is using you for his own selfish reasons and you are simply a pawn in a game run by a dishonest man/child however, you are not without blame, you are a willing participant in a web of lies and deceit that will one day have very serious implications. This is not living on the edge, don’t fool yourself or paint some kind of romantic notion here. It is what it is, cheating! And try not to be so naive to think you know him. You only know the he that “he” wants to know. You only know the person who has to sneak around to visit you. You only know the guy will say and do anything to be able to live and practice a duel existence. That’s a pretty simple truth and one you will have to come to terms with, if and when you move on with your life. I realize it may be difficult to have to admit to the entire world and to yourself that you fell for and embraced a man that is nothing more than a fraud, but hey, you are not the first and you won’t be the last. So instead of dismissing all of the things people have said here, in an attempt to find some solace, why don’t you try to learn from all of this so that you won’t find yourself in the same dilemma somewhere down the road? Not trying to defend. I feel he does love his wife and respects her and is proud of her but he does not respect the marriage maybe a more correct statement or he thinks of himself first. It is the same thing that happens in SOOOO many marriages. The wife gains a lot of weight after kids and wife puts all her time and attention to the kids(as it should be, but have to make time for husband too), she starts to feel unattractive and doesn't want sex often at all and the husband starts to look at life wondering if this is it? Is this as good as it is ever going to get? He starts to wonder if he has what it takes anymore because wife's constantly turning him down for sex. It happens time and time again and after about 7-12 yrs is when a lot of marriages make it or break it. That being said when he started telling me how they just didn't have anything in common anymore and he wasnt attracted to her. I said he had just forgotten why he married her and they do have something in common something so in common that no one else has but you and her ....your kids.... It is hard to see what you have until you see it from someone else point of view sometimes i feel. We get off on the wrong train of thought and make excuses for our thoughts and actions. I know i am guilty because I knew from the beginning his situation. Not looking for sympathy or someone to tell me its ok to continue. I am not even trying to justify really just stating fact. If you think i don't see threw his lies you are wrong, I have only told you what i think and not what he has said to me. He has that she is the last person on earth that deserves this. I am sure you think he is just saying that to work game on me. I do not want him to leave her. I do not want his kids to be hurt. I guess i am just a selfish ***** because all i want is to spend time with someone that rocks my world in so many ways. It sucks that i let him get in my head. I will take the blame form here on out because all I have to say is no. I am weak and I am human. I will pray i wake up tomorrow as strong and perfect as some here think they are. lmao ... or maybe i will just continue to be human. lol ... For some reason some of you think i thought of myself as blameless and that was never the case just wish there was a way to have cake and eat it too. |
another thing i find odd is everyone assumes that if he cheats on wife he would cheat on me...LIKE I DON'T KNOW THAT...... I guess you could say he already is with his wife. So many of you also assume him "cheating" on me would bother me. I guess "cheating" needs to be defined. If he was spending enough time with me to keep me happy, and if he had needs I wasn't interested in helping him with and/or I was too busy with work, project ,etc to help with his needs. I would not have a problem with him finding something to keep him busy until things changed and I had more time for him. The key to that would be, was he keeping me happy, or was i getting only the left overs. If i am happy with him and he comes home to me every night or almost every night, how could I be upset that he wanted to be happy with someone else for a while but never stopped loving me and never wanted to leave me.?>?????? is that cheating????? I dont even need to know who or when he does it . If i trust and know he loves me. I know men and some women can love someone and sleep with someone else but not love them any less because of it.... I have a hard time looking at someone else much less sleeping with someone else but I still see how it can happen for some. I think if respectful and careful why should anyone have to deny themselves of an attraction that doesn't happen everyday or even every year. Then bring in the fact if everything is fine at home and needs being met how often would it happen? I am just being realistic it would not be the end of the world. I have been much more up set that he would not take out the trash until i asked him for 2-3 times.
Wasn't looking for it, did not want to, not sure how it slipped up on me. The sad truth is I have fallen for someone that belongs to someone else. I don't want to break up his family. I do still want to spend as much time with him as possible. I know this has no happy ending just wish i knew how to let go. I try and date others but he is the only one that captures my attention. I am so confused. I know you people here will not hold back on your opinions and looking forward to hearing what you have to say. Is it possible to have a happy ending when in love with a married man that you want him to stay with his wife but still want him as a lover, friend etc.... He really got into your head did'nt he? The only way you get over him is to totally break off any and all communication. Never go back, even if you think he'll soon be free. Save that passion for another man who is available. Maybe even have your next boyfriend role play like he's a married man with you. Now role playing married man, how would that work? I have to admit i do like that i just get the good parts when he is here. Knowing we would never be a couple but really enjoyed each others in many ways made it what it was. It is easier to open up to someone not directly involved with your everyday life. I know she wishes he would spend more time talking and paying attention to her but spending to much time with his head somewhere else. I think everyone knows that is always the case. yes he did get inside my head. He is very smart and good at it. He paid attention in psych class. He is believe it or not a good guy with a good heart but has a part of him that likes to live on the edge and see what he can get away with like a puzzle or a game or a sport. That's it!!!! HE IS A SPORT LIAR.... lmao oh that's funny I will have to include that in the dear john text. I really don't hate him for it and hope he doesn't wind up getting caught with the next one and oh I am sure he will stray again. If he gets caught he is hurting himself as much or more than the wife. Different kind of hurt but I know it will ruin his him. The guilt he will feel for hurting her and his family if they did get divorce will send him to a dark place. But just like the man that races cars and crashes to near death gets well and gets back in the car and races again it is living on the edge testing limits and his is a mental testing of limits of trying to get what he wants and keeping everyone happy and really it is amazing how much time he spends with me considering his life with her. She controls so much to know so little of what is really going on. Here is a small part of the kicker and to me the deep seeded reasons for his actions, his first wife left him cheated with his best friend and one day just left him no explanation said she would be back in a week never came back. |
of course i have fallen for a married guy before!, i was so attracted to him thus, no doubt this 'one-in-a-million character was already taken :O( I wouldn't say he is one in a million. God I would hope not but I will tell you one thing by meeting him getting to know him very well in short time I know more of what i am looking for and that has been my biggest challenge in finding someone that i want to spend the rest of my life with. omg saying that just makes me cringe for some reason, but anyway I feel knowing what i do want is better than knowing what i dont want. I have a long long list of dont s and only a few do's. its so hard to get the formula. lol |
I think you need to re-examine what you think of as "uptight," making a good moral decision is not uptight it is upstanding! That's a good quote!! I like but what is moral is debatable just like religions all have a different set of rules and ideas of what will get you to heaven or hell. I try not to judge anyone uptight is my term for saying to others they are too judgmental... but still like your quote. |
That concludes our broadcast day. Please join us tomorrow for another day of exciting viewing and thanks for tuning in .. please stand for the 'Star Spangled Banner' at signoff. SO king what would you have us talk about in this forum? why you visiting and reading you must really enjoy.... does it seem like a broadcast no one comes to this site it is very lame in my area of the world. maybe 200 members in the entire state. |
Thanks so much to most of you for your advice and your opinions on this. I have it straight in my head now and see a way for it to end. I was having a hard time finding the bigger reason to say no than yes before but i think i have it now . For too long now he has consumed all my thoughts and couldn't even and didn't even want to date another. I am interested in seeing how long it takes him to pick up with someone else. For all you idiots lashing out at me I hope the next one really doesn't want him to leave his wife because I think he is waiting for next best offer. I don't see him ever leaving unless something already lined up to fall into. I wouldn't be surprised if I was the first person he would run and tell me about new "other women".
I know everyone says they never leave but there are those that will never leave unless they know where they are going next. I have seen it happen with men in my family and i would assume they are the only ones that actually leave there wives and will end up doing the same to wife # 2 because they won't go it alone. |
of course i have fallen for a married guy before!, i was so attracted to him thus, no doubt this 'one-in-a-million character was already taken :O( I don't know that he is one in a million but he has the type of personality I that i love with the look that I dont hate. lol.. He is not my dream guy but he won me over with personality and persistence to say the least. But I'm phasing him out as we speak. |
My ex became "friends" with a woman when he was overseas. Yeah. Friends. We are getting a divorce and he has lost a wonderful woman. Me. And while she has repeatedly BEGGED him to choose her, he won't because that "relationship" destroyed all that was precious to him. He lost his family and that cannot be replaced. It can be added to, but never replaced. You can't really help who you fall for, but you can prevent putting yourself in a situation that will create opportunity to "fall." No one wins when cheating occurs. You won't wind up with him. He might seem great and wonderful and all that, but he won't choose you over his family. If he did, would you really want him? If he does choose you, he is SO not worth your time, especially if he has kids and walks away from them for you. We all make errors in judgement from time to time, especially where urges are involved. But the true test of our character is in how we handle the challenges we face. I am sorry for your grief but really I would never allow him to leave his wife and family. I don't want to be that person. I mean what I say on that. I just wish I could have some other unheard of type relationship with him i guess. I know better just talking out loud hear stating what i wish i could be his best friend and more but he still goes home to family every night. I could never look his kids in the eye if i caused there family to break up. Although I am from a divorced family and it never really bothered me at all I know that it can be life changing in such a bad way for some children. Oh that there is what i need to remember every time he calls apparently he isn't. It is more of a game of cat and mouse to him and the thrill of not getting caught i think. I will miss the way he keeps me laughing it is intoxicating not to mention the other but I think I have it in my head now what to do and how to stop. |
Wasn't looking for it, did not want to, not sure how it slipped up on me. The sad truth is I have fallen for someone that belongs to someone else. I don't want to break up his family. I do still want to spend as much time with him as possible. I know this has no happy ending just wish i knew how to let go. I try and date others but he is the only one that captures my attention. I am so confused. I know you people here will not hold back on your opinions and looking forward to hearing what you have to say. Is it possible to have a happy ending when in love with a married man that you want him to stay with his wife but still want him as a lover, friend etc.... Been there; done that. I learned my lesson and WOULD NEVER allow myself to date a married man again.... He's not going to leave his wife! Better yet! Present him with this: "I love you. I want to be with you.... Please leave your wife." Nip it in the butt! You're defining your life based on his needs and not what you want, which his him; and, that you'll never have. Ask for what YOU THINK YOU WANT; SEE WHAT YOU GET. People don't frown on married men having affairs; but, they do frown on single women having affairs with married men. Just the way it is. I dated a married man for over a year. There is NO happy ending for you. You're single; he's not. When you finally reach a point where you don't want to share him anymore, you will give him an ultimatum.... you already know the answer. It won't be you. You're asking for advice on this matter because you are trying to justify your actions as I once did. Don't try to justify it or make excuses for having an affair with a married man. He captures your attention because he belongs to someone else. Women like a challenge. You will be alone for the holidays; and, other special occasions; he will be with his family, which is where he belongs. When you give him an ultimatum, he WILL walk and you will wished you'd ended this a very long time again.... He will move on to the next woman willing to settle for less; and, you will be left broken heart wondering why you wasted all this time, energy and focus on a situation that was destined to fail in the beginning. But, maybe you need to just simply live the experience to learn as most of us do in every day life. Whatever you do, I wish you well. You will live to regret continuing to see him if that's what you decide to do. My opinions based on my experience. And, you're right. When you post something of this nature, the responses are not going to be good. I did that once upon a time.... It was vicious. I was trashed. Take my advice and others here.... stop it now.... Dating a married man is like talking about politics or religion. People have very strong opinions. You simply need to have enough self respect to SAY NO. It may be hard; but, you'll get through it. Please email me if you need to talk. You are so very kind and that is what i was also hoping to find was someone that has been through it and knows what i am dealing with. I am only a couple of months into this and see end soon but he seems to think we can remain friends. I dont see how we can be so cutting all ties is taking a little time is all. |
Wow.... lots of opinions all over the board here. The one thing I agree with for sure.. NO HAPPY ENDINGS! The reason he is even cheating on his wife is because there is something wrong with there relationship. NOT JUST HIS FAULT. It takes TWO!! Never the less, he's not happy and is looking for something to fill that! Does he want out of the marriage? Maybe? Will he leave his wife? always a chance, but VERY, VERY slim. And if he ever did, and you two were still carring on with your relationship, then the chances of you two working out is next to none!! Starting a relationship on those terms, those conditions... ya... not looking good! As hard as it is, you need to suck it up, and cut all contact! I will tell you right now.. HE WON'T. He's getting the best of both worlds. And don't try to come accross as "feeling bad for the wife" or one of you two women sharing this guys dick does not bother you. If you feel that stongly about him, then why would it be ok to have this guy sticking himself in the both of you? And if he tells you there relationship is soooo bad that they don't even have "sex" anymore.... Personally, I would call ********! Dbl I agree with all that you've said except "The reason he is even cheating on his wife is because there is something wrong with there relationship. NOT JUST HIS FAULT. It takes TWO!! Never the less, he's not happy and is looking for something to fill that!" IF he's not happy he should leave and THEN date/have sex, whatever you want to call it.. But as long as he's with his wife he in NO WAY should be cheating no matter she does UNLESS he has her blessing which obviously by LA's posts he does not... I don't think anyone's point here is that the wife is without blame.. Their point is "take care of your problems first, the right way.. Then do what you want".. In case there is confusion on the right way it is to "be single"... Triple i agree then I guess you would say . You are correct but i expect he is still sleeping with his wife and no it doesnt bother me at all. In fact I know he still loves her. I also think he is the problem with the marriage not her at all but just my opinion from things he has said I always end up taking her side. LOL He doesnt talk about home life much anymore. LMAO I am really not as dumb as i may appear. Just needed to hear others opinions. I dont have anyone else to bounce this off of so Thank you both for your 2 cents. really! thanks! |
Lots of good advice here. You can weigh everything in and see what works best for you. When it comes to the matters of the heart, sometimes logic and reason flies right out the window. If what you're doing bothers you in any way and makes you question your own actions then you know deep down there's something wrong somewhere. Hope in time you can figure it all out and do what's right for you. Good luck! ![]() Thank you very much. I knew i would get a lot of grief here it is partly why i picked this site. When I get weak and he is calling I can just hear all this advice ringing in my ear. thanks again and i will make the right choice I am not as bad as some would like to think. I dont mind at all what they think really. giggle |
" ... ook guys i know about karma and i know this has no happy ending for anyone. I know it is wrong because she i being lied to. Lies hurt the most when from someone you love. I know I cant be the first nor will i be the last for this guy. I truly wish i didn't find him so likable. Yes i know you all think he is a slim ball but you really shouldn't judge people that have different ways of dealing with things than you do as the scum of the earth. I know it hurts to be lied to, but the truth now would be worse than the lie. I am sure it will end soon enough and yes i would hope before any damage done to his family. The last thing i want is for him to leave his wife. I do not wish that on anyone. I have been selfish, yes, but life is short and I chose to do what made me happy. If that takes me to hell so be it. I'm sure i will see more than one of you there too. My goodness some uptight people in this forum. I knew this would get some very opinionated responses. Go ahead let it rip. ... " Bebbygrrl, you're not getting any sympathy 'cuz you DON'T DESERVE ANY. Is that clear enough? You CHOSE to screw a MARRIED guy KNOWING he was MARRIED. If you get 'hurt' now, no one cares. Period. The fact that you AND he are also going to involve INNOCENT PEOPLE - his family - really sucks. No one wants to hear any more of your selfish little rant about non-existent 'love' or that 'life is short' crap. Take it outside. No one cares - you did this to yourself and you refuse to listen to anyone who dares to disagree with you. Sympathy ... ? Ha. I'm waiting for you to discover HE's cheating on YOU ... and him to find out you're doing the same to him ... it'll be SO poetic ... Wow Kings_Knight... if this thread upsets you so much, maybe just don't read it? Don't think you need to be mean? Certainly give your opinion by all means! or say "you don't care"... but no need to speak for everyone else by saying "No one Cares". Also... it really sucks the kids are caught in the middle, however, do you know this guys wife? You talk about her like she's soooo innocent? how do you know that? How do you know SHE'S not out screwing everything that moves? Point is, if a marrige is at this point, it's NOT ONE SIDED! Is it wrong? absolutely. But no need to basically tell her to just go screw off? Is that how people have helped you in the past when YOU made mistakes? or... you have just never made any mistakes? thank you and no i dont know her. I would never gone this far with him if i had actually met her. It is would be sad for kids but it isnt going to get far enough to harm them. It just takes time sometimes to end things that should have never started. I dont think she is screwing every thing that moves I she is not attractive at all and that is being kind( i dont know her but i didnt say a didnt know what she looked like) I know he is probably the root of all there problems at home. He over spends and apparently lies a lot cuz he is way to f(*&(&() good at it to be a beginner. lmao When I really look at why it started i think i was a little turned on that he would risk it all. I know sick isnt it but honest . I cant explain what else is at risk (too private) but saying just his marriage doesnt even come close to what else was and is at stake. |
I am just saying now i am done continue if you like The most interesting part. ![]() ![]() |
look guys i know about karma and i know this has no happy ending for anyone. I know it is wrong because she i being lied to. Lies hurt the most when from someone you love. I know I cant be the first nor will i be the last for this guy. I truly wish i didn't find him so likable. Yes i know you all think he is a slim ball but you really shouldn't judge people that have different ways of dealing with things than you do as the scum of the earth. I know it hurts to be lied to, but the truth now would be worse than the lie. I am sure it will end soon enough and yes i would hope before any damage done to his family. The last thing i want is for him to leave his wife. I do not wish that on anyone. I have been selfish, yes, but life is short and I chose to do what made me happy. If that takes me to hell so be it. I'm sure i will see more than one of you there too. My goodness some uptight people in this forum. I knew this would get some very opinionated responses. Go ahead let it rip. See. Here is what I don't get. You KNOW it is wrong. You have admitted this. Ok, so if you know it is wrong, then why the hell do it? Seriously.....why???? You like this dude that much to not only put yourself in this position, but to also put him and his wife through it? Can you not see how vain you are coming off as? I can find a woman, who is married, attractive. But I also know how to not make myself feel anything more than a friendship with that person. About people being "uptight". Well, if we were all as loose as you, then hey....I guess the world would be full of free love. WOW A WORLD FULL OF FREE LOVE.????? Is that what you are afraid of????? Damn I could think of far worse things that could happen. Why do it?? Have you ever been so in lust or crazy for someone you would do almost anything to be with them??? I think it is safe say you haven't. No matter how terrible you think i a. That feeling is like nothing else . Vain me not at all remember earlier i had no self respect you all said. I almost feel sorry for you if you havent felt that way for someone. Maybe because you ARE TOO UPTIGHT . just a thought. lmao |
Here is a book some of you may find interesting. I know the comments i am about to get will be that's no doubt. lmfao ![]() ![]() ![]() The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities For anyone who has ever dreamed of love, sex, and companionship beyond the limits of traditional monogamy, this groundbreaking guide navigates the infinite possibilities that open relationships can offer. Experienced ethical sluts Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy dispel myths and cover all the skills necessary to maintain a successful and responsible polyamorous lifestyle--from self-reflection and honest communication to practicing safe sex and raising a family. Individuals and their partners will learn how to discuss and honor boundaries, resolve conflicts, and to define relationships on their own terms. I doubt very much they tell ya to go rip apart families!!!! I think they mean having ethics while being slutty- which is fine with me!!! While your playing with other SINGLE people in your relationship you are involving an unsuspecting woman and innocent children why cause ya wanna get laid. And stop the love shizz if ya loved him baby you'd let him go!! You piss me off!!! ![]() Bigtime! ![]() You are missing the whole point of the book and what it attempts to teach. The entire idea of being honest and open would illuminate the unsuspecting woman thing. If you trust and know where the heart is and where it will return maybe if 1 or 4 times in a life time you should be allowed to have a relationship with the opposite sex and yes god forbid even have sex with them. |
Here is a book some of you may find interesting. I know the comments i am about to get will be that's no doubt. lmfao ![]() ![]() ![]() The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities For anyone who has ever dreamed of love, sex, and companionship beyond the limits of traditional monogamy, this groundbreaking guide navigates the infinite possibilities that open relationships can offer. Experienced ethical sluts Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy dispel myths and cover all the skills necessary to maintain a successful and responsible polyamorous lifestyle--from self-reflection and honest communication to practicing safe sex and raising a family. Individuals and their partners will learn how to discuss and honor boundaries, resolve conflicts, and to define relationships on their own terms. ok here is the problem with this...she didn't get to decide if it was something she could handle, the two of you got to choose your own paths, but not her, you made decisions that directly affect her and the family that she thought she had. for you to now try and justify anything (after the fact) by suggesting your views on fidelity or monogamy are different than most peoples' is really little more than smoke and mirrors. if you feel like this type of arrangement is something you would be interested in, nobody can tell you that you are wrong, as long as EVERYONE involved is fully informed at the outset. the post you introduced clearly has left one person out of this loop. Yes i agree and thought i had expressed that once before . Maybe not but yes i agree that is what makes it wrong is that she has no clue. At this point I dont see the need for her to know if it ends soon. Really I hope she never has to find out because what good would it do? I just hope i am able to walk away and not let him tempt me. I know for it to end we have to cut all contact of any kind. The more days that pass the better it will feel. We have tried but one of us is always caving in. . I never said i was perfect but i do know there are worse than me out there. i |