Community > Posts By > leaf1726

leaf1726's photo
Sun 02/25/07 01:36 PM
Good one Mom. laugh laugh

And Glenn trust me nobody will ever be able to figure us out.

leaf1726's photo
Sun 02/25/07 01:36 PM
Good one Mom. laugh laugh

And Glenn trust me nobody will ever be able to figure us out.

leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/20/07 08:36 AM
You hit City boy right on the nose. That is excactly how he is. He knows
his feelings but is araid to express them cause he is afraid to hurt me
or not word them properly. My daughter has never met any of them.
Niether have I. And my daughter will not meet any of them untill I do so
first, and I know more. I refuse to drag my daughter into that.

leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/20/07 08:25 AM
Sorry for the multiple replies my computer was acting funny.

leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/20/07 08:24 AM
I am not looking for a guy to take care of me. I have been doing that
just fine on my own for 6 years. I hid my feelings from the guy that
just got out of the marriage. He is the one that came to me and told me
how HE felt.The married guy and I have talked about the timing of things
and he say that if he could wish it had happened 6 months from now he
wouldn't want it to. He does not care about the timing he wants it now.

I have plans on meeting both just not too sure when.

leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/20/07 08:24 AM
I am not looking for a guy to take care of me. I have been doing that
just fine on my own for 6 years. I hid my feelings from the guy that
just got out of the marriage. He is the one that came to me and told me
how HE felt.The married guy and I have talked about the timing of things
and he say that if he could wish it had happened 6 months from now he
wouldn't want it to. He does not care about the timing he wants it now.

I have plans on meeting both just not too sure when.

leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/20/07 08:24 AM
I am not looking for a guy to take care of me. I have been doing that
just fine on my own for 6 years. I hid my feelings from the guy that
just got out of the marriage. He is the one that came to me and told me
how HE felt.The married guy and I have talked about the timing of things
and he say that if he could wish it had happened 6 months from now he
wouldn't want it to. He does not care about the timing he wants it now.

I have plans on meeting both just not too sure when.

leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/20/07 07:09 AM
Trust me I have made sure to both of them that I like another person as
well. As I said I wanted to be honest and not hurt anybody.

leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/20/07 07:04 AM
Thank you Twotallone

And Jean it was not somehing I planed It is something that just happend.
We all just started off as just friend. And there is nothing wrong with
having frends is there? Well now it has developed in to more then just
that. That is why I am confused.

leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/20/07 06:54 AM
That is just the thing. They both have feelings for me. And I don't want
to hurt any one of them.

leaf1726's photo
Mon 02/19/07 11:02 PM
Thank you Buttons

leaf1726's photo
Mon 02/19/07 10:58 PM
I should have mentioned I have been talking to both of them for over
year now.

leaf1726's photo
Mon 02/19/07 10:51 PM
I have been talking to these two great guys and really like them both a
LOT. But they are complete opposites. One is willing to give me space
when I am sad and the other wants to be righ there. One is a country boy
and the other is a city boy.

The Country boy is the one that is willing to give me space. He wants a
family but he is just getting out of a marrage. He writes me poems when
he is at work wants to know what I am thinking and he show that he cares
about my daughter. He wants to get to know more about me and my life and
just seems to want to excperiance things with me.

The city boy has been there since day one. Calls me if I am upset. We
joke around. He wants to make my life better. But is not sure how. He is
always worried about me and thinks about me when we do not talk. Takes
pictures of diffrent places around New York just because he thinks I
might like it. We share a lot of the same intrestes. But is not very
excpresive with his feelings.

I just do not know what to do. Any advice would be great. I have tried
following my heart but my heart just seems to get more and more
confused. I am Despratly trying to seek an ansewr. So any help would be
great. Thanks.

leaf1726's photo
Sat 02/17/07 10:59 PM
1. What time is it?

2. What's your name?

3. What are you most afraid of?
Dying alone

4. What is the most recent movie that you have seen in a
Happy feet

5. Place of birth.

6. Favorite food?

7. What's your natural hair color?.
Medium brown

8. Who is the last person you spoke to on the phone?
My friend Melissa and no it was not to

9. Ever been toilet papering?

10.Love someone so much it made you cry?

11. Been in a car accident?

12. Crutons or bacon bits?

13. Favorite day of the week ?

14. Favorite Restaurant?

15. Favorite flower?
Blue daisy

16. Favorite sport to watch?

17. Favorite Drink ?

18. Favorite ice cream ?
Mint Chip

19. Disney or Warner bros?

20. Favorite fast food restaurant?
Taco Bell

21. What color is your bedroom carpet?

22. How many times you failed your driver's test?
Never, do not drive.

23. Before this one, what thread did you last respond to?
I don't know

24. What do you do most often when you are bored?
Talk on the Computer

25. Bedtime?
What's that?

26. Who is the person that you are most curious to see
their responses?

27. Favorite TV show?
ER and Gilmore Girls

28. What are you listening to right now ?
Try Honesty Billy Talent

29. What's your favorite color?

30. How many tattoos do you have?

31. What would you like to accomplish/do before you die?
To be truly happy

leaf1726's photo
Wed 02/14/07 05:46 PM
(((((((((( HUGS )))))))))))

leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/06/07 06:40 PM
Over the last year, we've been friends. He's helped me with many
problems. He can read me like a book. We understand each other when no
one else does. But he claims he is stupid when it comes to woman. He
just said he's known for a long time but was always afraid to word it
wrong. I don't know.
Maybe I'm after a false dream or hope. And I don't know if I should walk
away from him.

leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/06/07 06:01 PM
I met this guy a year ago online, we have this connection that is
I told him back in the summer how i felt about him, which i think caught
him off guard because he's not good with emotions or even seeing that
female likes him.
In October I approached him again with how I felt and he said he needed
time to figure out the words to express himself. This past weekend he
finally was able to tell me that he cared about me, more then a friend.
But now he doesn't know on what level or what we should do about this.
he's one of the best things that has ever stepped into my life.
He's in Georgia until May. He lives in NYC and I live In Ontario.

I am lost onto what to do in this situation. Anybody have any advice??

leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/06/07 05:02 PM
Ok I got the two of them mixed Thanks Mike for clearing that up
for me.

leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/06/07 04:52 PM
Thank you for all your warm welcomes :) Can't wait to get to know some
of you or all of

leaf1726's photo
Tue 02/06/07 04:25 PM
New to this site and wanted just to say hi. I have been reading the
forums and yo guys seem great.