Community > Posts By > laurenisbitter

laurenisbitter's photo
Thu 02/07/08 10:20 AM
damnit.... hah that doesn't do much to help me out

laurenisbitter's photo
Tue 02/05/08 04:41 PM
hahah wow... so what were you thinking..

laurenisbitter's photo
Mon 02/04/08 07:04 PM
hah yeaaa uh don't hold your breath...

laurenisbitter's photo
Mon 02/04/08 03:42 PM
you guys are being ENTIRELY too nice...

laurenisbitter's photo
Sun 02/03/08 10:12 PM
i've always been alone for valentine's day... but for whatever reason i kind of secretly love it... i would never want roses or anything cliche like that but i love doing fun things like sending cards to my best friends a la when we were in elementary school and i spent forever decorating a shoebox "mailbox" for v-day cards.

but as much as i love the simple gestures.. it is always somewhat depressing..

laurenisbitter's photo
Sun 02/03/08 09:46 PM
haha thanks... all my pics are straight from facebook... after a little cropping out friends action

i DID have a lot of people messaging me... until i switched my picture to this crazy one... it's psu ski team tradition to dress in a crazy costume for your final race... so that's why i was wondering..

laurenisbitter's photo
Sun 02/03/08 09:31 PM

laurenisbitter's photo
Sun 02/03/08 09:24 PM
ohh actually that ones on tuscarora at tussey mountain (penn state)

laurenisbitter's photo
Sun 02/03/08 09:18 PM
hah thanks lovelies!!

no goosebumps??

laurenisbitter's photo
Sun 02/03/08 09:14 PM
rate away please..

laurenisbitter's photo
Tue 11/20/07 08:05 PM
ohh sorry i thought that was just called sexual healing.. so nevermind

laurenisbitter's photo
Tue 11/20/07 05:50 PM
hah im not familiar..

laurenisbitter's photo
Sat 11/17/07 09:25 AM
umm obviously i was busy having fun with my friends and NOT really worried about looking "very HAWT"

actually thats my patented disgusted pose that i default to whenever i see a camera hahah

and it's not like i'm talking about provocative stripper-style dancing but more along the lines of 80's girls just wanna have fun-style.

kiss - prince
love is a battlefield - pat benetar
thriller - michael jackson

laurenisbitter's photo
Thu 11/15/07 05:07 PM
it's only growing in THICKNESS jesus!!!!

ohh you're right.. scientists are SOMETIMES wrong so we should just throw out any and all research we have in every field and never attempt to learn anything

some of the greatest scientists were written off as fools for generations before their theories were eventually proven to be genius

ohh and as for the education vs. intelligence arguement.. you NEED an education to actually understand the mechanics of how all of this works. its not something you can just theorize from a high iq!!

laurenisbitter's photo
Thu 11/15/07 04:53 PM
actually it sounds like you just dont party enough..

laurenisbitter's photo
Thu 11/15/07 08:09 AM
ohh that reminds me!!

tainted love, dancing with myself - billy idol
ANY ace of base

laurenisbitter's photo
Thu 11/15/07 07:58 AM
seriously?? wow you guys are lameee

the best dancing nights are always with awful cover bands throwing out a slew of crazy 90s hits. throw in some car bombs and tequila shots and its an amazing night out with the girls..

i believe in a thing called love could get me dancing in a freaking parking lot

laurenisbitter's photo
Wed 11/14/07 08:46 PM
meanwhile high fructose corn syrup is in freaking everything since there used to be such a needless surplus of corn they didnt know what to do with it besides make the nation addicted to sugar.

im an environmental engineer.. and honestly there arent too many promising fuel alternatives in development that dont require oil for their production.

so really CONSERVATION is your best bet as of yet.. dont assume our energy debt can be bailed out with ethanol

laurenisbitter's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:44 PM
Edited by laurenisbitter on Wed 11/14/07 07:57 PM
sometimes you're just drunk enough to dance, sometimes it's a crazy enough girls night out that you could bust a move to an acoustic guitar... but other nights you hear that one song that never fails to drag you onto the floor. and once in awhile there might even be several that keep you there all night.

a FEW of mine:

i believe in a thing called love - the darkness
ignition - r kelly
call on me - eric prydz
numa numa - ozone
scatman - scatman john
crazy ***** - buckcherry

laurenisbitter's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:24 PM
i just happen to be a member of that scientific community. i don't need to see any of your facts or studies.. i've been studying it myself for the past 5 years from people who aren't "making big bucks".

the trend you're referring to is the cooling of antarctica over the last 30 years resulting from ozone depletion. but this trend is already starting to reverse.. the surface waters are warming and becoming less saline (from iceburgs retreating), and regional precipitation is increasing. the precipitation increase is what is leading to the thickening of the Antarctic ice sheet!! ice shelves are retreating and collapsing (almost 3 degrees in the last half century)

im not sure what makes you think that your "facts" are reputable and not a proponent of junk science...

im an environmental engineer.. i didnt just read a few select articles and ignorantly copy their opinions

i'm old enough to realize what a goddamn mess this world is..

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