Community > Posts By > jeanc200358

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/19/07 02:34 PM
Not about meeting them, in general, but I have a physiological
propensity toward anxiety as it is, so I have to make sure I'm very
comfortable about meeting them to begin with.

I'll always arrange a very brief meeting first, then, if we do hit it
off, we can extend the date or make plans for later. I will never
arrange a date in which the ONLY focus, the only thing to do, is sit and
talk and/or watch each other eat).

I have to be DOING something...zoo, museum, etc., in order to feel
comfortable. And I won't go out with a guy without having spoken to him
for a reasonable amount of time, anyway, so, for me, anyway, I don't
look at a first date as a "the story of my life-swapping" date.

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/19/07 02:28 PM
Well, there's your answer, then! Go swimming at the North Pole!:tongue:

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/19/07 02:17 PM
Tell ya what ya do. If you're feeling self-conscious, post a pic of
yourself in a bikini. Some people will love it and others, well, it'll
PISS the hell outta them!! But it does wonders for your ego, either way!


:tongue: laugh :wink: bigsmile drinker

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/19/07 02:07 PM
I get very uncomfortable when people stare at me. I always wonder if
I've got toilet paper stuck to my shoe or something.

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/19/07 01:21 PM
I knew I shouldn't have watched this. Damn.

:cry: Now see what you made me do?!?

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/19/07 11:44 AM
I can't think of one specific thing, but there are a lot of
international cuisine dishes I'd like to try.

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/19/07 11:41 AM
I can understand perfectly why some people would not want to post their
pic on a dating site for all the world to see. But, if a man wants to
carry on a conversation with me, then I want to see what he looks like.
I don't like talking to faceless people.

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/19/07 10:01 AM
Geez...compared to that, for the first time in ages I can honestly say
I'm flat-chested. Hell, no-chested, even.


jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/19/07 08:48 AM
Well, guess there's no point in cutting the grass now...

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/19/07 08:38 AM
God's will for what, Karizman? Your life? My life? The world in general?
Man, that covers a lot of territory. But no matter...for no human being
can truly KNOW what God's will is; they can only assume and apply it to
their own life.

So what do YOU think God's will is for your life? Most people, unless
they are sociopathic, have a sense of conscience, of what is right and
what is wrong. It is this inner voice that speaks to you that urges you
to make the right decision. Therefore, making the right decision is, I
believe, the closest thing to "God's will," by definition, that I can

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/19/07 07:13 AM
Some of my boobs into my butt! LOL.

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/19/07 06:42 AM
If I'm going out, I'll use a little foundation to even out skin tone, a
little bit of mascara, blush and lipstick/gloss.

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/19/07 06:37 AM
I think it has to be a combination of physical and "emotional"
attraction. But that doesn't mean, necessarily, that the person has to
be physically attractive. I've met LOTS of men whom I thought were very,
VERY handsome whom I've had absolutely NO sexual desire for.

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/19/07 06:08 AM
"pretty much all the same height lying down!!!"

LOL! When I was a kid, right at the age of knowing a "little bit" about
sex, I presumed that two people had to be the same height in order to
have sex, so they'd "match up." :tongue:

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/19/07 06:05 AM
Well, hey girl, don't you KNOW why they ASSume all those things?It's
because you have a pic showing your cleavage!!! :wink:

(Statement dripping with sarcasm, of course).

Girl, believe me; I know where you're coming from, and I empathize with
you entirely. Some people just are grossly ignorant, unfortunately, and
have the manners of a pig. What's become evident to me over the years is
that we're living in a society filled with people who have a Jerry
Springer-like mentality.

Which makes the ones who don't have all that much more intriguing and in

drinker flowerforyou

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 05/19/07 05:53 AM
We tall ones can come in handy, too...

short ones might be able to tell you that you stink, but tall ones can
let you know you're also losing your hair!:wink:

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 05/18/07 06:55 PM
The beach, the lake, the zoo, a walk in a turn-of-the-century cemetery,
musing about the history of the people buried there, an art museum,
dinner theater, minature golf, picnic, movies, just about anything BUT
eating dinner out at a restaurant. Not for a first date, anyway! Would
drive me nuts.

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 05/18/07 06:35 PM
Last thing I do before I go to bed? Which time? There are several of
them. Sighhh.

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 05/18/07 06:28 PM
When, at the movies, a guy sucks the overabundance of butter he had
gotten on his popcorn off his fingers and licks the streams of it
flowing down his arms, while bathed in the light of the projector and
making loud slurping noises while doing so.

Fortunately, that doesn't happen very often.

but what has happened more than once, and is an EXTREME turnoff for me,
is when a guy stares, ogles, turns his head, and/or makes comments about
other women while on a date with me. I'm not your buddy out on a
"chick-checking out" mission; I'm your DATE!! I expect to be the center
of your attention and if you can't give me that for one freaking
evening, or any time we're out together, then you are definitely not
"date material," IMO.

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 05/18/07 02:04 PM
I like Trivial Pursuit and Adverteasing and brain-teaser type games. I
still think Candyland is pretty cool too!

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