I was non-religious for most of my adult life. But started thinking that Jesus (as portrayed) was a pretty good example ... i.e. per the good samaritan, the tax guy in the tree, the woman who they were about to stone to death examples ... that sort of thing. I think because of all the stupid dogma, the fundamentalists and the rituals, that for many of us, the baby gets to be thrown out with the bath water. I heard once that god is love and I know that love exists. But whether there is love in the energy that the entire universe is made of, I don't know. But that's what spiritual people believe. Perhaps perceiving it to be so, helps us to attune ourselves with that concept. A lot of people spend a lot of time meditating on that to cleanse their thinking. There are many people that follow a spiritual path and it brings them happiness. Andd there are many that don't, that are bitter sceptics and nothing has really worked for them in their private lives. So I don't think the debate is going to end any time soon.