Community > Posts By > thickumz22
Call it what you want You make me horny when I see you What is it about you that attracts my inner being Is it your poetic verses Or your swagger and style Maybe I see something that I want and just got to have From the head to your toes I am excited about your presence alone And don't get me started on your personality I would be writing for days My virtual tour consists of your sexy body I start from your temple and I glide my tongue down your chest to your belly button My hands lead me to your zipper and it begins to unbutton and pants fall to the floor But the tour doesn't stop here We take a one way ticket downtown with no return flight So it's no telling how much air you will need downtown But the captain will say when enough is enough Every tour comes with an oxygen mask So don't worry As the climax begins I see your face and it's refreshing As a matter of fact it's a turn on You begin to return the favor As I get placed in the passenger seat for my turn on this one way retreat. |
You are My heart, my joy, my love You are The air that I breathe You are The steps that I take And the love that we make Is the bomb You are My man, my earth, my all When I call You are there for me and Will always be Because you are magnificent In every way and every day I thank God for you Who is exquisite and sweet To taste I won't waste My time trying to blow your mind Because my mind is gone when you speak I hear a song singing to my heart And the part that I get Is of you loving me endlessly You are it Magnificent In every way and every day I thank God for you Because it is you who are My light shining so bright The love of my life An unconditional love Sent from above It is real. It is true I am completed. I am full Of you. My hot cup of cocoa On a cold winters day Too good to waste and Soothing to taste Love does not have to Fall from your lips Because I see it in your eyes I am mesmerized and hypnotized By the sheer force of your presence In a love trance. When you walk into the room I become detached from my Physical surroundings and engulfed by The essence of you It is amazing, overwhelming, and exciting I love to love you I love to want you Accept the love that I give you Because baby it's not going any where Anytime soon. |
watssup ppl
If you just want to talk you can leave your aim,yahoo or msn sn in my mail. Just check my profile for mine......TTY laterzzz
"Love Me"
"Love Me"
Love me for the person inside, Love me for the person I try to hide. Love me for my colored skin, Love me and the child within. Love me as I scream and shout, As I observe you inside and out, Love me and love me more, Like the clouds, I want to sore. Love me everyday in anyway, Don't dump me and leave me astray. Love me for me and not for my body, Love me for me and what I can become. |
Friends (yea,right)
"Friends" (yeah right)
U may call ME "just a friend" but I can see deep within That U long for ME Desire for ME And would stop a nigga dead in his tracks if he even stepped to ME You're just afraid of ME Afraid to turn in that tired played out playa'z card Thinking that there may be someone out there that's better than ME Instead of accepting ME Loving ME Caring for ME, as U did in the beginning Because brotha I kknnnoooowww U don't think U are God's gift to this world or better yet to every single girl Cuz playa Gold don't drip off yo tip As it doesn't flow out of ME I hear your subconscious saying "Please rescue ME, take away these barriers, set ME free, I'm so afraid my boys will laugh at ME Joke on ME Say that I am whipped , when I really want to be They be harassing ME Clowning ME When all I wanna do is release this "inner-*****" that is inside of ME" And that hypnotiq sex daze that you think I had Was only me concentrating and trying not to laugh And the "magic stick" you claim, is only a broken witch's broom That even The Great Whodini himself couldn't raise from its tomb You see I accepted U with all your flaws, as I thought you would ME At least I know I am dealing with a puppy and not a true dog Cuz a true dog carries flees Something ME, myself and I are allergic to But as time goes on U will meet a few And slowly but surely start thinking about ME Wanting to be with ME Wondering where I be, and who is spending QT time with ME Because I was there for U, when U weren't there for ME Isn't that funny how life can turn things around When I was wanting U, U didn't want ME And now when U close your eyes it is ME that U see But now it is a lil too late..."Friend" |
Love ?
Love Is a Grand Illusion of loving words meant to strike the heart they do Love Is a smile or look that only you see until it fades away it always will Love Is pushed upon you wanting it or not but it never comes right does it? Love Is that twinkle in your eye the sunshine in your smile the joy in your heart until reality settles in and all that is left is a broken heart that never mends does it? When the joy becomes pain and your smile is gone and that twinkle is replaced by a tear What becomes of the broken hearted? |
Just beautiful....I wanted your write to keep going... ![]() SEX Red luscious lips, meaningful quips. A lustful stare, a heavenly pair. Stockinged thighs, "take me" eyes. Hand on the knee, breathe rapidly. Legs begin to part, a quickening heart. A petalled rose, falling clothes. Starts to loose, the emotional juice. Going mad, want it bad. Grinding loins, pumping groins. Very hot, hits the spot. Scream aloud, muscles proud. A soulful moan, the seed is sown. Passions met, cooling sweat. Slowing 'beat, tangled feet. Warm and cosy, feeling dozy. Out of steam, a sweet dream. |
Post your favorite Poem
The "N" Word
In this modern day world We seem to consume The "N" word of hate The slave word for doom This word has been drenched In red from our blood It enslaved us like swine Chain dragged through the mud How fast we forget Those lynch mobs and scars The burnings and beatings Those hot branding bars Our freedom was taken Our humanity stole We were just that "N" word No body no soul Our women were raped Some men were castrated Black children were sold Our race was degraded With the crack of a whip This word was yelled out With each break in our necks The rope showed know doubt We were hunted like prey Then put on the block We were branded as slaves With a chain brace and lock This "N" word was use To take guilt out of blame Because it made us inhuman To be killed with no shame Yet after all of those years Of that suffering pain The use of this word Has weaken our brain We throw it around Like a word with no past But history lives on From the shadow it cast It's now part of our language In every sentence we say It shows off our ignorance In a sorry sad way There's no other culture And no other race That would embrace such a slur Or welcome disgrace Yet we as Black people Have done so for years Our dignity lost Without feelings or tears It's part of the reason We will never excel Or out-live our slums And Ghetto-ish hell Written by Thickumz22~me~lol |
Going mad,
want it bad. Grinding loins, pumping groins. Very hot, hits the spot. Scream aloud, muscles proud. A soulful moan, the seed is sown. Passions met, cooling sweat. Slowing 'beat, tangled feet. Warm and cosy, feeling dozy. Out of steam, a sweet dream. |
Red luscious lips, meaningful quips. A lustful stare, a heavenly pair. Stockinged thighs, "take me" eyes. Hand on the knee, breathe rapidly. Legs begin to part, a quickening heart. A petalled rose, falling clothes. Starts to loose, the emotional juice. |
One night on a joyous occasion while in the mist of a celebration. I gazed upon Mahogany. Her dark chocolate brown skin and pearl white teeth, radiated her beauty under the light of the moon and stars. Her round chin and high cheeks characterized her uniqueness. While talking to her, I learned of her hurt and pain. I knew at that point we shared the same. Two people brought together by an unknown twist of fate. Not knowing their futures and not willing to wait. A woman so brown, beautiful, slender and sweet. The essence of her radiance I wanted to keep. We talked and listened, and wondered if this could last. I pulled her close to me and felt her as she gasped. I looked her in the eyes and asked, are you a dream come true? She gently pulled my face towards hers and said, I am if you want me to. The light of the moon danced off her Mahogany skin. I kissed her long and slowly, she pulled away and grinned. Do not tease me for my search has been long. I have scoured the earth singing the same old song. A song of loneliness and hope that I would someday meet. A woman so fine and beautiful to keep. Her aura was bold and splendor, a joyous sight to behold. I have only heard tales of this and stories that were told. Could you be a dream that has come into my life? Is this my reward for living a life that wasn't quite right? Right in the way of love and relationships that never would unfold. Relationship that left me empty and feeling rather cold. It began to rain and I started to wake up. I looked around to see her and knocked over a coffee cup. At that point I realized it was just a vision of you. I tried to relive the moment, but felt this wouldn't do. So once again here I sit, feeling all alone. Wondering, daydreaming and wishing you would come home. Come home to me in my dreams and satisfy my needs. Come to me and keep me warm and safe in your embrace. Let me feel the love and smile showing on your face. I'm calling for you and thinking about you, I know you feel it to. Until that day comes I will hold you in my heart. Then the loneliness will stop dogging me, I will have my Mahogany! (This my last one until next week....PLZ Tell me what you think) |
You Da Man Test ! One for you boys!! Check to see if you're a man...
1. In the company of females, intercourse should be referred to as: A. Lovemaking B. Screwing C. Taking the pigskin bus to tuna town. 2. You should make love to a woman for the first time only after you've both shared: A. Your views about what you expect from a sexual relationship B. Your blood-test results C. Five tequila slammers 3. You time your orgasm so that: A. Your partner climaxes first. B. You both climax simultaneously. C. You don't miss Match Of The Day. 4. Passionate, spontaneous sex on the kitchen floor is: A. Healthy, creative love-play B. Not the sort of thing your wife/girlfriend would agree to C. Not the sort of thing your wife/girlfriend need to ever find out about. 5. Spending the whole night cuddling a woman you've just had sex with is: A. The best part of the experience B. The second best part of the experience C. $100 extra 6. Your girlfriend says she's gained five pounds in the last month. You tell her that it is: A. No concern to you B. Not a problem, she can join your gym C. A conservative estimate. 7. You think today's sensitive, caring man is: A. A myth B. An oxymoron C. A Moron 8. Foreplay is to sex as: A. Appetizer is to entree B. Primer is to paint C. A long line is to an amusement park ride 9. Which of the following are you most likely to find yourself saying at the end of a relationship? A. 'I hope we can still be friends' B. 'I'm not in right now, please leave a message at the beep.' C. 'Welcome to Dumpsville, population: YOU.' 10. A woman who is uncomfortable watching you masturbate: A. Probably needs a little more time before she can cope with that sort of Intimacy. B. Is uptight and a waste of time C. Shouldn't have sat next to you on the bus in the first place. EVALUATING RESULTS............................................................................................................................... If you answered 'A' more than 7 times, check your pants to make sure you really ARE a man!! If you answered 'B' more than 7 times, check into therapy, you're a little confused. If you answered 'C' more than 7 times, YOU DA MAN!' |
You Da Man Test ! One for you boys!! Check to see if you're a man...
1. In the company of females, intercourse should be referred to as: A. Lovemaking B. Screwing C. Taking the pigskin bus to tuna town. 2. You should make love to a woman for the first time only after you've both shared: A. Your views about what you expect from a sexual relationship B. Your blood-test results C. Five tequila slammers 3. You time your orgasm so that: A. Your partner climaxes first. B. You both climax simultaneously. C. You don't miss Match Of The Day. 4. Passionate, spontaneous sex on the kitchen floor is: A. Healthy, creative love-play B. Not the sort of thing your wife/girlfriend would agree to C. Not the sort of thing your wife/girlfriend need to ever find out about. 5. Spending the whole night cuddling a woman you've just had sex with is: A. The best part of the experience B. The second best part of the experience C. $100 extra 6. Your girlfriend says she's gained five pounds in the last month. You tell her that it is: A. No concern to you B. Not a problem, she can join your gym C. A conservative estimate. 7. You think today's sensitive, caring man is: A. A myth B. An oxymoron C. A Moron 8. Foreplay is to sex as: A. Appetizer is to entree B. Primer is to paint C. A long line is to an amusement park ride 9. Which of the following are you most likely to find yourself saying at the end of a relationship? A. 'I hope we can still be friends' B. 'I'm not in right now, please leave a message at the beep.' C. 'Welcome to Dumpsville, population: YOU.' 10. A woman who is uncomfortable watching you masturbate: A. Probably needs a little more time before she can cope with that sort of Intimacy. B. Is uptight and a waste of time C. Shouldn't have sat next to you on the bus in the first place. EVALUATING RESULTS............................................................................................................................... If you answered 'A' more than 7 times, check your pants to make sure you really ARE a man!! If you answered 'B' more than 7 times, check into therapy, you're a little confused. If you answered 'C' more than 7 times, YOU DA MAN!' |
you are very, very good.... Thank you so much |
SEX DONE RIGHT Oooh ooooh ooooohh I’m going to go No noo nooo Oooh ooooh ooooohh I’m going to pop Give me every drop OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH (ecstatic moans followed by panting- Then gratuitous exchange and light headed ranting) Baby you’re the best I swear! It’s all you. I just laid there Every time we get together. Our love gets a little bit better. I don’t know how we’ll ever top this! My suggestion is practice, practice, practice! There’s a towel at the corner of the bed I’d get it but there’s cramps in both of my legs. I hope I didn’t hurt you when I was pulling your hair It’s alright baby. I didn’t care! We sure made a mess the sheets are knotted. The pillows are on the floor and the mattress is spotted. There is KY jelly all over the remote! I hope they don’t charge us for the lamp we broke! I can’t get up but I have to go pee! Well when you eventually do will you go for me!.......PLZ TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK |
Thanks everybody...:-)
Long, Thick, And Black
She laid across the bed Butt naked from the start Her knees were slightly bent And her thighs were spread apart She recently had shaved And her ***** lips were bare They were moist from her caress And free of any hair Feeling sexy and on fire Satin sheets beneath her back She reached for something hard That was long, thick, and black She gripped it with both hands And slid in deep inside Then moan to its long stroke As she took it for a ride Her body felt the surge From the lust of her black pet The thrill was so intense It made her soak and wet She broke into a frenzy For ecstasy was near Her body heat was rising And the sound of sex was clear She came so many times And swore each was the best Then she turn the dildo off And proceeded to get dress |
Where are all the guys from Queens?.........
Part. 4
I Believe In Reincarnation...I Think We're Reincarnated After "Death" Without Knowledge Of Our Previous Lives...They Talk About A Heaven A Utopian Paradise After You Meet Your Demise...Who Really Knows For Sure What Happens After Death Though??? They Say When You're Born Its God's-Gift So Were You Sent From God? If So That Must Mean You Were Residing In "Heaven" Before Birth...Does Anybody Remember What That Utopian Paradise Looked Like???...I Dont
I Understand The Act Of Birth Is A Miracle In Itself..."God's Miracle" I Guess...So They Could Mean God's Gift As In The Ability To Create New Life But Im Not Speaking In That Sense 5 Percenters Cool Peoples...Keep Researching Ya'll Also Rastas Ya'll Some Cool Peoples Too 7 Deadly Sins Of Man...Lust Being One Of Them Females...You're Womb Is The Soil In Which Man Plants His Seeds...Remain Fertile "Your ****** Worth More Than Gold" ~Nas Niggas Fall Victim Daily...Its Difficult Staying Pure Of Mind Is The Key I Love Kung Fu Flicks...Peace To The Wu Got A Whole Collection Still Tryna Get Five Deadly Venoms,Come Drink With Me,Last Hurrah For Chivalry,Magnificent Ruffians,7 Grandmasters,3 Evil Masters Among Others You Already Know...R.I.P Curtis Battle You Were Like An Uncle...Fukk That You Were My Uncle...We'll Talk Soon Until Then...Hold My Spot R.I.P Uncle Garnett Ya Kno How That Go...You Inspire Me Now Even If U Departed Before My Arrival...Missed Ya Plane By 4 Years...Mom Sometimes Calls Me Your Nickname...Eerie Sometimes I Remind Her Of You Once Again You Kno The Deal...We'll Meet Up When I "Expire" Till Then ~WaTer~ |
Never Ending part. 3
"Dont Strive To Be Like Me...Be Better Than Me" I'm Trying Pop...Apparently Not Hard Enough
If Money Is The Root Of Evil...Why Do They Put "In God We Trust" On It??? If Your Soul Is Meant To Rise To Heaven...Why Do They Bury You Under Ground?? Just Some **** I Thought About From Time To Time Moms Said Laziness Will Be The Death Of Me...Shes Lookin Like Nostradamus Right Now LoL Always Notice The Time 9:11 On Clocks...I May Look At The Clock At Around 6:34 Just To Check The Time And Glance It At Again Sometime After And Catch 9:11 Wonder What It Means. I Like To Play Mathematical Games With Clocks Preferably Cable Boxes...Ill Look At A Time And Randomly Select A Number To Be The Designated Answer Then Find Ways To Get To Said Number Example:7:48 I'd Pick A Random Number Such As 15 To Be The Answer Then Find Ways To Get To The Answer Adding,Subtracting,Dividing & Multiplying The Three Numbers Along With Their Sums,Differences,Quotients & Products To Get To The Answer Before The Minute Is Up........... |