SEX DONE RIGHT Oooh ooooh ooooohh I’m going to go No noo nooo Oooh ooooh ooooohh I’m going to pop Give me every drop OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH (ecstatic moans followed by panting- Then gratuitous exchange and light headed ranting) Baby you’re the best I swear! It’s all you. I just laid there Every time we get together. Our love gets a little bit better. I don’t know how we’ll ever top this! My suggestion is practice, practice, practice! There’s a towel at the corner of the bed I’d get it but there’s cramps in both of my legs. I hope I didn’t hurt you when I was pulling your hair It’s alright baby. I didn’t care! We sure made a mess the sheets are knotted. The pillows are on the floor and the mattress is spotted. There is KY jelly all over the remote! I hope they don’t charge us for the lamp we broke! I can’t get up but I have to go pee! Well when you eventually do will you go for me!.......PLZ TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK |
you are very, very good....
you are very, very good.... Thank you so much |
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*Evil Grin*
![]() Nice Sister.... Been there a few times Myself... I was just reliving those Moments thru your Words! |
Whoa! Go head girl....