Community > Posts By > think2deep
ok, our money has devalued 96% in the past 96 years, what does that mean is going to happen in 4 more years? our dollar now is worth 4 cents compared to the dollar in 1913. thats a fact!!!! the whole reason is because we keep borrowing more money from the federal reserve. how much is it going to be worth in 4 years? especially when obama and bush are borrowing it like no one's business, like the world was ending soon.
polls don't matter
![]() watch out that face is gonna stick on ya. oh and by the way thank you for adding the bulk of what you have learned about any of this on your post. |
Congradulations on your degree T2d! ![]() I get mine May 15!!! Im a late bloomer, but I will graduate Phi-beta-kappa!!! Until now experience, common sense, and intuition is all Ive had. Yet Ive always been successful in my endeavors. It was good enough to rise to the rank of Sgt in the US Infantry and later secure enough construction contracts to stay in business for 20 yrs. Refusing to employ illegal immigrants to secure lower bids is what caused me to throw in that towel. (Ethics-I am not a hypocrite) I know Ive said this at least a dozen times, but here it goes again. I am not and economist, and I don't claim to be. My education is in hard-knocks, hard work, experience, and electronics. I do not second guess the experts and I am 100% confidant in the team Obama has assembled to advise him. Obama Is a LEADER! You see, even he admits that he isn't an economic genius. Therefore he has assembled a Presidential Economic Advisory Board! this is what it says about the phi beta kappa. if you look back on your posts and see all of the chicken little remarks, and sky is falling remarks and your little way of trying to defeat a subject with a little emoticon. i would say that you are phibbing about your phi beta kappa. your record on this site would get you kicked out of the phi beta kappa. notice i underlined the part that would definitely send you a packin. 'The ideal Phi Beta Kappan has demonstrated intellectual integrity, tolerance for other views, and a broad range of academic interests. Each year, about one college senior in a hundred, nationwide, is invited to join Phi Beta Kappa.' |
military on foodstamps
What's worse? Foodstamps, or going to war and then coming home to see Illegal immigrants with your jobs! what's worse, going to war and then coming home to find out that your country has been bankrupt by a group of people that you just killed for? |
Why we hate France
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Sun 03/15/09 10:39 AM
When the populace has seen that all sorts of concessions and indulgences are yielded it, in the same name of freedom it has imagined itself to be sovereign lord and has stormed its way to power, but, naturally like every other blind man, it has come upon a host of stumbling blocks. IT HAS RUSHED TO FIND A GUIDE, IT HAS NEVER HAD THE SENSE TO RETURN TO THE FORMER STATE and it has laid down its plenipotentiary powers at OUR feet. Remember the French Revolution, to which it was we who gave the name of “Great”: the secrets of its preparations are well known to us for it was wholly the work of our hands.
I do not second guess the experts and I am 100% confidant in the team Obama has assembled to advise him. that statement in itself is a very scary one and anyone perusing this post will agree with me. you just gave me the win. thank you. but on another subject, the fact that you are so easily geared towards making lite of the situation by blowing it out of proportion, accusing those of us who have actually studied this problem of yelling that the sky is falling. is an attack that can't be refuted only because it is so kindergartenish. in fact, it's so unintelligent, that most people with the tendency to think on those lower levels will grab upon it and expound it like a bunch of crazy children of the corn movie. LOL Only those who have never lived or never read your posts with their uninformed conspiracy theories. Anyone with common sense could see your motives, and know that you could study the economics of the USA for years but, still have Zero knowledge, compared to those on Obama's team who have placed a lifetime of experience into it! Sometimes T2d it is best to pick your fights where you have at least a small hope of winning! so you win by the mere statement "i win!!" hmmm, that's an interesting way of looking at it. if you could actually look at what is happening with our economics, it's not hard at all. look past all of the detail that they try to surround you with. it is working. you are actually drowning in the detail. cutting and pasting what the experts are saying isn't doing anything for ya. if you take all of the fancy words and details away, you end up with one thing. we are borrowing money from the federal reserve at an interest. that is no conpiracy. that is written in the federal resrve's own manual called the money market mechanics. the reas0n they keep adding more and more detail to it all of the time is to keep anyone from just stopping and looking at how simple the big picture is. if you really are intersted in learning about it i can refer some good sources. but if you just don't care and are more geared toward instilling opinions that aren't based on all the facts. then i can't do anything for ya. |
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Sun 03/15/09 09:25 AM
I do not second guess the experts and I am 100% confidant in the team Obama has assembled to advise him. that statement in itself is a very scary one and anyone perusing this post will agree with me. you just gave me the win. thank you. but on another subject, the fact that you are so easily geared towards making lite of the situation by blowing it out of proportion, accusing those of us who have actually studied this problem of yelling that the sky is falling. is an attack that can't be refuted only because it is so kindergartenish. in fact, it's so unintelligent, that most people with the tendency to think on those lower levels will grab upon it and expound it like a bunch of crazy children of the corn movie. |
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Sun 03/15/09 08:38 AM
I keep forgetting too Fanta, what college did you received your Masters degree in economics (or any degree as far as that goes) from again? Anything beyond a GED would actually surprise me. (once again a series of rolling laughing emoticons aren't required) I've never claimed to know better. That's between you and your friends. I've always stated that I am not an economist. Im relying on the team of economic experts Obama has assembled to correct the Republican mess. That's why I voted for him, and I suspect that's why most Americans voted for him. You and your little friends are the ones claiming economic expertise and exclaiming to know better. You and your friends are the ones running around in circles claiming the sky is falling. Just as you claim, (assume) that I have no education. (Technically-A clear violation of site rules) I wouldnt be so anxious to place your assumptions on someone you know nothing about. I would be careful what you place between ASS and U. Now since you chose to park your ass in this conversation, Where does your profound economic education originate? 4-H? Oh, and I like my rolling emoticons! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "I've never claimed to know better". Yes, in my opinion you've proven that on multiple occasions on a myriad of threads (but that's besides the point); However, I don't see where anyone else claims to be an economist by education or training here either. I merely asked the same question of you that you did of someone else. I've never accused you of possessing intellectual honesty. In regards to this "republican mess", I still can't, not until you can acknowledge complicity with the democratic party. I don't recall asking who you voted for or your rationalizations for doing so but thank you for thinking I would actually care. I would ask you to compare Obama's "plan" to your personal life (I really don't want to know, just something for you and others to think about). In financially troubling times, do you find yourself spending more money or less? (Obama/congress: more). Would you take out loans and run up credit card bills to pay the mortgage or rent HOPING you'd remain employed long enough to pay them off/back or just declare bankruptcy? (Obama/congress: further devaluing the currency/bankruptcy). HOPE a sugar momma/daddy will bail you out? (Obama/congress: Other countries like China). Lastly, Do you tell customers at the business you work for not to buy a product that you have a vested interest in? (Obama: "Don't go to Vegas"). I notice instead of answering the question of academic creditals the topic quickly changes and assumption of a defensive posture. "I would be careful what you place between ASS and U". For someone who is "relying (more like depending)on the Obama team"... I would say it would be your nose and lips (in a muffled voice saying "please Obama bail me out". You're pretty close on your guess as per where my economic credentials originated. It's tie between 4H and a paper route. I learned then if I gave away newspapers, I wouldn't earn a penny and have to rely upon my parents for spending money. 4H taught personal responsibility, if I didn't take care of the things I had, I lost them. Unlike you, I'd be more than willing to elaborate upon my economic experience as an entrepreneur and the several adult continuing education classes in business and economics. Emoticons... the intellectually poor mans crutch. In your case though, it's a wheelchair. Bee / Gio 2112 ![]() Pete/Repeat 2112!!:drinks ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A self-assumption of intelligence does not make it so. Im not going to take the braggart road and announce my academic profile to you, or my experience as an entrepreneur. Just suffice it to say that it is more than a 4-H certificate or a basket on the handle-bars of my bicycle when I was 12. I will also say that my intelligence has been tested beyond the requirements for continued education classes. While I could tell you, many on here including myself would consider it bragging, so I wont be so vain as you attempt to be. I will leave it at this statement instead. If you cant tell simply by my posts then your comprehension level is obviously below the HS level! Now I understand why all your posts resort to lame ass personal attacks. You have nothing else in your portfolio. You are the only one I know who can type half a page and never really say anything. Is that the best you can come up with in a 12 hour period? Take a piece of paper with you the next time you go milk the cows so you can scribble down thoughts as they occur. It might help! ok fanta, with your, "tested beyond the requirements or continued education classes" which means that they said that you were probably eligible to take college courses, but apparently you didn't since you used the above statement. anyone can use big words and maybe even understand what they mean, but it doesn't mean that you know any more than book that you are reading. it's called intuition. intuition mixed with intellect out trumps just plain ole intellect any day. oh and i do have a college degree by the way. but i haven't heard you tackle how we are going to pay back the federal reserve and come out on top, shining and smiling. please explain this to me. |
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Sun 03/15/09 07:58 AM
i don't care who's got what degree, i know that it's physically impossible to get out of debt by throwing more debt at it. is there anyone here that wants to debate on that one? What's the atomic weight of an atom or molecule of 'debt', Think? It's not physical and doesn't obey things like Charles & Boyle's gas laws. Debt is based on a very malleable property called economics that often runs on a type of magic smoke called 'confidence'. And as such, someone heavily in debt can, with the right plan and modicum of luck in a good economy, borrow more money and not only payoff his debts, but turn them into a surplus. But that's for individuals-- governments don't operate on the same principles, just as atoms don't behave in the same manner as galaxies. Sure, the neophyte may think they are both just round balls, but even that's not true. another thing i love is that only you guys that have jobs at the moment are paying on the debt. not even a drop in the bucket, but it's on your shoulders now ha ha. Hey Think? Who said "It's physically impossible to get out of debt by throwing more debt at it?" and what is he doing vis-a-vis the national debt? What if he gets violently sick and needs expensive emergency medical attention? Who pays? And if that person later recovers and goes on to make a significant contribution to society, was it because someone said 'Oh, let the deadbeats die, who will miss them'? -Kerry O. first of all, you are quoting the wrong kind of physics, maybe that's the only one you know. i won't get into the physics debate since that is obviously your way of dancing around the issue. what i will say is that if you do have any schooling, you probably believe this about the federal reserve: "It was founded by Congress in 1913 to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system." the above statement could not be farther from the truth. you're trying to look at this situation on a smaller scale. i'm looking at it from a larger scale. when we borrow the money from the federal reserve. we have to pay it back with interest, only the federal reserve doesn't print the interest. our dollar has lost 96% of it's value in the 96 years that the federal reserve has been in place. and it's still devaluing. this is because we keep borrowing more and more money from the federal reserve. inflating the money supply. i'm laughing at you when you think that borrowing more money from the lone sharks called the federal reserve, is going to make everything straighten back out. the borrowing of the money has led to the devaluation of our dollar. with this bailout crap it will devaluate quicker than normal. soon we will have no value on money. that's why the prices keep going up and businesses call it adjusting for inflation. |
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Sun 03/15/09 07:40 AM
it's kind of like this site, you don't get anywhere when you have different levels of intellect. you just get people arguing back and forth and the one with the most intellect ends up just pulling out their hair.
Is Bush in charge of that somehow now? ![]() are you forgetting that he is the one that pushed it through in the first place? are you just going to conveniently forget about that now? it's still out there, it didn't just disappear, do you think it's going to work? that's all im asking. |
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Sun 03/15/09 07:25 AM
The Obama Deception DVD
ok, if this world domination plan isn't happening, which its called one world government, then presidents bush, obama, clinton wouldn't have talked about it and admitted it in their speech. the best way to tell who it is that's trying to pull off the one world government is to look at the zionist christians, there are millions of them in the united states all working towards making sure that the zionist jews plan will come to pass. look at pastor hagee watch his videos on zionism. whether you believe it or not, it's happening and the evangelists are supporting it outright.
WHO CARES? Probably should remember that Palin didn't exactly prevent it either. i can't believe you guys are beleiving this conspiracy theory. |
i think he shouldn't serve on day for that. i wish someone would throw a shoe at obama too.
were you happy to hear of bush's bailout plan? is his bailout plan going to work?
i don't care who's got what degree, i know that it's physically impossible to get out of debt by throwing more debt at it. is there anyone here that wants to debate on that one?
another thing i love is that only you guys that have jobs at the moment are paying on the debt. not even a drop in the bucket, but it's on your shoulders now ha ha. |
it won't help. i don't care how you try to dress it up, you can't pay debt off with debt.
Watch him succed in spite of all you pessimists. What will you do when you must eat your words? if he does, it'll be the first time the history of the world that debt paid down debt. let's see him pull that off. physically impossible. |