FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Thu 07/23/09 05:42 AM
i guess ill leave a hola for when you get back. good luck on here and hope to see ya on here some more

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Tue 07/21/09 09:52 PM
so how is everyone doing over here?

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Tue 07/21/09 11:17 AM
haha well your judgement mistake is thinking that i just sit there and say its allright he was a can ask anyone that is in the other forums with far from that. but i am there for them. cause i am a "good" friend. but that doesnt mean that i dont tell them its there fault in the first place. if being good is something that you do not so often i can tell that making correct judgements is certainly NOT one of those few times you choose so.

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Tue 07/21/09 11:09 AM
idk there can be some big big differences there

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Tue 07/21/09 11:04 AM
hmm well i wish i would of seen this thread when it had do i gotta like give you my soul to be in here? or a drop of blood or something? cause im down for anything that talks about gettin passed up for the tool looking dillholes that you warn every girl about, just to be there for her when she gets hurt

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Mon 07/20/09 07:05 PM

Anderson silva would trash him let alone..

did you really say that? dude SIZE DIFFERENCE you wouldnt have to be that great of a fighter with that kinda size difference at the very least you wouldnt get trashed..but most likely submitted..but not trashed..suriously. they say think before you speak for a reason

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Mon 07/20/09 07:08 AM
i really dont understand why everyone is calling him a circus freak? just because hes a bit bigger than most? he coul dof never trained and never tried to get in shape at all. but because he took the time to make sure he was in amazing shape for his size, which is rare everyoen calls him a circus freak. as compared to most people his height and weight, you should be happy for him that he didnt just sit around to be a lumbering around, non athletic guy doing nothing with his life.

the trash talking i would agree that the last part was a lil something that could of stay in the head not outloud. but the rest of it. mir talked smack about him forever, so it was perfectly fine he talked some back.

and really who cares if he came from the wwe or anywhere else. that doesnt make him a worse fighter. the lady up there says shes just a true fan of mma and not so much just the ufc. but where this all based off of. was anyone who could rumble getting in a cage with each other. it was underground unknown to guys hammering it out. you didnt have to know any submissions if you were good enough of knocking the other guys teeth in. and honestly besides submessions the best thing in mma to be excelent at..WRESTLING some of the best champions of champions were extreamly amazing wrestlers. you can control your opponent and never seem to be out of place. and yeah he was in wwe. but after wrestling college he took a while and he found something where some of those skillz could be used and it made him lots of money. he's not a freak, hes an athlete and hes proven he can compete at the high level. just cause hes not mr.goody goody doesnt men you h ave to give him some ******** sterotype. christ. lay off a little

as for stone cold. if he were younger and in shape without the hurt neck..just cause he has no mma backround doesnt mean he would never make it, he is a good fighter. thats how he grew up, im not saying he would ever be a champ or something. but he would fair slightly better than most of you gave him credit for. granted chuck liddel had kickboxing and all. but most of his fights he won by simply being an amazing fighter. not mma artist. he got better and better at it as he went. but his very early fights if anyone of you even followed him then which i doubt. he relied solely on his hands. and knocked people out in a very sick fasion thats how he got known not cause he could control a ground game with mma skillz..because he could bust peoples faces up, because he grew up fighting. you dont need seriously good mma skillz to be a champ in mma competition. you just need to know how to fight. whatever backround or practice it was you got. you may not be the best of the best forever, or ever. but you will have a degree of success

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Fri 07/10/09 04:11 PM
lol..well i dont have a wife anymore she just left me

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Fri 07/10/09 04:02 PM
the reality is that your life is kinda not going how you wish and we are your friends and we are here for you , so why avoid a part of ya life with ya friends? but its coolness im one of the luckies with ya number so whooho

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Fri 07/10/09 02:19 PM
lol heather you stole the song i have been singing like ever day when your on..not fair..and that first are gettin way to obsessed with that song...christ

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Thu 07/09/09 09:21 PM
you can get stuck on the past cause if you forget to focus on the future youll never look back and like what you see

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Thu 07/09/09 09:13 PM
if you have kids pray its a boy, cause when he gets older you only got to worry about one KoK walkin around.

but if you have a daughter when she gets older, you gotta worry about every single kok in the city

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Thu 07/09/09 09:10 PM
^^^ that was my next one.

dont worry if you swallow a quarter.

its when you **** out two dimes and a nickle you better start worryin

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Thu 07/09/09 09:07 PM
momma always said life is like drinking prune juice.

sometimes it leaves a bad taste in your mouth when you have to swollow your pride, but give it time and itll come out twice as easy and twice as fast.

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Sun 07/05/09 07:45 AM
welcome, how you doing?

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Sat 06/27/09 10:49 PM
yeah i know exactly how ya far today..its been i got to leave my vacation next week to work, my buddy took my turbo diesel truck to impress some girl and he rolled it and junk it, and cause my boss had some family thing that cost alot i didnt get my bonus i was planning on..its going great.

oh yeah and the girl who was wanted to get with me, is now going out with who i thought was my best friend..if ya need to talk ya can message me anytime. nice to see ya'll. hope to see ya around again

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Sat 06/27/09 06:52 PM
8 she seems to have some beautiful eyes just hidden behinde the glasses

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Thu 06/25/09 09:01 PM
well either way..come out and see ya sometime..haha whatelse would you have for me?

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Thu 06/25/09 08:48 PM
well i wouldnt be worried about the state and trust me its better than wisconsin

FarmBoyWithStyle's photo
Thu 06/25/09 08:45 PM
hahaha i have been to the east coast enough..just not there..


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