Community > Posts By > Loveshisfreedom

Loveshisfreedom's photo
Wed 09/17/14 09:45 AM

Hi everyone im new to this site
I don't know how to works this site but i guess i will in time.:)

so just a little bit about me.

Im from Ireland co.Louth.
i have been on many other dating sites that never worked for me as i fond the guys on them to be look for hook ups and had men twice my age emailing me.

im on here giving on line dating an other go.
im looking for a guy that's right for me. one i can settle down with in time.

im very easy to chat to and can be a little shy when i meet people for the first time. i say i a giddy,light heated woman. im not big into drink or night club all tho i do love all kids off music.if i fined good people on here as friends then thats a plus for me... Thanks for reading :)

Welcome rose, I'm also new to this site (about a week) and so far I find it's not as bad as the others I have been on. Not to say this site doesn't have its share of scammers it does. That being said i have chatted with some very friendly and interesting woman. The site inself I find very good no pop ups every time you click on something asking you to upgrade it really is free. So I think it's worth spending some time here . Good luck

Loveshisfreedom's photo
Tue 09/16/14 07:36 PM

Sometimes i feel jealous especially if i see couples who are the same age with me and they've been together for years ... Im always wondering how do they do that :p and i feel guilty for focusing more on working and not trying hard to meet someone.... But i figured hey im still young career should be my top priority :)

I put my career first too and now I'm 57 successful have everything I always wanted and alone lol. I have no regrets but I do now think it might have been worth putting some more afford into finding a partner while I was younger. So if your a younger person go out there and make it happen now before your an old person set in your ways being forced to accept you might have to spend the rest of your life alone.

Loveshisfreedom's photo
Tue 09/16/14 07:20 PM

when i was on the other 3 payed dating sights yes
all i really talked to where scammers lol
but have met some really great people on this sight
a few scammers as well but they are every where : (

best wishes on your hunt

Ohh yeah !!! The scammers are funny .... So far ive met one and i was like dude is that the best lie you can come up to get money? :) hahaha

I've been on this site only two days and have already been approached 10 times by scammers....I feel for the ones that actually fall victim to them.

Loveshisfreedom's photo
Tue 09/16/14 07:05 PM
I work with a guy who is a text book passive aggressive and it's sad to watch him and funny at the same time. I would be very careful with a person that you have to be smart and know when to jump ship. Nothing will make them happier then to see you go down with them.

Loveshisfreedom's photo
Tue 09/16/14 06:49 PM
If I may add that their the ones who go around keying peoples cars