Community > Posts By > Estelle79

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Sun 03/29/15 08:52 AM

Actually, men should have to do the grocery shopping, as bringing home food is one the main aspect of "manliness" from the days of the cave man.

I can't figure out why anyone irons, the entire concept of pressed clothes is just a foolish waste of time in my opinion.

And if you've never given your lady a bath, well, you're just missing out.

Just saying....

I just came home from grocery shopping and carrying it home (about 20 pounds)and I paid for it too. And I cook and I clean and I take care of the baby. And the ex is here complaining he has to pay rent ($300 per month only). And I pay half the utilities.

I'd kick out the ex and go for it on my own. why carry a dead weight

I know, and he says I only have one baby, it's not hard.

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 08:10 AM

Actually, men should have to do the grocery shopping, as bringing home food is one the main aspect of "manliness" from the days of the cave man.

I can't figure out why anyone irons, the entire concept of pressed clothes is just a foolish waste of time in my opinion.

And if you've never given your lady a bath, well, you're just missing out.

Just saying....

I just came home from grocery shopping and carrying it home (about 20 pounds)and I paid for it too. And I cook and I clean and I take care of the baby. And the ex is here complaining he has to pay rent ($300 per month only). And I pay half the utilities.

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 03:51 AM
Women don't tend to manipulate men, quite the opposite is true.

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 03:46 AM
Share your original beauty tips!

This is For Dry Hair/Curly Hair, my theory is sort of like a hair mask: On the days when you just want to condition your hair, apply your favorite hair conditioner long before getting the hair wet, that way it has a better chance of penetrating the hair. Then rinse out at the end of the shower.

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 03:20 AM
It makes no sense if you don't know the real meaning of manipulation.

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 03:12 AM
Some men aren't sexist, but are you denying that most will not wash a dish? It's called woman's work for a reason; cooking, cleaning, childcare. In the modern world men used to provide, now they want women to bring half the paycheck and still do all the rest, and be sex objects too! A big portion of the world however, still has men providing the basics while women handle 'woman's work'. The less modern world women often bring some income home, but luckily they are not sex objects and in many places they can often breastfeed in public easier than in the US, but men in those cultures mostly not getting mixed up with housework or childcare whatsoever. (Europe has more men sharing the 'woman's work' than anywhere else and it's still not 50/50). So, argue all you want the facts remain. You may be different, but there are so many cultures out there.

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 02:29 AM
Need means responsible man with good intentions, and it does not negate want. It includes all of that, need negates only wanting a man, but nothing special. I am giving purpose to a special man when I say need. Some men are up to being needed not only wanted, they are quality men. A man I need also needs me, not only wants me.

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 02:23 AM
Men like equality when it means they only pay half the bills. Then they complain when they are expected to do half the housework. Let's not forget about childcare.

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 01:45 AM
Not sure what that means. Are you laughing about rape?

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 01:37 AM
Saying women manipulate men is like saying women are the cause of rape.

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 12:48 AM

I joined for the conversations, some laughs and debates. And if something else should happen then not fine too.

But I have to say,(in my opinion) the constant man bashing has lead to many men leaving this site and many men getting disenchanted with it.

It just seems counterproductive for a dating site when there is constant finger pointing between the sexes. And many threads seem to be designed with that intention in mind.

Yes this is what I sorta meant in my previous comment on this post.
I've never hidden the fact that I'm a lesbian, but some of the men on here are beautiful, gorgeous, handsome, touching, sincere, humble, caring, honest, sweet, and above all human.
To most of the men I've known on Mingle and in life in general, I love you all.

I used to feel like that before I had experience with men. Believe me they quickly lose trust and respect in a romantic relationship. I know it's hard to believe it, but open your mind and look at the world and all the suffering caused by so many men.

no photo
Sat 03/28/15 02:37 PM
I joined because I need a man. A woman can't have a complete family with only a child, there needs to be a man in the picture too.

no photo
Sat 03/28/15 02:12 PM

Do the kids every get to spank the parents for making mistakes or do parents never make mistakes, do parents ever need to be corrected by the child, does a child ever know better than the parent? When a child makes a mistake it's always the child's fault so the parents spank them and punish them, but the same parent cannot make a mistake because they are adults. lol

no, thats not how it works. Do you ever fire your boss, does a citizen arrest a cop

there is AUTHORITY all through life, that is earned through time and responsibility

when KIDS become adults and have earned it, they will have rsponsibility and authority over others themselves and in the homes THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE for with the kids THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR,, they can choose whatever discipline works to teach rules and choices and consequences

no, children dont ever know BETTER than parents, how can they knwo more in their short years than someone who has lived three times longer or more,,, they can sometimes have more recent knowledge of book knowledge and social norms,, but thats about all

and noone said everytime they make a 'mistake' they are spanked or punished this is more of the projection abused people place on the non abused,,,,

mistakes and accidents are quit different from INTENTIONAL WRONGS,,,

and when adults make INTENTIONAL WRONGS, they have authorities who hold them accountable too,,,

You contradict yourself. You say that when kids grow up they will have responsibility for themselves, yet they are perfectly capable of intentionally doing wrong before that. I think you need to go check your logic. And you like to tell people, 'you can't have it both ways'.

If these kids do intentional wrongs as you say, they must be developing their own autonomy, does it threaten you or something? You only think you control your kids, no you don't, so stop feeling threatened. If you keep telling yourself that you're in control, when the kids aren't buying it obviously, you're in denial. They're just scared of you, they don't care what you think (you're in their way when they're trying to develop, so again I say leave them alone they shouldn't be your carbon copies).

The only thing your bible really says about this is 'live and let live', so as long as kids/adults are following that, then no one should be spanking anyone. The only time it's warranted to use violence is in self defense, or protecting another. Never use it on the weak. Don't be a coward and don't hide behind false reasoning.

no photo
Sat 03/28/15 09:18 AM
Maybe they went to get a beer. laugh drinker

no photo
Sat 03/28/15 08:58 AM
List the reasons why having a woman would benefit you? Someone to help around the house with kids or bills, support your career or other aspirations, or mainly to help out in the bedroom, is it for the arm candy to impress your social circle? What are the reasons you're looking for a special woman? Be specific.

no photo
Sat 03/28/15 07:07 AM
Guys with bad intentions would walk away from a good girl? You didn't read what you replied to obviously, but that's ok, you do that a lot.

no photo
Sat 03/28/15 06:37 AM
I'm keeping it alive for all the kids out there. They need our support.

no photo
Sat 03/28/15 06:35 AM

no photo
Sat 03/28/15 06:26 AM
Honest and caring not a chore to be around? It is when the guy has bad's very hard for him to keep up with a good girl, eventually he becomes another abusive jerk.

I think women should not be too nice to men or too bitchy, a little bitchy is a safe place for a woman to be.

no photo
Sat 03/28/15 02:44 AM
Do the kids every get to spank the parents for making mistakes or do parents never make mistakes, do parents ever need to be corrected by the child, does a child ever know better than the parent? When a child makes a mistake it's always the child's fault so the parents spank them and punish them, but the same parent cannot make a mistake because they are adults. lol