Community > Posts By > Estelle79

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Mon 03/30/15 01:24 PM
I said it because another woman says it's ok to let a guy treat me like crap. I would not normally go on and on about this, but I need to make my point.

It seems like I can't find too many people who get me here, so I need to talk about boring things that normal people should already know, but that's ok because this is a strange bunch, not normal..strange is interesting. Maybe I will bring out some other strangers who feel strange to talk to this bunch of closed mindeds. Because strange is good lol.

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Mon 03/30/15 01:14 PM
All I look for in a relationship is mutual love, not to be treated like crap or I'm out, why does that sound horrible? What sounds horrible is someone saying that men and women are gonna treat each other like crap and that's that, so be happy or be alone. How depressing to be ok with crap for love.

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Mon 03/30/15 01:04 PM
Men cheat because they were taught that their needs are all that matter and if they're not being met they don't feel responsible for the other person's feelings. Also, a man's needs are simple, they want sex then food then eventually they need some clean underwear. Any woman can take care of a man's simple needs. All the media is selling women for sex to men.

no photo
Mon 03/30/15 12:56 PM
I don't need a perfect man, but I also don't need a man to treat me like crap. If a man regularly treats me like crap, the first thing he can say goodbye to is sex, next is food, next is clean I will be gone.

no photo
Mon 03/30/15 11:21 AM

I don't bash men, I am critical of their behavior, as one should be, in practice they cause much harm in the world. It is upsetting that this is all swept under the carpet and anyone who points it out is called names. I think more women AND men should take this matter seriously like I do. I am not the problem. Those in denial are.

Again, blaming MEN for all the problems in the world. You are quick to point out sexism by men, yet you practice sexism.

This is more denial.
Do you need a history book to read about sexism against women by men? Men invented sexism. I only point it out, I'm not sexist.

You realize you're the only one who believes you're not a misandrist, right? whoa

I don't agree with everything, but I've actually seen her come up with some very good points.

What I find peculiar: Your comments on women in this thread are very biased, negative and not respectful, yet no one picks up on that?? It (still) seems normal and generally accepted to knock women, yet if someone does the same towards men, the chit hits the fan.
Two wrongs don't make a right, you know.

And I do NOT agree with either attitude, but if one is wrong, the other is as well. That's equality for you

As long as no one gets that it's just as wrong to knock women as it is to knock men, and vice versa, this discussion will continue.
As long as one starts lashing when another is bashing, we won't get anywhere.


So pointing out that women who ask the original question of this thread, which is nowhere near all women, generally have a predisposed notion of a "REAL" man, yet reject anyone who doesn't fit EVERYTHING on the checklist is sexist?

No that is not sexist.

I personally only have one thing on my checklist and that is so hard to find, the he genuinely loves me back as much as I love him. I have wondered for many years if men are capable of love as in fairytale love.. romantic love.. not just respect admiration or fondness.. but love. Why is Cinderella read to little girls, why isn't there a book for boys called Prince Charming? Why do women have to worry about this stuff and not men? It's so one sided from the beginning we have been brain washed by all this engrained sexism against women. Women were taught many lies.. to love and there will be a reward of the same in return. This is not true and men think we are holding them to a very high standard, more than they were ever taught. They feel so guilty that they become abusive jerks. This is what society makes of boys and girls and we are a product of society. So, who is wrong men or women? Probably both.
^^^^there is your difficulty right there....if you love someone you accept them...and that means accepting that sometimes he is a dbag...just like sometimes she is a can't demand acceptance and not give it....that is not love.

A man will have the utmost patience and care with a woman he loves, a dbag won't, that's not love...being treated like crap is not love. Accepting being treated like crap is not love, it's not even self love.

no photo
Mon 03/30/15 10:53 AM

I don't bash men, I am critical of their behavior, as one should be, in practice they cause much harm in the world. It is upsetting that this is all swept under the carpet and anyone who points it out is called names. I think more women AND men should take this matter seriously like I do. I am not the problem. Those in denial are.

Again, blaming MEN for all the problems in the world. You are quick to point out sexism by men, yet you practice sexism.

This is more denial.
Do you need a history book to read about sexism against women by men? Men invented sexism. I only point it out, I'm not sexist.

You realize you're the only one who believes you're not a misandrist, right? whoa

I don't agree with everything, but I've actually seen her come up with some very good points.

What I find peculiar: Your comments on women in this thread are very biased, negative and not respectful, yet no one picks up on that?? It (still) seems normal and generally accepted to knock women, yet if someone does the same towards men, the chit hits the fan.
Two wrongs don't make a right, you know.

And I do NOT agree with either attitude, but if one is wrong, the other is as well. That's equality for you

As long as no one gets that it's just as wrong to knock women as it is to knock men, and vice versa, this discussion will continue.
As long as one starts lashing when another is bashing, we won't get anywhere.


So pointing out that women who ask the original question of this thread, which is nowhere near all women, generally have a predisposed notion of a "REAL" man, yet reject anyone who doesn't fit EVERYTHING on the checklist is sexist?

No that is not sexist.

I personally only have one thing on my checklist and that is so hard to find, the he genuinely loves me back as much as I love him. I have wondered for many years if men are capable of love as in fairytale love.. romantic love.. not just respect admiration or fondness.. but love. Why is Cinderella read to little girls, why isn't there a book for boys called Prince Charming? Why do women have to worry about this stuff and not men? It's so one sided from the beginning we have been brain washed by all this engrained sexism against women. Women were taught many lies.. to love and there will be a reward of the same in return. This is not true and men think we are holding them to a very high standard, more than they were ever taught. They feel so guilty that they become abusive jerks. This is what society makes of boys and girls and we are a product of society. So, who is wrong men or women? Probably both.

no photo
Mon 03/30/15 02:41 AM

I don't bash men, I am critical of their behavior, as one should be, in practice they cause much harm in the world. It is upsetting that this is all swept under the carpet and anyone who points it out is called names. I think more women AND men should take this matter seriously like I do. I am not the problem. Those in denial are.

Again, blaming MEN for all the problems in the world. You are quick to point out sexism by men, yet you practice sexism.

This is more denial.
Do you need a history book to read about sexism against women by men? Men invented sexism. I only point it out, I'm not sexist.

no photo
Mon 03/30/15 02:10 AM
I don't bash men, I am critical of their behavior, as one should be, in practice they cause much harm in the world. It is upsetting that this is all swept under the carpet and anyone who points it out is called names. I think more women AND men should take this matter seriously like I do. I am not the problem. Those in denial are.

no photo
Mon 03/30/15 12:21 AM
The other 2 ladies who have just commented are more likely to be flirting with you. They contradict themselves about what they want in a man. I don't have any contradictions in the bedroom or out I like a gentleman.

no photo
Mon 03/30/15 12:10 AM
I made my point. I was clear. If someone doesn't get it now I throw my hands up in the air and say what the hell is your point?

no photo
Mon 03/30/15 12:01 AM
If a child is not accountable for him/her self, the parent is accountable for hitting him/her, that's abuse.

If the child is accountable for him/her self, but can't defend against an adult, the parent is accountable for hitting him/her, that's abuse.

Spanking a child no matter how you do it is wrong, they can't defend themselves. It is only when the child is capable of defending him/her self against the parent, that parent will adjust his/her behavior accordingly. That is too late, the parents need the laws need to be there to enforce on them that hitting a child is never ok. For people who don't follow ethics, we need to have laws. Sometimes that's the only thing adults like you were taught to respect from a young age. The laws need to be more clear to explain to you what is not ok for a parent to do to a child. It should be obvious, but if you were taught wrong from an early age it's not.

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 11:22 PM
There is a flaw in your argument. If a child is not responsible (because a child is not like an adult) for being spanked, then it is the parent who is abusing the child.

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 11:01 PM
People seem to be confused about me, so let me explain, I also have a high regard for REAL men/gentlemen. I do not dislike these men, I am a normal straight woman who likes gentlemen. There is no problem there.

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 10:29 PM

My Daddy was a real man. He said he'd crawl thru broken glass if it would keep me from pain.

That is a gentleman and you are very lucky to have a dad like that, I hope you will be lucky enough to find that in another man. My dad would say 'you are not a weakling, go fend for yourself', not a great example, but it's how most guys are unfortunately. Yet when they are sick they act like they are dying, real drama queens.

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 10:25 PM

Define real men / gentleman ? it would help to be more specific about your definition of a real men / gentleman

This typically means rugged good looks, will put up with any BS the woman throws at him, is independently wealthy, works 140 hours a week, always has time for the woman, is never tired, loves ballet and opera, doesn't like football, and is exactly whatever she wants him to be. If he is lacking even one of her already nearly impossible demands, he's not good enough.

'will put up with any BS the woman throws at him'

What do you mean put up with a woman? A gentleman would cherish a woman not put up with her.

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 05:33 PM
That's just not true. But I said it's easy when it didn't mean anything! What is YOUR point?

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 05:15 PM
Many guys are busy playing video games or anything to escape responsibility in life and talking about how it's all the woman's fault. After my experiences with men, I will never expect anything from a man, and will just do everything on my own, and will never do anything for a man again. No more, they are not worth my time.

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 04:14 PM
It's easy when the relationship didn't mean anything.

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 10:39 AM
It sounds like if you could choose which ex loved you, it would be the one you're not with. Are you just settling?

no photo
Sun 03/29/15 10:07 AM
Since the men are also interested in our beauty tips. I have a question for the men. Do you like it when a beautiful woman wears red lipstick or natural?