Community > Posts By > newie2az

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Fri 06/05/09 08:14 AM
No ugly, racist, under handed, illegal, dishonest, destructive thing that prez hussein does surprises me in the slightest.

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Fri 06/05/09 08:12 AM
EMPATHY???????????????????????????????????? First they would have actually had to go through all they claim, instead of making it up or embellishing. Try talking to a jew or a gypsy if you want to know about discrimination. Trying to even pretend that blacks are discriminated against, when they are openly "favored" and given preferential treatment in education, hiring, ....and you will just look like as big an idiot as prez hussein.

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Fri 06/05/09 08:09 AM

bigsmile Small pointflowerforyou If the "backwood rednecks" are the ones with a problem then they are the ones that will have to get over it and change.flowerforyou

Another small point
"I do not care what they do in the privacy of their own home as long as,,,
they do not invade someone elses privacy
they do not force their will on others
they do not infringe on someone elses human rights"
Gays just plain don't play by those rules, and break every one. THEY are the ones who need an attitude adjustment over everyone else. As far as the rednecks go, just stay out of their yards, is that really so hard??? Not nearly as intolerant as gays, and I am tired of the term redneck even being used to imply something negative, when it isn't. Only snobs use it in a derrogatory way. About as appropriate and acceptable as the word nigger.

boo2u, the rant about benefits probably addresses the fact that the only reason gays want to force others to alter the accepted definition of "marriage" is out of monetary greed.

plk1966"why shouldn't they be entitled to the same perks as straight couples."
Probably because gays can't have kids, and most of those marriage laws were made because that was the original intent behind marriage, to rear and raise children.

MirrorMirror "Why are some people allowed to get married and some are not.smileThe Constitution says that everyone is supposed to have the same rights.smileTherefore, gay people will eventually be able to get married sooner or"
LOL They ALREADY HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS. Gays can marry people of the opposite sex, and straight people can't marry people of the same sex = SAME RIGHTS. What you want is a special set of "rights" so that a group can capitalize on their sexual preferences. Keep it in the bedroom (same as straights) not in the courtroom.

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Fri 06/05/09 07:57 AM
Criminy! By all means, let hussein give the whole damned country to his bruthas, NOT! This is pathetic. I know too many people who were hit by those hurricanes, and not JUST Katrina. They rebuild and go on, but then they have backbones and aren't so lazy they just sit there with their hands out waiting for someone else to do all the work. Everyone knows which group is still sniveling about Katrina, and why they don't deserve any MORE help down there.

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Wed 05/13/09 06:58 AM
I find it humorous every time those hypocritical gays try to stifle the other side LOL Guess their theatrical agenda is the only one they are TOLERANT of LOL Yeah, she simply said what the majority of America thinks, deal with it.

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Wed 05/13/09 06:55 AM
Anything that lowers the number of obese, and stops this horrific trend of them being catered to, is a GOOD thing. Only ones who will have a problem with it are the lazy fat people who don't want to be bothered with being healthy. They just don't care about themselves or the rest of society that ends up paying for their gluttony in sooooo many ways.

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Wed 05/13/09 06:53 AM
Sorry, but no, he hasn't got a case. From what I read, charges are appropropriate, he did fight them when asked to get off the plane, and was unruly. Idiot knew where he was going, should have also known about the security rules. Who knows if he was blind if they don't even know if the test was administered, lots of liars out there. Fool is over reacting, and if he doesn't like going by the same standards as the rest, he doesn't have to fly. A lot of his gripes were so petty they were laughable.

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Wed 05/13/09 06:48 AM
"DeFoor said the levee belonged to the subdivision and was not private property."

This is why they are up on charges. And anyone who wants to play like this is an argument for gun control is forgetting that their car is just as lethal, so they should give that up if they don't want to be branded a hypocrite.

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Wed 05/13/09 06:45 AM

It still comes down to the fact that people really need to mind their business.

Two consenting adults of age and mental capability should be allowed to marry if they want to. It doesn't hurt anyone but them if their marriage fails.

So why do married couples get a bigger tax-break than unmarried people?

Because marriage was intended for the rearing and raising of children. Back in the day, one partner stayed home with kids, and the other supported the family, but that goes back to tradition, which seems to be a dirty word to gays. Point being, the breaks were created to help those raising kids, no other reason. Gays to not have kids, outside of medical intervention of some sort.

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Wed 05/13/09 06:32 AM

Why dont the gays call it something other than marriage?You know how fast that bill would be passed if they would just call it something other than marriage?Civil unions is a great example.Gays have all the same benifits as married couples through civil unions.This is legal in nearly every state.I think this is more about the gays wanting to strike a blow to Christianity.

Hypocrisy. Just think about this word "tolerance" and think about how much they show for anyone else as they try to shove their lack of control over their sexual conduct down everyone's throat. They are more interested in being hysterical, intolerance drama queens than being "married". The whole thing is all about money anyways, not anything about loving, monogamous, LTDs, you can have all of that without any paperwork. Just a flaming show of intolerant bullies trying to get everyone to accept whatever they want to do. Next I suppose that not wanting a gay person to make unwanted advances will be labeled a hate crime or some stupid thing. Whole issue revolves around the idea that everyone cow tow to them to the point where they are the only ones with the right to chose how they live. Just makes me laugh to think that just because they have this birth/mental defect that the rest of us should conform to the same dysfunction, as though it were the norm LOL

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Wed 05/13/09 06:15 AM

Ever feels like people only like you or want to know you only because of your beauty...

Am pretty sure the gorgeous girls (guys) that get hit on alot and appraise for their beauty will eventually or sometime get tire of it. And sometime hate it when others said "you're beautiful or good looking" after hearing it sooo many time.. Eventually, you will learn to ignore and sometime dislike those who like you only for your beauty.. Don't people ever realize that you can have both "brain and beauty"? Why can't people learn to judge and like others for who they are FIRST than their beauty?

That is why we stopped posting pics.

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Fri 05/08/09 08:28 AM

What kind of sex education should public schools offer?

1 - Abstinence-only: It's the only 100% effective method of pregnancy prevention.

2 - Comprehensive education: Stress abstinence, but teach other methods of birth control, too.

3 - Birth control only: Teens won't abstain, so skip that and only teach about condoms, etc.

4 - None: Schools should not teach any form of sex education.

This is the question posted in my local paper - Which option do you choose?

#2 - I believe sex education classes are not anything other than information. I see nothing wrong in those classes, as I attended the classes along with my daughter and have always talked to her about sex, abstinence, health, science, the anatomy, diseases, and the like. Instilled in her that for every action there is a reaction, be it positive or negative. What do you think?

I am also a believer that it takes a village to raise a child. (jmo)

I am a firm believer in protecting my child from the village idiots. As far as the choices listed, none of the above. Simple, straight forward scientific facts (make this as dry and boring as possible LOL) only using very clinical terms etc. Dispel every one of those idiotic myths about how you can't get pregnant at certain time for ludicrous reasons (I have heard some whoppers), and oh yeah, that BS line about blue balls (even if guys get them, which I do not believe, it is on them, and girls should just sit back and laugh at them for it, not be guilted into giving in).
Issues of teen sex, birth control, all of that, only have the parents of the trashy kids worrying. Some of us raised them right, and have already taught them, so what the school, or their friends do, is irrelevant.

How would you protect your child from the 'village idiot'? Children will interact with the 'village idiots' (assuming a village idiot is one whom you feel is not worthy?)"


"You selected none of the above - thanks

laugh at making it dry and boring laugh

Don't agree that the issues of teen sex, birth control of std's only worry the parent's of the trashy kids."

Well, I guess you would have to have a clean kid to be able to relate. Your post give the impression that is not the case, as do any others that take this same attitude. Why in the hell do so many parents disregard their RESPONSIBILITIES, and use the excuses so much. Sure, others "play a role", and a LOT of the time, one glance at a freak is all a kid has to get to know they never wanna be like that.

I do feel sorry for the kids of parents that don't have the open lines of communication, trust, firm values, and the confidence in their parents being there to back them when they stand their ground, defending their rights and beliefs. I don't care what anyone else says, since I have so much REAL LIFE PROOF to go by. You would have to have over 40 years of experience working with kids, in schools, daycares, preschools, private homes, other countries....before you would have dealt with as many as I have, and sorry, but they really aren't all that different at the core, and almost all crave that "rock" to cling to. When they DON'T HAVE IT is when they tend to drift along with the pack.

As far as the issue of gay sex, NO PLACE IS SEX ED FOR IT AT ALL. Gays can't reproduce, so on this subject they are irrelevant and have no place at all. The trashiest kids are already flipping back and forth week to week from straight to bi to gay and back again, because it has become "stylish". Whole thing makes me sick. IF parents did their JOBS this thread wouldn't even exist. These people who rely on the village, just sound too lazy to do it themselves.

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Fri 05/08/09 07:39 AM
Edited by newie2az on Fri 05/08/09 07:41 AM

What kind of sex education should public schools offer?

1 - Abstinence-only: It's the only 100% effective method of pregnancy prevention.

2 - Comprehensive education: Stress abstinence, but teach other methods of birth control, too.

3 - Birth control only: Teens won't abstain, so skip that and only teach about condoms, etc.

4 - None: Schools should not teach any form of sex education.

This is the question posted in my local paper - Which option do you choose?

#2 - I believe sex education classes are not anything other than information. I see nothing wrong in those classes, as I attended the classes along with my daughter and have always talked to her about sex, abstinence, health, science, the anatomy, diseases, and the like. Instilled in her that for every action there is a reaction, be it positive or negative. What do you think?

I am also a believer that it takes a village to raise a child. (jmo)

I am a firm believer in protecting my child from the village idiots. As far as the choices listed, none of the above. Simple, straight forward scientific facts (make this as dry and boring as possible LOL) only using very clinical terms etc. Dispel every one of those idiotic myths about how you can't get pregnant at certain time for ludicrous reasons (I have heard some whoppers), and oh yeah, that BS line about blue balls (even if guys get them, which I do not believe, it is on them, and girls should just sit back and laugh at them for it, not be guilted into giving in).
Issues of teen sex, birth control, all of that, only have the parents of the trashy kids worrying. Some of us raised them right, and have already taught them, so what the school, or their friends do, is irrelevant.

What their friends do is relevant. Peer pressure is tough and they get to an age where they listen to their friends more then their parents. We can raise them right and hope we gave them a good foundation to help deal with the peer pressure.

Btw, my Dad says that there is no things of blue balls. lol

LOL The bit about peer pressure, YOUR OPINION. My kids' friends are actually surprised when they find out just how much my kids and I do discuss, and how much they tell me. So no, I do not agree with the BS about their friends having more influence if you establish the honesty and trust from the get go between you and your kid. Mine know I tell them the TRUTH, I don't just guess out of ignorance like their oh so inexperienced little buddies LOL Again, goes back to how you raised them. I am all too well aware of how many parents use that stupid EXCUSE when things go wrong, but it never holds water with me.

And even when I was a teen, I would laugh at the boys who tried to blue balls line on me. Told them it was THEIR ISSUE, not mine LOL I knew they were lying, but sure as heck wouldn't have cared if they weren't. I have this onery streak that makes ME the one who decides what I do, not anyone else.

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Fri 05/08/09 07:21 AM
The title alone had me laughing, and couldn't even make it through the first few blurbs of the article before I was about rolling out of my chair. Gay have any rights to my kids in any way shape or form???? Oh HELL NO. NOBODY DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, yet another example of how the militant gays are becoming nothing more than hissy bullies. I pay about as much heed to ANYTHING that comes out of them as I do to what the illegals want.

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Fri 05/08/09 07:18 AM

What kind of sex education should public schools offer?

1 - Abstinence-only: It's the only 100% effective method of pregnancy prevention.

2 - Comprehensive education: Stress abstinence, but teach other methods of birth control, too.

3 - Birth control only: Teens won't abstain, so skip that and only teach about condoms, etc.

4 - None: Schools should not teach any form of sex education.

This is the question posted in my local paper - Which option do you choose?

#2 - I believe sex education classes are not anything other than information. I see nothing wrong in those classes, as I attended the classes along with my daughter and have always talked to her about sex, abstinence, health, science, the anatomy, diseases, and the like. Instilled in her that for every action there is a reaction, be it positive or negative. What do you think?

I am also a believer that it takes a village to raise a child. (jmo)

I am a firm believer in protecting my child from the village idiots. As far as the choices listed, none of the above. Simple, straight forward scientific facts (make this as dry and boring as possible LOL) only using very clinical terms etc. Dispel every one of those idiotic myths about how you can't get pregnant at certain time for ludicrous reasons (I have heard some whoppers), and oh yeah, that BS line about blue balls (even if guys get them, which I do not believe, it is on them, and girls should just sit back and laugh at them for it, not be guilted into giving in).
Issues of teen sex, birth control, all of that, only have the parents of the trashy kids worrying. Some of us raised them right, and have already taught them, so what the school, or their friends do, is irrelevant.

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Fri 05/08/09 07:13 AM
Seriously, do you think that prez hussein is any better than bush in any way? Only thing I can credit him for is running a better con on the idiots. What he is doing is worse however, but that kool aid still has some a bit groggy. Fortunately, some are sobering up.

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Fri 05/08/09 07:12 AM
"need for new sources of revenue"
prez hussein wants more money going to him through those taxes.
"legalization would lead marijuana users to use other illegal drugs."
That has never been anything but a myth, so no big that it is popping up again, just another lie about the stuff. ONLY reason it was made illegal in the first place is because the paper companies couldn't handle the competition.
"Would you favor or oppose the government's effort to legalize marijuana?"
Favor, but would grow my own before giving hussein a penny.
"Why would legalizing pot make people more likely to use heroin? Because pot would lose its "forbidden fruit" cachet?"
More myths. Truth is, that it being illegal is denying millions from the medicinal benefits of this plant.

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Fri 05/08/09 07:06 AM

Man, what a HORRID experience!!shocked scared
Okay, I think farther.... the young lady who inadvertently was shot several times and will recover.... Wondering if the parents will sue the friend for shooting her.spock

"Crossfire", did he?

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Fri 05/08/09 06:59 AM
Edited by newie2az on Fri 05/08/09 07:02 AM
When you can financially AFFORD them, and are mature enough to know that they will come before you for the next 18 years at least, and ACCEPT that.
I consider it completely irresponsible to have them before either of these two factors are met. Just not right to be bringing kids into this world unless you are SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess that is why I will never be anything but disgusted by the way sex has become a recreational activity instead of an expression of feelings for another.

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Fri 05/08/09 06:58 AM
In this state, it is 24% of the gross income for the first child, 48% if there are two...and same as the last poster, it comes right out of your paycheck as soon as there is a judgment ordering it at all. Granted, some people, like my ex, work under the table and pay nothing.