Community > Posts By > ChristinaKi95
Sunday Church
I'm always dreaming of a religious husband that will believe in god and that we'll can talk about God and that we'll go to church together and take our kids to church and i would love to find a man who loves God more than anything, more than me and anyone else. i'd love to have a nice, religious family and talk to my kids about how much God loves us, and read them about Jesus Christ and the saints and everything. So...very important
Im new here and I liked the topic... You know, sex before marriage is a sin, indeed. But we are weak. We can't win our body's wants. We all commit sins, daily. But it is said that such sins harm our soul very much... You know, I strongly believe that our souls are eternal and I always think that we take care of our body and we forget about the soul.
There are so few people who made it and stayed virgins till marriage. And I think its beautiful how two partners decided to love God more that each other... But, most of us just can't do it... It's in our nature to give in to our wants and not to His, I guess |