Community > Posts By > 2Fly4Wings38
to mikeyspace4691,
gone with the wind.....classic book, one of my favorites are sunset boulevard..... |
to lamwholam,
aahhhh.....yes lol |
to ciretom,
well that's a lot to say....... let just say I |
to my newly friend annierooroo,
good for star for you , I don't think I can finance any illegal drugs , prostitution, well, smokes, I don't have a problem with that like cigars or cigarettes. alcohol, well if its wine/ champagne, maybe, a 5th of whiskey or vodka....well I'm a born again Christian now but in my unenlightment days I would be like " Hell Yeah" but no, I see your point , you right that's a good theory of yours. |
to no1phD,
well, I hope you certainly got that beautiful deck somewhat on its way to be built. Now, when you borrowed the money from your Ms. how did it make you feel? if you felt like it was no big deal, that's my point.....we should be comfortable enough to just ask when we need.. |
To sitkarains the most beautiful minion today,
wow, that's how my Cindy is I very stable and independent myself. okay, like you said $20 yeah it shouldn't be a issue of borrow, $100 well It gets a little more inquisitive why you need it. $ 1000 okay, why you need this money when can I get that back.....? a million dollars okay you going to need a bank, I not remortgaging the |
to lamwholam 1,
hi dear, well we both make our own money, but every once and a while me or her need a little assistance. its not using the other party I want to provide for my Ms. tell me more about how you perceive this. |
to Isaac_dede, my new friend,
well my new friend let me answer your questions as best as I can okay, not very frequently we both ask, the most I ask my girlfriend $100.00 but I paid her back that same week. I paid with money & the reason for me to borrow money from her I need new tires for my truck during the winter months you, know here on the eastern seaboard its snow like crazy.! |
To Pansytilly,
you absolutely right, it is a double standard when it comes to men in need than a woman in can we break this thinking? I mean I was taught if you need something ask for it....but I see its not so easy in some what do you suggest? |
Edited by
Mon 07/27/15 12:43 PM
Good Day, my friends of M2, well you guys made my last forum a huge hit & I truly valued all your advice to keep my new union with my girl loving & healthy, & longevity. Thank you again my friends, okay I want to talk about a subject that affects a lot of people in marriages & relationships today, I find it to be ridiculous & you will know why I said that. Okay, How many people male or female ever been in a position where you have to borrow money from your partner. Why, I asked that well because my newly Cindy needed a few dollars for whatever reason,( I hope its on trashy, but no...)
anyway, my dirty little, she needed the money , now she later came to me after I insisted on letting me provide what you need as your man. Now my Cindy is a strong independent woman who I guess she felt like taking help from a man would take her independence away , but I assure her I don't take that away from you, I just want to take of my girl. Again she gave in was so happy I was there for her. I smile and assure her " If you ever need cash or anything, let me know I got you baby, Okay!". She gave me a kiss & hug and everything was great again. Now Minions, the question is do you allow your mate to give you what you need or you refuse because your pride, your independence, your stubbornness, or your own thinking like" I don't want to come across a gold digger or what not?" Ladies if you ever gave your guy money or anything I want to hear specially from you ladies. Fellas, have you been in a situation where you gave your lady money or anything , you know I got to hear from yaw too.... Bottom line, Some people have different ways how they perceive borrowing & gifts. Me , you want to give me anything I'm always be open to But no serious, why as people sometimes so prideful. You know that saying" the proud before the fall". If you ever needed a little assistance its okay to ask, what's the worst thing can happen that person say no, well if that person loves & care for you the word no would be rare. I do understand some people feel uncomfortable asking love ones for assistance I get that believe me but I don't know I see its a simple problem to a simple solution. Maybe you the type too independent, too head strong" No I appreciated it but I'm okay" but you hurting & in need at least for that second. Are you the types of "Baby I love you but I need a man to give me anything". Are you serious, why refuse it besides if I'm in the position to give then take it so I don't have to worry about you hurting & some other guy giving it to you , you know not having that. Also when is it a time to begin asking for things in your marriage or relationship? Do you wait 6 months , a year, or right away? So, spill the hot tea all over my.....(Blog) Get your mind out the Thanks Again we'll talk soon I do answer all replies okay feel free to post. |
no not really, it was a plus with no the decision was strictly my ideal..... |
thank you for support , right, don't it seems like my life is a soap opera like days of our lives or Guiding I would think its like love & hip hop if you ever caught that show..... |
To Maria195
really you been following me for a while ....well I'm now make you honorary member of my " Opinion Minions" congrats to you for this honor of being a minion! thanks for your wisdom on my topic this week! |
to Friendly _woman,
yes I will follow your advice......and thank you, you such a doll. |
to Ciretom
not quite like that, Cindy & I Lost touch with each other then we both assumed it was over. then she calls me and we realized we still loved and wanted to be with each other. then I met lacey , lets just say this it was a ball of mess and I straighten it out now and everyone's supports us and we happy |
To Txgal3333,
I heed the advice and I really appreciate that. you right, my Cindy was the girl who I really care about. sometimes the host of the hot tea topics needs advice as well.....that's how we communicate and learn from each other. Cindy is the type of girl that do anything for anybody with a good heart. I love that .. you know that old school courting....thanks again |
really, I'm sorry I didn''t read that..... |
to pansytilly,
Thank you very much for the support, that's why I love doing this here it shows me its real everyday people with good hearts....shots out to you! |
yes thank you for that....well I'm a stand up guy, I didn't want to break anybody's heart and loose a good thing. |
Edited by
Sat 07/25/15 08:09 AM
Good Morning on my Sabbath day of Saturday, just like I promise you all. Well all week I been getting mad feedback on the two women that was in my life it was a little messy situation but I needed my Opinion Minions to get me some advice, you all helped. So your boy made a adult decision among this two beautiful ladies. Before I reveal who I chose, I want to take a minute to thank you all and keep following me on my topics, okay. I based my decision on longevity, who was there for me , and care about & love. I also based on who I can see marrying one day & who's good with teenage sons. Plus my mom thought about who's good to me & for me. Okay, here's my revelation decision, your man 2Fly choose " Cindy". Why I choose my Cindy, well lets look at this for a minute. Did you notice when I refer to Cindy all week as " my Cindy". Two, my family loves her & my sons really grew to like her. Now I know you guys thinking she was the obvious choice but " Lacey" was a hard act to follow. I organized a meeting downtown at the dog park( Rittenhouse Square Park) Cindy met up with me and she looking hot as ever. I sat on a bench & your boy 2fly as ever so I brought a boutique of purple roses, a sterling anklet with my name on it, & we had lunch. I was honest with her & told her the whole situation I had to faced. Lucky for me she was very understanding & she asked me who will I choose. so I manned up & her I chose her. I told her I love her and no one will ever put us in a situation like this again I assured her. She kissed me, gave me a huge hug & and a very special" I Love You" to me. Of course I was happy, later this morning I called to meet with Lacey, this time we met at Starbucks Coffee house, lacey met with me and she was looking amazing but never less I had a mission to complete. We sat at a private table & your boy begin to tell her everything. I told her around the time I met you I didn't think my Cindy wanted to continue our relationship, so I had the impression that I was single again. she called me & we talked & realize we both never really left the relationship, it was a miss understanding. So I gently told her I was continuing seeing Cindy. Lacey gave me this face....but she thank me for being honest with her & she said well she wished me luck & if it don't work out give her a call, we both laughed but I assured her oh, its going to work out & I told her to take care of herself....that was it, so my friends I chose Cindy now I need you guys one more time, for those who are in or been in a healthy relationship, could you give me some tips & advice on how to keep us out the red & some friendly advice how continue to strengthen our union. thank yaw so much .....spill it....I'm dying to hear your advice tips & comments.
We will talk soon Thanks Again! 2Fly4wings38 |