Community > Posts By > GodsBeloved71
Battlestar Galactica anyone?
They'll probably use the tried-and-tired "quick fix" to tie everything up with. They'll use some incredibly-lame thingy to try to mash all the major plot points together with that will result in an incredibly-lame "happily ever after" ending. Awww come on....aren't you the least bit curious?? I love the show, the acting and writing in this last episode were phenomenal (sp?)!! Have some faith. |
Battlestar Galactica anyone?
Hey, just watched the first of the last 10 episodes of BSG and I am stoked. It was amazing but there is no one here to talk to about it. One question answered but like 50 unleashed. Anyways, just wondered if any one else cared enough to chat about it. I still cant believe the 5th was Ellen Tigh And what the heck is Starbuck? I was pretty shocked it was Ellen...I was hoping for Doc or maybe even Zach Adama. Hey what or who is Starbuck??? Maybe she is a Hybrid? No, I idea but I am so going to look forward to the next show. Can't believe it is over in 10 epi's! |
Battlestar Galactica anyone?
Hey, just watched the first of the last 10 episodes of BSG and I am stoked. It was amazing but there is no one here to talk to about it. One question answered but like 50 unleashed. Anyways, just wondered if any one else cared enough to chat about it.
(deep breath)
Thanks for all your suggestions...anything else?
(deep breath)
OK....go ahead. Constructive critism only please.
So what makes you unique?
So out of 21 views, only 4 people view themselves as unique in WA huh?
So what makes you unique?
Someone wrote me today and asked me what made me unique. Thought it was a thought provoking question and wanted to what makes you unique?
WHO is still Active from WA?
I am active and new on here. Oh and I am in Lakewood. Was thinking of hosting a Valentine's party for singles...just to mingle and get to know other people. I read a report that said most people find their future mates from friends and family introductions but in my case none of my friends and family have single friends. Take care and have a good weekend!!