Community > Posts By > Arrochar

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Tue 01/20/09 10:01 AM

i thought i'd develop great expectations
i thought my family life would begin in earnest before 25
i did not realize the power of sacrifice

i could not foresee how the greatest opportunities appear like a flash
i did not anticipate that awards would truly be empty for me
i am shocked by my own and others capacity to love

and children, i am always astonished by children

Brilliant Thoughts and emotions flowers

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Tue 01/20/09 09:57 AM
Is that a Japanese Waitress? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Tue 01/20/09 09:41 AM

Thank you for your true and kind words, and accept our apologies for the mistakes of our last lame duck administration for dragging the UK and the rest of the world into a war, that we now know was for the greed of oil and to line the pockets of the rich partners of that administation

Its not for you to apologise...just the fact that you recognise there is a Karma affect is good enough for this ladyflowers

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Tue 01/20/09 09:39 AM

I, myself, am proud of our country in how we've already come together due to the new president.
His speech gave me goosebumps and it only concretes what he's been saying since he began running for office.
I will have faith in him until HE himself gives me reason not to.
Our president has not only woke America up, but also the rest of the world!
He has already began uniting what the last few terms has torn apart.
I don't care what the non believers say...
It makes me PROUD to be an American!!!!!

I agree...lets join hands now and sort this crap out as the human nation of the planet flowers

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Tue 01/20/09 09:38 AM

Well, I'm a political cynic in the worst way but I'll admit, I was incredibly moved by the inauguration and his speech. We can only hope and pray that we can all come together as a country, despite our differences, and work together to fix things and make us great once again. flowerforyou

It bought me to tears...he spoke hard hitting words and made me think as a human being...its all good

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Tue 01/20/09 09:33 AM

hmmmmmmmmm,,deactivated account?huh

Why is you checking out female profiles may I ask? drool :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Tue 01/20/09 09:32 AM

You have elected a True and Sound Man to Lead Your Country...God Bless Him and Protect him

From The UK flowers

LOL rofl rofl rofl rofl

More like G-d save the UK from America....

OMG what a twat!

I am sorry...

I misread your post.

I thought it had said... God Bless Him and Protect him From The UK

Sorry, my bad!

Dont worry about happy :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

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Tue 01/20/09 09:29 AM

while i am proud that as a country we have come far enough to actually elect a man of color into the postion of president

i'm not entirely sure this was the right man for the job so to speak but like another has said time will tell and we will see

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

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Tue 01/20/09 09:28 AM

Everybody says they want change....yet there's still a Clinton in the administration.

What's a Clinton Admin? a sexual position? tears

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Tue 01/20/09 09:26 AM
Edited by Arrochar on Tue 01/20/09 09:27 AM

well, we will see

it'll take more than a nice speech

only time will tell

True but he comes with very good qualities...

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 09:25 AM


Yay...come on now is the time to let us all open our eyes and do something good...a hand of friendship across the seas?


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Tue 01/20/09 09:23 AM
Edited by Arrochar on Tue 01/20/09 09:35 AM

You have elected a True and Sound Man to Lead Your Country...God Bless Him and Protect him

From The UK flowers

LOL rofl rofl rofl rofl

More like G-d save the UK from America....

You are Welcome

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 09:22 AM

hmmmmmmmmm,,deactivated account?huh

oops sorry...:laughing:

Just came in to wish you all the very best...I Cried with pride today ans still do as I watch your New President Speak on behalf of us all

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Tue 01/20/09 09:17 AM
Edited by Arrochar on Tue 01/20/09 09:19 AM
You have elected a True and Sound Man to Lead Your Country...God Bless Him and Protect him

From The UK flowers

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Thu 01/15/09 09:10 AM

By the way, I am all for keeping it open and keeping the congress and public out of it!

I also apoligize for losing my temper. I take it personally due to serving 20 in the US Maine Corps. I hate it when people make slandering statements like that while they have no clue as to what they are talking about. sad

I too have served in the Middle East and lost 2 children in the Twin Towers...but hey what would a lil ol English Girl Know about anything
you have a bitter heart apparently and you want us to close Gitmo? thats strange..and you calim to have lost 2 chuldren there? I lost several friends that day... and yeah you have the right to say what ever you want here .. but be prepared also that we have that same right and most of us will not take crap. I don't care what your circumstances are.....arrogant self righteous typical Brit.... so you got some of us pissed... oh well you desreve all the nasty comments that come your way we didn't ask for your permission on anything.

Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY, deserves nasty comments.
If you can't say things in a calm manner you should sign out and have a think before you post.

Thank You...someone with a little common sense at long last

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Thu 01/15/09 09:08 AM

By the way, I am all for keeping it open and keeping the congress and public out of it!

I also apoligize for losing my temper. I take it personally due to serving 20 in the US Maine Corps. I hate it when people make slandering statements like that while they have no clue as to what they are talking about. sad

I too have served in the Middle East and lost 2 children in the Twin Towers...but hey what would a lil ol English Girl Know about anything
you have a bitter heart apparently and you want us to close Gitmo? thats strange..and you calim to have lost 2 chuldren there? I lost several friends that day... and yeah you have the right to say what ever you want here .. but be prepared also that we have that same right and most of us will not take crap. I don't care what your circumstances are.....arrogant self righteous typical Brit.... so you got some of us pissed... oh well you desreve all the nasty comments that come your way we didn't ask for your permission on anything.

Oh Heavens another Spam Head...LOL what on earth do you want me to are entitled to your opinion as am I...only thing is I challenge you to come to Hyde Park and Speak in front of an audience like I have...and for your information us arrogant Brits have every right to be such we are Supreme always will be always have been...

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 09:04 AM

"Racist site"?????

Seems someone has a hard time allowing for "OTHER'S OPINIONS".

All are free to post within the site rules.

Hey have a look how I was outnumbered by the Pitbulls...who is bullying who here?

Welcome to real Life America...we Europeans have seen it done and wear the t-shirt...your kick ass tactics and Bullying antics don't impress the rest of are puppy dogs who have never actually won a war in anything if the truth be known

you say stuff like that and wtf did you expect?

I like pitbulls..dogs travel in packs for a reason, but think they won't stand on their own when necessary...
make sure you can back up your bark with a bite..

respectfully yours in discord...

No Biting required...that's the whole point...barking does its job...ask any postal worker

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 09:00 AM

"Racist site"?????

Seems someone has a hard time allowing for "OTHER'S OPINIONS".

All are free to post within the site rules.

Hey have a look how I was outnumbered by the Pitbulls...who is bullying who here?

Welcome to real Life America...we Europeans have seen it done and wear the t-shirt...your kick ass tactics and Bullying antics don't impress the rest of are puppy dogs who have never actually won a war in anything if the truth be known

you say stuff like that and wtf did you expect?

Exactly what I got...its called intelligence...get em to talk openly tongue2

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 08:59 AM

By the way, I am all for keeping it open and keeping the congress and public out of it!

I also apoligize for losing my temper. I take it personally due to serving 20 in the US Maine Corps. I hate it when people make slandering statements like that while they have no clue as to what they are talking about. sad

I too have served in the Middle East and lost 2 children in the Twin Towers...but hey what would a lil ol English Girl Know about anything

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 08:54 AM

"Racist site"?????

Seems someone has a hard time allowing for "OTHER'S OPINIONS".

All are free to post within the site rules.

Hey have a look how I was outnumbered by the Pitbulls...who is bullying who here?

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