Community > Posts By > 23mBoredinKilleen
I have two tat's and neither are complete.
On my left arm (top) I have an angel facing away with severed wings and a sword in it's back along with it's hands bound behind it's back. Also the word "solitude" underneath it. Once it is complete on the other side of that same arm the angel will be facing out holding the sword and the wings will be full spread going all the way up to my shoulder. I don't plan on completing this tattoo until I feel my life is at a point where I am completely happy and in a relationship I know will last until I die. The other is on my right calf and it is a cross. Once I decide what phrase from the bible I want. That phrase will be tattooed around the cross. I won't finish that also until I know for sure it is 100% what I want and I it will have to be a phrase I completely believe in. Surprisingly I got the tattoo on my arm with my ex-wife. A fallen bound angel. I guess that was a sign of how I really felt about our relationship and what was to come of it. |
![]() Just don't do drugs, mmmkay? ![]() Been there and done that. Luckily at a very young age. Can't say anything bad ever become of it. ****, I had a blast, but other people would probably look down upon it. Partying with adults between me and my cousin at ages 14-17 non stop random drugs and getting kicked out of schools was the best time ever. Now I don't have to worry about it effecting me later on in life because I already got it out of my system. ![]() |
I got drunk and took some xanex and ended up waking up on a greyhound bus headed for west palm. ![]() ![]() ROFL pwned. You win. |
i was at a motorhead concert and jumped up on stage...i mooned Lenny the singer and stage dived and moses was somewhere cause the crowd parted like the red sea and i slammed into a concrete floor and was nicely escorted out of the place ![]() I did this at a Korn concert. The guy tossed me up and nobody was looking and they parted and down I went. Second time worked like a charm though haha. Painful isn't it? |
I got married. Big mistake. ![]() Fixed it though. Got divorced. ![]() I'll second that. ![]() |
isnt that kinda like the antichrist??? Shh......? No, not the anti-christ. I just know I can do a better job than anybody else out there right now and I plan on proving that. It will take time of course, and when I do nobody will have a choice, it won't be possible to take over with popular vote as there are just too many people out there that wouldn't understand. I can stop oppression and genocide. I will be able to right all of the wrongs and get health care and people in better shape than ever before. This I all know is fact. It's nice to know what a few people think though. Sorry though, no Anarchy. I'm not going to have people cause more trouble than what there already is when I take over. Anarchy will be stomped out. |
How would you guys feel about there being one world ruler?
I plan on world domination within my lifetime so I'm curious how people would feel about it at this point and time. I'm talking about the same government the UK has which is... Qoute: "A bicameral parliamentary democracy with an elected lower house (the House of Commons) and an hereditary upper house (the House of Lords)." Only, I would have more control as the monarch and it would be world wide. |
I can't think of the most spontaneous thing I've done because it's a regular occurrence for me, but list your own!
I'll give you lesson one for free.
You have to post one really weird video here on the forums that has a song that can make people uncomfortable. IE |
<<<<<psycho-in-training! I wanna meet you! ![]() I offer lessons for only 200$ an hour, but you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement before starting class! |
What would you do
I'll admit it. When I get drunk I tend to get into a loving mood. That's why I have friends there to hold me back if I start flirting a bit too much with someones wife / girlfriend. Love friends.
Why did you marry the scariest woman on earth? When we met at around age 14-15 somewhere in there. She was the most loving and beautiful girl I had ever met. That all changed after we had a kid, got married, joined the Army, moved into together. By the time all of that apart time was said and done, we were two completely different people. |
not at all the way things are going these days....society has mad either pretty scary women..or pansy a$$ men......I have wondered... Well, I was married to the scariest woman on the earth and I am furthest thing from a pansy. So I'll take my chances haha. |
however long they wanna take. don't think I ever met a woman that could really beat my ass, tie me up, or force me to do anything I don't wanna do. So there's not too much reason to be guarded about it. If I was actually going to meet a woman I thought could and would do that, I'd be packing a pistol that could stop a bear. And I don't date women larger than bears. HAHAHAHAHA! I believe they were talking about the woman bringing friends for HER protection ROFL. |
is it cold where you live?
I live in my apartment so I can control the weather.
Yes, its cold right now in Texas. =( |
I'm curious what makes this thread different from the other threads in General Discussion.
![]() |
Tell me... where and how do I get pictures to post in the community like that? can someone tell me how to? Google... I would LOVE a zombie invasion. Recently read World War Z. Bad ass book. Check out this link to calculate what your survival chances are in case of a zombie attack. You gotta choose the tab that says Calculate Risk obviously. =p |
What should i do?
I say slip him some.. Oh nevermind..
Go with happiness. |
Just don't take anyone they may like better then you, that would be rather....awkward ![]() Haha! I had this happen once. I went to the movies with some friends and there was a girl working at the counter that I found very interesting and attractive. So me and my buddy go up to talk to her and just converse to see what she was like. Turns out they hit it off waaaay more than me and her did. I tried to convince him to get her number, but he wouldn't do it. I didn't go back because to me with them hitting it off, I thought it would have been awkward to get her number for myself. |
what comes first
Depends on what you are gonna use the pearls for.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And so we are here alone. The only two who got the joke. ![]() |