Community > Posts By > Gizzy1

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Mon 10/08/07 09:52 AM
What is Love????? I don't have a clue and don't care.. for I don't want to love anybody else but "ME" ..uh huh...selfish??? who cares???
Moved away from mom & dad and all of those good things U could only possibly have from them in the name of stupid love??? Yes...did it..and it was sucked!!! but it payed off... I didn't kill him just make him feel guilty for taken me away, so he gives me whatever I want,even if that means a brand new expensive stuffs even if I already have that's "love" I think.

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Mon 10/08/07 09:25 AM
wow...15 years huh???? I coudn't even keep a boyfriend more then 1 month, cause to me the flame gone bye bye after that long.'s easy how to get's how :
1. Forgive and forget...I know it's hard to do
2. Take a "r u over u'r ex yet?" test ( b honest 2 u'r self)
3. Sing an old song called "The king of wishfull thinking" and "Shut Up" daily...u'll feel better...I do...
4. Get out (with your friends..) and have fun...all the time
5. Whatever u do...don't think it's u'r fault that's u've gone separate way
6. Remember...U R prettier than's true...
7. Don't take my words for it....I don't even know how to commit
8. Stay beautiful, safe and GOOD LUCK!!!!

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Fri 10/05/07 11:55 AM
cute...sounds like one of my friend's experience.

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Sat 09/29/07 08:12 PM
they say...."u'll live long if u have good friends" 4 me...still have no friend yet...sooo I guess have 2 stay healthy (more sex with my toys that is)...2 live long...he..he..

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Sat 09/29/07 08:12 PM
they say...."u'll live long if u have good friends" 4 me...still have no friend yet...sooo I guess have 2 stay healthy (more sex with my toys that is)...2 live long...he..he..

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Fri 06/29/07 08:51 PM
oooohhh... I love that beautiful...

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Fri 06/29/07 08:47 PM
Hang on'll be okay...I know so...time will tell...meanwhile listen to some songs that make you happy...

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Fri 01/05/07 07:44 PM
nice to read it....beautiful

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Sat 12/02/06 08:51 PM
Isn't that Bryan Adams's song????

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Tue 10/17/06 08:40 AM
Gators,manatees and dolpins and....Disney World.....after all you're in
the sunshine state....yay...

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Wed 10/11/06 11:15 AM
Another good one, I know how it feel, except my part I wasn't chatin'
online... good luck....

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Wed 10/11/06 11:12 AM
nice poem... well I don't know how to write one but reading them... I
really enjoy a lot....and your poem is one of the cute one I've
read....good one...

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Mon 10/09/06 11:21 AM
Yeah... that's right... Jr. should have won, and I think that vicker
ain't got no class...I mean at least say he's sorry a bit to Jr. for
what he did, but for me as of now... Jr. still is my winner for that
race...can't change that fact...

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Mon 10/02/06 11:31 AM
I never have any friend sooo... I don't know what "friend" is????

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Sat 09/16/06 12:50 PM
These are not to offend any men out there and cause this topic said
"men"...and that just a sayin' I read one day it goes:
"Did you ever notice all these problem start with men?":
"Menstrual cramp"
"Mental anxiety"
"Mental break down"

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Sat 09/16/06 12:33 PM
It depends, if it just for friend and no sex involve...I don't mind (my
good friend is hispanic male)....but if u talking about sexually and boy
friend kind.....nahhhh... I'll pass....

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Thu 09/14/06 09:36 AM
"I maybe small BUT I'm the BOSS".....yay...well.. that's what my t-shirt
I bought in Key West says anyway....but it fits me...they say...

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Wed 09/13/06 11:54 AM
When "Monday...I can't wait till Tuesday"... that's what Sting says in
his song called "Seven Days" anyway... which is almost true......

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Wed 09/13/06 11:48 AM
I lovvvvve to have 2 cups/day at least...

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Wed 09/13/06 11:43 AM
"The art of War" Sun Tzu