Community > Posts By > roughrouge

roughrouge's photo
Mon 01/22/07 08:38 PM
thanks guys that one is from the heart...appreciate it

roughrouge's photo
Mon 01/22/07 08:06 PM
wow...well spoken...great job

roughrouge's photo
Mon 01/22/07 08:03 PM
agree...we're all searching for the better half 'cause without that
special one we are but only a ahlf

roughrouge's photo
Mon 01/22/07 08:00 PM
great's from the heart that makes it special

roughrouge's photo
Mon 01/22/07 07:48 PM
exceptional michael...a true beauty

roughrouge's photo
Mon 01/22/07 07:31 PM
….A Love So Pure….

I love you more than words can tell,
Thinking of you makes my heart swell.
So precious a love is hard to describe,
The emotions in me tell no lies

Life without you would be the cruelest of joke,
Just thinking of it makes my whole heart hurt.
I can’t imagine ever losing you,
Forever my love will be true to you.

Hot tears running down my cheeks,
Springing from passion burning within.
A love like this is hard to explain,
Without you darling, my life has no aim.

I will love you till the day I die,
And remember you always through heaven’s eyes.
My happiness started the day I met you,
Without you darling my love would never be true.

Everyday with you is time well spent,
Each moment new meaning, each minute new life.
You’re my sanity in a world gone mad,
With you Oh Darling I could never be sad.

Loving you is an honor to behold,
Being with you is a feat that must be told.
You’re the sunshine that lights my life,
Chasing the darkness making everything bright.

My love for you is an inexhaustible well,
Springing from a fountain that has no end.
True meaning to life from a source so divine,
Forever my love you’ll always be mine.

Mark Hill 2007.

roughrouge's photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:48 AM
A Virgin’s Tale – Pt. II

Ethan Chambers was admiring the view of the city far below. It was
breathtaking. The lights and night life was alive. They were all the
way on top of the mountain, part of the national park. On weekends, the
park closed at 1:00am. It was only 10:30. There were pavilions
scattered all around. It was the perfect night for romance. Love was
in the air. It hovered over the park like a large blanket. He was
thinking about Emily. He smiled to himself. This was the perfect
setting to start of a romantic evening together. After last Saturday
night’s experience, his life has been in cloud nine. He loved and
lusted after her, both emotions blending together, merging as one. At
least, that’s how it felt to him. She was absolutely amazing. He had
relived the experience all week. Just the very thought of her stirred
his Lyons causing a massive erection below. His heart rate quickened,
blood pounding in his ear sending a warm sensation throughout his body.
And when he entered her, god that was heaven, she was so wet, so warm,
it was so beautiful.
He heard the car door opened and closed as if in a distance though it
was only twenty five feet away. He was lost in thoughts of her. He had
dealt with the emotions of the immorality of the situation and made a
conscious decision to toss them out the door. Married, she was, and
very much cared deeply about her husband. Of that he convinced himself.
Then, there was the issue of his parents, he was only a teenager and she
was twice his age. If his parents ever found out….he refused to bring
himself to deal with that part of the situation. She was an absolute
goddess and she took him to erotic places he’d never in his life been
before. Her hands were magic, her lips were so soft and sweet as honey
and her velvet touch was like that of an angel. He wasn’t worried about
tomorrow. He lived only for today and when today turns into the morrow
he will live only for that day. For tomorrows, he convinced himself,
will take care of itself. That was the philosophy he adopted and that
philosophy was his current guiding light. He smiled again to himself;
he had it all perfectly worked out.
He didn’t hear her coming up behind him until he felt her soft hands
encircling his waist. He closed his eyes, still enthralled by thoughts
of his Emily. Her hands dropped down to his erection and slowly started
to tenderly massage it’s bulging head. This was a huge step for her but
she was caught up in the moment and tossed all caution to the wind. He
took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. ‘Oh darling, you are so amazing
Emily’ he said. He felt the hands on his erection go very still and a
voice, almost alien said, ‘what did you say?’ He jolted back to
reality. He turned rapidly, held her shoulders and said, ‘Jessie, I
said Jessie.’
‘Like hell you did’ she screamed. ‘Who the hell is Emily and when did
you meet her.’
His life came crashing down in an instant. She was working herself into
a red rage and he couldn’t calm her. She went to the retaining bar
fence and held on to them. Oh god he thought to himself, she is going
to jump and his life will be over. His finger prints are on her and
they’ll assume her did because of his affair with Emily. ****, at the
very least he’ll be in jail for the rest of his life. His life will be
over before it really began. He tried to reason with her but she wasn’t
listening. She was far too upset. She finally moved away from the bars
and headed for the car. She told him to take her home. Relieved, he
rushed to his car. Jessie was his girlfriend, a teenager like himself.
Their greatest indulgence was holding hands and kissing. He had known
Jessie all his life and had always consider her his. Now, everything
was spinning out of control. He wasn’t sure of anything anymore. He
dropped her off at her house, she was a wreck. Before getting out the
car she informed him that she was going to pay his mom a visit in the
morning and she would know all about his unfaithfulness. All that would
have been just fine except for the fact that there was a next door
neighbor named Emily. He pulled into their driveway, killed the motor
and went inside. His parents were entertaining the Gordon’s, the
neighbor’s next door. His mom told him to come over and meet the new
neighbors. Emily looked directly into his eyes and smiled. His life
raced out of control once again.

Mark Hill

roughrouge's photo
Sun 01/21/07 07:12 PM
thanks LAmom...that one is from the heart

roughrouge's photo
Sun 01/21/07 12:25 PM
awesome it

roughrouge's photo
Sun 01/21/07 12:04 PM
true beauty requires the master's're right mike

roughrouge's photo
Sun 01/21/07 11:43 AM
pearls are beauty to gotta search for the oyester bed
but I guarantee she'd there :)

roughrouge's photo
Sun 01/21/07 11:16 AM

……Pearly Everlasting….

I saw her for the very first time,
Lustrous concretion her ultimate design.
The keenest eyes passing her by,
Overlooking, the precious gem inside.

Just another mollusk, they thought to themselves,
Nothing within those dirty shell.
Waste of time diving that deep,
Many more pearls within their reach.

I held her for the very first time,
Breaking the harness of her mollusk design.
Concentric layers protecting her beautiful gem,
A bluish luster, a grayish shine.

Free from the harness of the mollusk holding her in,
A mother of Pearl, a treasure to behold.
Queen of the sea, they marveled at me,
Lascivious eyes consuming her being.

Why could we not see? They said to me,
Choice Mother of Pearl for anyone to be.
Wonder of the world, they marvel within,
More precious than rubies, desirable than gold.

Heaven’s eyes smiled on me this day,
My heartbeat, my jewel, my ultimate aim.
Arms, like pearly gates open wide,
Inviting me in, her ultimate divine.
So precious a jewel, I marveled at her,
God bless this day forever and beyond.

Look at my face, this big ole smile,
A spark in my step, a twinkle in mine eyes.
Consider myself luckiest man alive,
Pearly everlasting will forever be mine.

Mark Hill 2007

roughrouge's photo
Wed 01/17/07 09:37 AM
thks laMom :)

roughrouge's photo
Wed 01/17/07 09:09 AM
thks guys....appreciate it

roughrouge's photo
Wed 01/17/07 08:53 AM
thks country...glad you like it

roughrouge's photo
Wed 01/17/07 08:27 AM
....Old Reliable...

She's not as sleek as she used to be,
But still as reliable as can be.
All the new boats zipped by her,
Showing off for all to see.

She use to be the queen of the sea,
A refugee and a fortress for all in need.
We've been through storms typhoons and sunami's
Yet, she's as steady as a rock can be.

I treat her with honor, with respect, with favor
She's one of a kind to me.
All the new boats trying to catch mine eyes,
Are wasting their time on me.

I love her today, yesterday and the morrow,
For she's my heart and queen.
Sentiments and compliments,
Are values that hold her dear to me.

I look at her now, mooring outside
Steady as the rock she is.
Her gray paint flaking, her deck is creaking
As she danced in the wind and sea.

Old reliable will always be cherished
Like the woman god gave to me.
There's a place in mine heart, I'll always hold dear
She is the only one who holds the keys.

I could see her now flowing, her eyes are a glowing,
As she came down the stairs to me.
A smile on her lips like honey-comb drips
Enticing for me to see.

More preciouse then rubies, profitable than silver
Her returns more better than gold.
So noble a character and clothe with strength
She's my crown for all to see.

I'll cherish her forever, deny her never
She's more lovely than snow-white to me.
A gift like this, no one can resist,
She is Old Reliable to me.

Mark Hill 2007

roughrouge's photo
Wed 01/17/07 06:07 AM
country, this is definately one of my favorite...thanks

roughrouge's photo
Wed 01/17/07 06:04 AM
thanks u guys...came from the heart :)

roughrouge's photo
Tue 01/16/07 01:17 PM
thanks tg

roughrouge's photo
Tue 01/16/07 01:17 PM
thanks tg