cmon you dont care about the cows dieing from the meth lab
well i mean that and she is slightly bi polar. But when were about to break up before all this was found out she was freaking out crying sucidal i cant live without you blah blah that whole speel. But i mean yeah i sense it coming to an end the cheating you know is whatever but with a friend. then when i find out and get slightly upset she acts like everything should be fine and there should be no reason im upset so i was basically what the hell is wrong with you then next thing i know a friend who i used to chill with everyday gets on threatens me for hurting her feelings. like i mean im going to leave them alone and let be i really dont care anymore. But i dont see why im the bad guy for gettin upset. and even before her ive had a bunch of crazy exs i mean i know not every girl is crazy butt to me its like 1 out of 10. maybe its just the ones i attract
I figured it would only get worse lol
Well about a week ago i ended a three year relationship. And now to come to find out shes been sleeping with one of my good friends of all people for the past month. I really dont understand
I like monkeys
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I need help
i guess random advice given by strangers online gives me assurance and have guts to actually do something....
I need help
Yeah but ive done that for a couple years not many serious girls but there all party girls and im really startin to realize i have a im rarely sober problem ive partied hard in the last two years and i want to start gettin out of that bad habit. When i hang out with her im actually sober lol its helpin and shes fun too. so i think its a good option for my life.
I need help
like throughout the past couple of years we were always close but never got involved in each others relationship except like when her boyfriends cheated on her or do something bad i step in with a kinda brother role and solve the problem so to speak. We've both had bad past relationships so i know she isnt into anyone else she made that clear. We both talked about how each other need someone quite normal. Shes a good girl im not used to that i usually date partying crazy girls so its a different setting i guess i like it though it just kinda makes it intimidating. Havent been on a "traditional date" in a while.
I need help
Well the start of this story is me and this girl dated like almost 4 years ago for a really long time. Her parents got a divorce she kinda went on a crazy streak for a little bit thats when we broke up. But throughout the years i stayed really good friends with her. Now when i just got out of my last relationship with someone else i hung out with her and she flirted quite a bit. She said she had a boyfriend but she wasnt really liking him and didnt think it was goin to work out and two days later they broke up. she gives me like clues that she still likes me in that way but im not exactly sure.
If i make a move and it works thats great, but im scared if i do and it doesnt work that it would make our good friendship now a little awkard. Any ideas on what i should do? |
gwar rules
Hell yes greatest live concert band ever. Nothin beats gettin sprayed with fake blood.