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New Story....
"I will always love you, no matter what. Don't forget, always remember that day we first kissed, first held each other close, when we first shared the special gift of each other, always remember.... The words drifted off into nothingness, as if fell off the edge of the paper.
She turned the paper over, seeking, hoping, wishing for more Her mind drifted to the first time, their first time. She felt the deep piercing of first kiss, first love. She closed her eyes in blissful agony. It was as if he was right there with her, at that very moment, holding her in the most passionate of embraces, making them both one, kissing her with the pent up desire of unfed passion, taking from her very soul while imprinting his memory there. she remembered every touch, every unspoken word as they shared their unspoken commitment to each other, two lost soul, finally finding each other. The memory of their love seared her to her bones as she quivered with the memories. No, she could never forget. She walked back in time in her memory, seeing the beautiful scenery, the stream, the wild flowers, the glow of the sleeping sun as it dipped close to the distant horizon. What was it that he had said the.. What was it. it was as if he reached out to kiss her again, she felt the whisper of a kiss against her lips as her memory came alive. "I love you, will love you for all time..." It was then when they had satisfied their passion that they had made plans to visit the one place they bought had dreamt of going. They never followed through with their plans all these years. She knew then where to find him. It had to be, she was sure this was the key. She touched her trembling hands to her lips. Yes,she must find him. She picked up Snicker, folded the note and placed it in her coat pocket as she hurried home. It was up to her now. She had to find him, she had no choice now. His life, if not hers depended on it. |
my son says indecisive people were abused as kids. Something to think about.
Intimidated Men
Compromise is only some of the time. Side by side cannot be all of the time. Sometimes one person has to make the decision and let the chips fall. problem, who decides? it shouldn't be the man, it should probably be the one who has the most to lose, or toss a coin and set the rules. Whatever the decision no blame. basically relationships fail due to lack of communication, men say women communicate too much, women say men don't communicate enough. I say deal with the major financial aspect of the relationship as you would in the board room and love and sex as you would in the bedroom neither must affect the other. Good loving!!! 7 prosperity.
Intimidated Men
You are as strong if not stronger than the challenges you have overcome. The old adage what doesn't kill you makes you stronger is definitely true. The problem with strong women is not their strength, it is how they choose to use it. They forget the qualities that made them alluring as a woman or see it as a weakness. They use these qualities to get the man and to manipulate to get what they want. They use their so called strength to push a man away when things aren't going the way they want it to. A truly strong woman knows the true balance between her femininity and her time honored strength and strive to create a balance. This is not an easy task, especially if she has to use her strength against the very thing she was created to love in order to protect herself from use and abuse. Bottom line men- When you meet a strong woman with men issues that's a woman that has been hurt over and over again, not her fault. Vulnerability and love goes hand in hand. once you love you make yourself vulnerable. Your part in the process is to make sure you don't use your strength of discernment to use and abuse a female resulting in the strong women you have come to now despise. You are the beginning and end to every aspect of what you find in society as good or evil, now you have to work twice as hard to clean up the mess. Good luck!!!!
Intimidated Men
feelings of intimidation is nothing more than fear; fear that you are not good enough, will not be accepted, will not make the cut, etc. If you have feelings of intimidation you need to explore why? You might have an inferiority complex and therefore not able to deal with a person with a superiority complex, ergo you feel intimidated. Both should run in opposite directions. if you have an inferiority complex you need to raise your self esteem. in order to raise your self esteem you need to start winning at things building your confidence to where you know you are good enough, you are a winner.