without quoting scripture or the bible, ++ I am serious>, ty ted Who's to say the "Bible" is the correct text? There are other religious writings that predate the Bible. |
They only did that for a purpose during a trial. It still doesn't classify as a religion. You have to define "religion". For example, do you consider Buddhism a religion? |
Many people voted for Obama because of his version of the health care plan. The plan got watered down. As most politicians, he never discussed specifics of the [healthcare] plan during his *campaign* to be voted in. It got "watered down" because it was in much greater chaos that what it is now. The reasons it's in the state now is because of some checks and balances that have swayed it. |
Actually it depends on the candidates as to what the people are saying. They may want the healthcare bill still and just do not like the other candidate. So this doesn't prove anything as to the healthcare bill at all. I want the public option and I want the rest reformed and I am working to see it happen. It DOES prove what informed Americans want. The ones who are paying attention to the ramifications. The voters voted because they now realize the true repercussions. Yes, it would be nice to have health care reform, but not the current ObamaCare bill. Has no one read what is proposed? |
Religion Endangers Humanity And Its Future So. what's "religion" in your opinion? More importantly, rather than regurgitate some biased article, what's your opinion if it? |
But the people want the health care bill. So they are not screwing anyone. I have been writing to my representatives to make sure they get the healthcare bill done the way I want it. Yea, but not the bill that is proposed. Have you looked at the ramifications of the current draft? Most Americans haven't the foggiest what the bill entails ... I'm certainly *not* saying -you- don't. What I've been hearing (and reading) is most Americans think they are getting is what others (such as Canadians and European countries) have. People need to research what the bill entails, in its current draft. |
Like I said earlier...1 switched sides because of this bill, 1 was "bribed" for his vote, the Dems don't want transparency with this and now a Rep has been voted in when do the red flags come out? We'll see ... I bet ACORN has a say in this :) (ACORN's national president resides in Mass). The real problem, though, is that the ObamaCare bill could still be voted in, due to delays in voter counting (absentee, military) and the general process. But let's hope not !! |
I see this election as result of the public outrage against the Obama and the dems, how they didn't do jack for an entire year. Take my word for it. This is a revenge attack, just like not long ago, electing the New Jersey governor, who is also republican (Chris Christie) See more similar vote outcomes coming near you this year. but is this not the American people speaking out through their voting???? I'm sure that's what "Atlantis75" was saying ... a "public outrage" would be the voters taking a stand. There's never been a Repub holding that seat since the early '70's ... plus Mass is traditionally majority Demo ... what does that say the voters (public) are thinking? |
big enough?
I had a girl call me at the hotel tonight looking for a room and she said " I need a room with a big enough bed to take care of buisness, you got that?" ![]() ![]() At least she knows what she wants. ![]() You should've asked how big is big enough :) |
Asking to call right away...
This thread wasn't about emailing for weeks and weeks without a phone call or anything else. Again, no one said that talking on the phone is not a good thing. Just that many of us don't want to call someone after one email. Point taken. I understand one extreme or the other would be silly :) |
Asking to call right away...
I'd rather talk over the phone.Than email back and forth(might get upset or not understand when they are trying to joke or be serious)Call them and block your number or just put in your profile here for forums only.It is a dating site Get a Google Voice phone number and you won't have to worry about revealing your real phone number. You can even block numbers [easily] with G.V., set it screen calls, etc :) |
I had someone intrested in some of my prints but have no set prices yet. I know what they want and what sizes they want. But am unsure what to charge. I have been told many diffrent things. A few people say multiply my price by 2. others say by 5 and some say by more. But I am the type that wants to make a deal where we both get what we want and it's not too expensive. How much would you spend for 8 5x7 prints (not matted)? That's a difficult question to answer. Multiply "what" by "2' or "5". The original cost for you to get it printed? And what are the prints of? Your own work of subject matter of your own choosing? What *I* would spend for 8 5x7 prints would probably be different than what "that" person would spend. It depends on the artwork. Heck, I might buy some print that "that" person wouldn't even consider. I've sold some 8x10 prints for $100 and some for close to $500, and yet some for $50. I think it's really about what you think it should be worth, *artistically*. People will pay the price if they truly want it. |
Asking to call right away...
It's a little forward. Too much too soon is never attractive. That's like a girl you've just met begging to get married. It's scary and totally makes you run for your life. This is a dating site, it only makes sense to email one another getting to know eachother [sic] before making contact in real life. Hmmm. I'm not sure that makes sense to me. Or maybe this is the "newest trend" with the online thing. Personally, I don't think you can get the true worth of a person online. I mean, if they're gonna be a player (etc), they'll continue to hide it ... I think you get much better feedback in person. What happened during the days before online forums (dating/etc)? I remember being invited to a party many years (20+ years) by a friend (didn't know the party-thrower), knocked on the door and the girl (house of party) answered - I about fell on the floor. We hit it off instantly ... I stayed the evening and we went to the beach the next day - from then on it never ended. Within a year we were married (many years later she died in a plane crash). I've had more than one relationship happen this way. Meet someone at some sort of gathering, sit and talk for a while, ask for a date, and on to the more serious. It happens (to me) to this day. I'm asked by a friend to come over to their house to meet someone. What should you do then? Say, "give me your email address so we can get to know one another"? IMO, emailing back-n-forth would be likened to writing letters back-n-forth in the old days. Although you can get a spirit of the person on the other end, I think it makes sense to communicate on a more "personal level". email is sooooo impersonal. But you talked for awhile before going on a date, even if it was an hour or two it was still 'getting to know them' persay. It makes perfect sense then to e-mail back and forth for awhile (longer than a couple of hours obviously we can't fit an entire conversation in e-mails) and then decide to get together and talk. You can't just walk into a date without knowing anything about a person, it is counter-productive. @FearandLoathing I guess my point is whether you talk in person for "2 hours" or you've done it online via email, you still wont know the person. However, I think at least in person you get some "emotional" feedback ... email offers no physical feedback (not talking about the physique), but facial expressions, etc. I'm not disputing the fact that it's a good idea to exchange a couple of emails, but I've read where folks carry on for multiple weeks emailing. How does one supposed "some wacko" gets to meet people? By "acting" in emails as if they were a normal/acceptable person. Or let's say they're a player? How does one extract that fact via email if the player doesn't reveal their true intention? Or course, the player can do that in person, too, in order to get to their goal. However, maybe a person could pick up "bad vibes" via body language or mannerisms. I guess what I'm saying is not that "folks should jump at every opportunity to meet someone in person who they've "met" online by request ... but emailing doesn't mean you'd be any 'safer' ". The only way, I think, would be if each person presented who they really are somehow (maybe some sort of "physical" evidence, whatever that might be). |
Asking to call right away...
Edited by
Tue 01/19/10 02:26 PM
It's a little forward. Too much too soon is never attractive. That's like a girl you've just met begging to get married. It's scary and totally makes you run for your life. This is a dating site, it only makes sense to email one another getting to know eachother [sic] before making contact in real life. Hmmm. I'm not sure that makes sense to me. Or maybe this is the "newest trend" with the online thing. Personally, I don't think you can get the true worth of a person online. I mean, if they're gonna be a player (etc), they'll continue to hide it ... I think you get much better feedback in person. What happened during the days before online forums (dating/etc)? I remember being invited to a party many years (20+ years) by a friend (didn't know the party-thrower), knocked on the door and the girl (house of party) answered - I about fell on the floor. We hit it off instantly ... I stayed the evening and we went to the beach the next day - from then on it never ended. Within a year we were married (many years later she died in a plane crash). I've had more than one relationship happen this way. Meet someone at some sort of gathering, sit and talk for a while, ask for a date, and on to the more serious. It happens (to me) to this day. I'm asked by a friend to come over to their house to meet someone. What should you do then? Say, "give me your email address so we can get to know one another"? IMO, emailing back-n-forth would be likened to writing letters back-n-forth in the old days. Although you can get a spirit of the person on the other end, I think it makes sense to communicate on a more "personal level". email is sooooo impersonal. |
Wide Bell Bottoms,
Frye Campus boots Levi big bells..Kennington shirts ![]() ![]() Really?? Condoning $250-$300 boots? That goes against the hippie mentality!! |
serve a plain jane hot dog inside a pancake but boil the dog and have hush puppies with them! serve with heinz cocktail sauce for dipping the hush puppies!!!! and drink with KENTUCKY BURBOUN You might consider *real* recipes ... not dorm concoctions |
Wide Bell Bottoms,
Mine were Levi Bells. Zip up boots, strobe and black lights. Disco balls. Black light and velvet posters. Velvet posters? Not for me ... OMG, I'm reminded of this Raquel Welch poster I had: http://interpolation.wordpress.com/2009/06/05/bad-movie-iconic-image/ |
Wide Bell Bottoms,
and halter tops... ![]() Woo hoo !!! halter tops and hip-hugger's were *awesome*. Long hair (esp women) was all the rage ... I remember that all the "foxiest" girls in HS had hair down to their butt :) |
Edited by
Sat 01/16/10 01:48 PM
Hell no! It's not just a mans job...I like to get my hands dirty too you know... Besides I know what I'm doing...cmon now I'm also gunna go to school to become an Automotive Tech. I think it's awesome that a woman has an interest in working on autos. I had a [woman] friend who used to work in the pits (drag racing). Which reminds me, Ashley Force is at the top of my "women in racing" list :) I watched (and photographed) her race and beat her Dad here at Houston Raceway Park (her Dad, John, is one of the winningest drag racers of all time). Follow your dream ... many don't ! |
Only been on the meds for 2 days, I know they take time to work. Your doc still needs to know about what's happening, Red. The meds may be hurting more than helping or they haven't taken affect yet. The doc would know. ![]() The important thing would be to listen to your physician and what I would do would be to get a second (or even third) opinion. Many doctors are quick to throw pills at folks. I would like to mention that I know someone who is supposed to be on medicine (they are bipolar), but they don't always take their medicine (they say there is nothing wrong with them), but when they are on the meds, and consistently for the required time, are, for lack of a better term, "well adjusted". I can tell when they aren't consistently taking their medication. I'm sure it's tough road ... |