Community > Posts By > grrrrrrr

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Sun 08/22/10 03:29 PM
Link to information on divorce rate in America and other resources:

Link to information on divorce and it's possible effects on children, with resources for divorcing parents with children:

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Sat 08/21/10 07:14 PM
I think we should ban heterosexuals from marrying and having children until they can show they are capable of raising children free from any form of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and free from any form of neglect. Also, until heterosexuals prove they can reliably not conceive children out of wedlock, they should not be allowed to have the right to marriage. Also, until heterosexuals can demonstrate the ability to stay faithful to each other in the marriage, be free from spousal abuse, stay committed to one another and their families for the long term, and raise loving, compassionate, responsible children, they should not be allowed to marry.

As far as I am concerned, heterosexuals should be the ones banned from the right to marry and have children. In my opinion...just saying. What is it now, 50% divorce rate? I feel for those kids who have to deal with that feeling of abandonment/or who had to deal with parents that mistreated each other/hated each other/didn't love each other/or just plain didn't care enough to work it out. It would be interesting to have that statistic.

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Sat 08/21/10 06:51 PM
I agree with those who believe (right and wrong)/(good and bad) to be subjective determinations. In the example given, if I were the woman being murdered, and someone actually did come out and try to help me and in the process, they were murdered also, I would feel so bad for them and their families. So, I would rather someone not come out and risk their own life, especially if they had children to take care of.

Someone else, though, in the same situation, may feel extremely upset with all those people who did nothing, and curse them from the grave.

So, it is possible, that the inaction of the people would have been the ultimate preference of the victim. Without her feelings known, we can never truly know.

I just have to live in faith that everything happens as it should. What my action/inaction or good/bad intention ultimately leads to is for the greater good of all. This is purely my subjective philosophy in living, and it suits me to think this way. I can understand, though, that others would choose to live their life by judging right/wrong or good/bad; it all works out in the end.

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Sat 08/21/10 06:22 PM
I just hope I am alive to see if anything does happen! :tongue:

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Sat 08/21/10 06:21 PM
too funny!laugh

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Sat 08/21/10 06:18 PM
It is sad that they have to resort to this to get people to recycle. Hopefully, the next generation will feel more passionately about protecting our environment than the current one.

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Sat 08/21/10 06:08 PM
I like the poo powered vw beetle idea. As long as we are alive, there will always be poo. And, what an awesome way to make it useful.happy

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Sun 06/27/10 11:38 AM
I think the universe is an infinite energy field, and what we define as time is just a description of the changing fluctuations in the fabric of energy that exists. Energy/mass is neither created nor destroyed; it just changes form.

E=mc2 . If we solve for time, then t2= (mass x distance2)/energy. (forgive me if I am mathematically wrong, it has been awhile :) ) So, basically, time is just a description that we use to describe mass (which is synonymous with energy) moving over a distance. I think time just describes how energy fluctuates from one state to another.

You can look at a tree that starts from a seed and see how this works. A tiny seed becomes a 100 foot tree. How? Energy imput in the form of soil nutrients, water and light. And, when the tree "dies", it falls to the ground, and it's energy is "given" to termites, fungi, and the soil. The energy has fluctated and changed it's form, and we call this progression from seed to tree to rotting "time". Our eyes tell us that we are seeing a tree grow and die, but I think in reality, we are just "seeing" different states of energy...and we are a part of this fabric of energy...we are connected to every "thing"...the tree is observing us and we are observing it...we are all looking at ourselves change within the fabric we are all a part of...kind of amusing.

That is the way I see it anyways. tongue2

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Sat 05/29/10 07:23 PM

homosexuality is frowned upon by God for one simple reason........ in the begining he made man and woman and he saw it was good.
God also made true hermaphrodites, and mixed gender babies also…are these not considered “good” by God? They (mixed gender babies) had no choice in the DNA they were given…does God love them any less because they are not clearly defined as male or female? My God loves everyone! Period! Stop trying to speak for my God!

That is the only reason for two different genders, for reproduction. Homosexuality benifits nothing but fleshly desire.
Well, then I guess the Catholics have it right about not using birth control then! No more of this having sex without reproduction for heterosexuals! No more of this having sex purely for pleasure for the breeders! Sex must be about having babies, right? Science has yet to figure of the reason for homosexuality, or bisexuality for that matter. Are bisexuals ok because they are attracted to the opposite sex? If a homosexual goes against their sexual desire, and has sex with the opposite sex, and has babies and reproduces will they then be loved by God, and looked upon as Good? This is so insane to think God will love someone because they are attracted to the opposite sex and makes babies...yet, if they have sex for pleasure, which is why most people have it, they are somehow hated by God and sent to Hell for eternity! please stop speaking for my God loves everyone, everything...because that is what my God is...

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Sat 03/13/10 02:44 PM

i am in a chaos, i call myself as a budding philosopher, my greatest hinderance at the moment is GOD?? Who is god??

God always was, always is, and always will be...
God is everywhere, omnipresent, everything, omniscient...
How can there be a creator, when it always existed?...

You can define God however you is up to you to decide how you want to live and think about life...but I believe you are as much a part of it as I am or all of us...

I do not believe we can truly understand what infinite and eternal means because our physical minds are not able to grasp this concept...we sense we are separate, probably for a learn something perhaps, possibly the experience the feeling of separateness...who knows?

I believe Heaven and Hell are a state of mind, not a place to go to after we die...hell for me is feeling separate from God and others...learning to focus your attention on heavenly things around you, i believe, will help you cultivate a feeling of being in the presence of God, that your are in heaven...

just some rambling thoughts for ya...

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Tue 02/23/10 06:07 PM
I would rather him apologize in person to each person he hurt by his thoughtless and inconsiderate behavior. I hope he calls each woman he slept with and led on to believe they meant more to him than they really did, and then apologizes to each of them for his lies. Otherwise, I think he is just taking the easy road out by the "mass public apology". Besides, who of us really cares?

The fact that the whole speech seemed scripted makes me wonder if someone else wrote the apologies for him, and most likely, he probably thinks he did nothing wrong by using the women for he said, he felt he was entitled to it...because it was there, tempting him, he deserved it...he worked hard for it. lame-o dude.

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Sun 02/21/10 10:03 AM
Yes, I agree...fascinating...

Results of DNA for those who are intersted:

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Sun 02/21/10 09:49 AM
I hope I am still alive to at least see what happens on December 12, 2012...just for curiosity's sake!...still trying to decide how I will spend the day?...probably just go to work like any other day...I know I am not going to go hide in some bunker somewhere though! smile2 Have any of you made plans yet on how you will pass the time on that day? any good ideas??

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Sun 11/01/09 02:35 PM

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Sat 10/31/09 02:41 AM
Edited by grrrrrrr on Sat 10/31/09 02:41 AM

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Wed 10/21/09 12:14 AM

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Tue 10/20/09 07:24 PM

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Sat 10/10/09 08:38 PM

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Sat 10/10/09 08:25 PM
Let us know how it turns out!

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Sat 09/12/09 09:41 AM

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