Great, put it to a vote.
You do not have the right to your own body.
It is not your property. |
The Holocaust is a wound of such great proportions that opening it just a little is too painful for so many. You know War, I have ran into those who believe that it never happened. Their logic is kinda warped to me. I guess I would just have to say again that the wound of that event is too tender for most folks still. It was probably the greatest ugly of the human race in history. The debating process is probably so inhumane, ya know? ![]() The price of the free speech! |
Obama flushes 3.2 billion
It can't stop. The "tripling" must continue, until our past debts become insignificant as compared to our new debts.
In the end, it will "end", but only because the whole system has self-destructed. Americans do not want to compete freely, under our own rules. Well, then after we destroy our own country, we will compete under someone else's rules. |
If you want to take away from someone his freedom, offer him safety, so that he would consent of being placed in the cage.
I think, it is totally possible, to shut down Internet as it is. Divide the people who are using it, by pointing out the differences in their goals, and underscoring insecurities associated with unregulated use of Internet. Then use the larger group to squash the smaller one. Once this is completed, divide again and add some more regulations. Continue until desired degree of control is attained. |
Obama flushes 3.2 billion
Isn't it about saving jobs and communities? If you save a job that is overpayed in the first place, said job is producing a product that is oversaturated in the market place (and therefore will not sell in numbers sufficent to even pay for the workers you must pay)... and worse manufacturing a product that even the stupidest person on earth knows we must stop making... (since the resources for such things grows the less with each day) What exactally are you saving? If a community has built itself around a single industry that community has place its eggs in a single basket. Even small children know this is not a good thing to do. If they fail then it be time to move on to other more worthwhile projects. I would say that all that is being said here, frankly, is that to make a statement that something should be done to save the job, is to make a stupid statement. Now, everyone makes a stupid statement once in a while, and in particular, we all make a stupid statements, before we actually know that something doesn't work as we think it does. Just look at Obama, the man is full of stupid statements. As far as the explanation of why such a statement is incorrect, I totally agree with AdventureBegins. By saving an non-productive job, we always make the situation worse, not better. |
Apparently, paying out millions in server fees for half the population of the planet to watch clips of cute puppies isn’t a sustainable business model.
that says it all ![]() |
Is this the longest reply in Mingle history? LOL What can a propaganda lover such as MirrorMirror post on his own? Well, we pretty much know, that the longest thought of his would be looking something like following: [original post] [mirror's quote of whole original post] *smirk*Really?*smirk* And now he so wants us to know that somebody, somewhere, has a different opinion, that he copy-pastes entire two pages worth. What your own brain say about this, Mirror? ![]() *smirk*Really?*smirk*, I guess! |
And what is it that makes you think of trying?
Does W7 do anything that XP can not do? |
whther I believe what is posted or not...I will at least keep it in mind. but come on people....FOX vs MSN....prisonplanet vs smirkingchimp....people don't seem to complain if it agrees with their stance on things Yep. You're right. Because they do not look for news. They look for a confirmation of their own stupidity. This has been the case for ages. This is a sign of a common man. Beware, if a common man is not what you looking for. |
A fatal flaw...
I don't see how your reply relates to an original question though.
Stocks jump
Everyone, buy stocks now! Obama has fixed the economy!
(I say sell 'em.) |
Is this the longest reply in Mingle history? LOL What can a propaganda lover such as MirrorMirror post on his own? Well, we pretty much know, that the longest thought of his would be looking something like following: [original post] [mirror's quote of whole original post] *smirk*Really?*smirk* And now he so wants us to know that somebody, somewhere, has a different opinion, that he copy-pastes entire two pages worth. What your own brain say about this, Mirror? ![]() *smirk*Really?*smirk*, I guess! |
socialism was termed by Marx. As a practice, it is far older than capitalism. As far as I remember about early civilization (and any ancient history buffs may freely correct me), it was common to have designated jobs for everyone in the tribe for the good of the whole. There was no personal ownership or property. That, in itself, is socialism. It may have not had a term, but it was socialism. Oh but the wikipedia, written by some not unlike MirrorMirror, SAYS so and so! And so does his "history" book. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Times? P-lease!
Reading Times is no different (and feels the same) as reading "Pravda". Who reads that anyway? Only commies. And, how commies are going to pay for subscription? The very reason they are commies, is that they not very smart, and therefore, they are bound to be poor, and as a corollary - reading Times, and other government controlled media sources of propaganda. How are they going to pay? I am guessing it would be "only fair" if we paid for their Pravda subscription. Oops, did I say Pravda? Times, of course. |
Google Chrome
Agree, chrish.
About people entering everything about them on all kinds of websites. I think this is the way it is going to be: 1-People keep more and more of their stuff in the cloud. 2-Someone commits a crime, while having most of his ideas and plans in the cloud. 3-Government makes it their explicit goal to know what's in there, on everyone. There is no escape. It is already partially true. |
Edited by
Wed 05/06/09 11:21 AM
Socialism was a way of life for millenniums. Now, it is being replaced by a newly invented, capitalism. This transformation will take centuries. The thing is, you can't put the paste back into the tube. Once learned capitalism, people will never return to socialism. I am speaking in historical time scale here. Attempts to revive, and reimpose the old, dying order, are just that, attempts. They will fail. This is all very good news. The only bad news is that in our short lifetime, there is a big chance to be stuck in a momentary revival attempt, and never see the sunshine of freedom. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mirror, with your educational level, I would not argue with mine. Rather keep posting smirks. Yes, I am aware of the actively pushed "history". By the way, next time, try not to read directly from socialist textbook. It sound to familiar to those who studied them. |
Air force one photo's
I think they still do not have enough fabricated materials to build a complete, fool-proof story of 9-11. They probably needed to make some more seed footage, and decided to use AF1, because they hoped that in their love for Hussein, no one would pay attention. Later, they will remove the logos, change details, and make it into a fragments of "an actual footage" of 9/11.
Watch "Septemeber clues" on youtube, if you want to know how much inconsistency was in original videos released on 911. |
Let;s expose the lies, at least in the very title:
Topic: Capitalism vs. Socialism: The Battle for a Balanced Economy Oh, I see. So, if we find, by some magic, through our rigorous investigation, that no amount of socialism is good, then according to a setup of the title, we will end up not having a "balanced" economy. That doesn't sound very good already! Nobody wants to be unbalanced. How about titles like this: Topic: Heterosexuality vs. Homosexuality: The Battle for a Balanced Sexual Life or: Topic: Truth vs. Lies: The Battle for a Balanced Morality |
Socialism was a way of life for millenniums. Now, it is being replaced by a newly invented, capitalism. This transformation will take centuries.
The thing is, you can't put the paste back into the tube. Once learned capitalism, people will never return to socialism. I am speaking in historical time scale here. Attempts to revive, and reimpose the old, dying order, are just that, attempts. They will fail. This is all very good news. The only bad news is that in our short lifetime, there is a big chance to be stuck in a momentary revival attempt, and never see the sunshine of freedom. |
The Problem With Our Nation.
That actually kind of hurts to hear, people are designed to be ruled? So your saying basically, the people who go out on a binge, and go open up thier own company, such as the creator of McDonalds, or Walmart, Or that Local Car Dealership near your house, the entrepeneurs of today's world, Are destined to be ruled? I disagree with this statement, because... The fact that these guys can just get up and split if they really want to. They can say "**** The US" and leave, they have the money, that ability, and that power. I wouldn't call that being ruled, would you? What happens when they finally do leave btw? Haha. I agree. But, those you list as an example, are ending up ruling the rest. I meant the people, as in average, the most of. |