Swine Flu Central
View from the surgery Swine flu pandemic? It feels like a phoney war Dr John Crippen is the pseudonym of an NHS doctor who writes a popular medical blog. This is his account of the view from the GP's surgery * Dr John Crippen * The Guardian, Friday 1 May 2009 * Article history Oh! God, now I know it is serious. The Health Protection Agency has sent me an algorithm to tell me how to deal with swine flu. It arrived today in an email with one of those red exclamation marks at the side. An algorithm, for those who don't know, is a "finite sequence of instructions, an explicit, step-by-step procedure for solving a problem". It is very complicated. I do not understand it. Fortunately the primary care trust has also sent me a red exclamation mark email with instructions I can understand: "The main message remains: always use a tissue to catch coughs and sneezes, throw away used tissues and regularly wash your hands." I can relate to that. Trouble is, it makes me giggle. I can't get that old jingle, from somewhere in early childhood, out of my mind. "Coughs and sneezes spread diseases, trap your germs in your handkerchief." It has rhythm. It is best recited in a "Mail train" monotone. Lovers of Tony Hancock will want to sing it to the tune of Deutschland, Deutschland über alles. Doctor, you're not taking this seriously. Actually, I am. We have all read our way through the mountains of circulars that have arrived. We are having a daily practice meeting. We have one partner designated to take all the "flu"-related calls so our advice is consistent. Yesterday we had two such calls: a patient just returned from Turkey who had diarrhoea and wondered if it could be flu, and an elderly lady wanting advice about her husband who has respiratory problems. Should he be started on Tamiflu? Simple answer: No. Today, so far, there have been no calls at all. We have 15,000 patients and are close to one of the larger airports in England, but have not seen a case of flu. We have not had a single patient worrying that he or she might have flu. It feels like a phoney war. We have seen two patients with heart attacks, three acute asthmatic attacks, and a child who had swallowed an implausibly large piece of Lego. Such is general practice. We met at lunchtime, not to talk of heart attacks and Lego, but of flu. There have been deaths in Mexico. There has been one in the US. Our Indian partner said: "There were 2,000 deaths, mainly children in Africa and Asia, yesterday." Our medical student looked shocked: "I didn't know swine flu had reached that part of the world." "It hasn't," said our partner. "I'm talking of deaths from malaria. But that isn't news, is it?" We were silent for a while. Time to get things in proportion. |
It was said that America will have a black president when pigs fly.
Well, Barrack Hussein Obama is our president, and, - swine flu! ![]() |
Swine Flu Central
Anyone with helpful hints, suggestions and ideas in regards to the prevention and/or treatment of this deadly influenza strain, pleaae share the info with the rest of us. ![]() OMFG! You are actually believing this? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
In order to truly deliver the greater good, some people will need to be shot. That is precisely what 75% of law enforcement will believe, when they are finally ordered to round us up.
Later, it will turn to be that regardless of the initial idea of the greater good, some more people need to be shot, because "we've got to finish what we started". Then it will be "It is my life on the line, and that of my relatives, if I do not obey orders". Finally, it all comes down to "I was only doing what they forced me to do". |
Guilty of Being Poor
Humm no comments on this? alright: The jailers of the 19th century — even in the pre-Civil War South — largely abandoned the practice of imprisoning people for falling into debt as counterproductive and ultimately barbaric. In the 1970s and ’80s, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that incarcerating people who can’t pay fines because of poverty violates the U.S. Constitution. This paragraph is a propaganda. Because of this, the rest of the article does serve no purpose. It creates a set-up, just like when one is preparing to make a trick (a lie, magic), he first makes a set-up, which seems like nothing special to an observer, but it is there that the trick is set. The rest is only a show and misdirection. See if you can find why is it a propaganda. |
Obama released 'what' in mexico? Trust me, Boo, if you don't get what I was talking about, then you need not to worry. In your world, everything is as they tell ya. Not in mine. |
These two things are not connected.
Corporations make profits, because this is what corporations supposed to do. Millions of American retirees own stock of those corporations. Are you suggesting there is something wrong with those retirees receiving profits on their investments? We bail out corporations, because the majority of the people went to free government school, where they were indoctrinated. They do not know anything of value. How do you expect these people to make a decision that requires understanding of business and economics? When some asshole in the government tells them that a bailout is a good idea, they believe that. Just look up an opinion on bailout on this very board, and you will find quite a few, who think that was a proper decision. |
Don't need a crystal ball to see the future, only to predict the outcome of it. ![]() I don't worry about things that haven't happened yet. I belive we should. Last I checked, problems never come from the past. Too many are acting for the here and now with no regard for the future. This discussion is funny twice-fold, because Obama is trying to declare the Martial Law as we speak. This is why he released "it" in Mexico. So, it is happening already, although it doesn't look like a successful attempt, and by Winx own principle, it is time to worry. |
This woman is ready to do the same work for the same pay?
I doubt it. Most likely, she wants to place herself in a priviliged position of doing same or even less, while getting paid several times more, plus benefits. Just my guess. |
This is the first president like this, that we have. Senseless, pointless.
Your point has merit, but an alliance with Al Qaeda? AlQaeda is a US/CIA creation, always have been, and are still. Al Qaeda stands for "the data base", the list of operatives used in the fight to remove Russia from Afganistan during their attempt to seize the country. Bin Laden was the CIA asset used to head the operation. Seems we are on both sides of the Afgan coin. Ever wonder why the best intelligence agency in the world can't find one man of such importance? Perhaps (if he is still alive) they don't want to? It perpetuates the "forever" war on terror that runs the war machines, that our government keeps pouring our money into, and causing the debt, and loss of liberties, that keep us under control. Yep, they are the creation of CIA. Why we stuck on Afghanistan? For he same reason that Soviets did back then, to hopefully achieve the control over the opium production and distribution. Distribution is handled by islamic gangs of Kosovo, and we already control that, the production is what is left. |
the evil obama family
Barrak Hussein Obama.
Does that sound very much American to you? |
Border agents not allowed to wear masks They are the government. Considering that they do not subject themselves to the constitution anymore, we can then deduct that they are not "of the people". If that is the case, then who cares? |
Edited by
Fri 05/01/09 10:11 AM
If this was something known and decided, then this dude would be long dead, because he had opened his mouth.
But, it is not hard to see why would one predict the demise described. As Russian, he surely does know the deadly consequences of socialism, on his own experience. So, from this point of view, it is an easy guess, even though it might be unfathomable to an average Welfare American with "can spell and proud of Universal Suffrage" education. There are other things to see, such as the election of the dumbest pres in American history, and, at the same time, an existence of widespread support for that president. by Winx
I don't worry about things that haven't happened yet. Have you decided this just now, or when you spoke for the prohibition of drugs? You seemed to be sure that people will become drug users if drugs were made legal, even though I have made an example of myself for you, showing how I didn't and don't use any drugs, even though they all available. So, you were basing your conviction on a known chain of cause-consequences. In the same way, there is a known chain of cause-consequences that have to do with how socialist states develop and self-destruct. |
NKorea threatens nuke test
On a serious note, the reason is that China wants to introduce their Yuan as a new world reserve currency, to replace USD soon.
For that to happen, they need US to not object so much. They can get that in return for "pacifying" North Korea. |
A Race-Specific Virus?
(NaturalNews) Perhaps due to the genetic makeup of the fast-spreading H1N1 strain of influenza -- which includes genetic elements from bird flu, swine flu and human flu spanning three continents -- there is considerable speculation that the origins of this virus are man-made.
It's not an unreasonable question to ask: Could world governments, spooked by the prospect of radical climate change caused by over-population of the planet, have assembled a super-secret task force to engineer and distribute a super virulent strain of influenza designed to "correct" the human population (and institute global Martial Law)? Technically, it's possible. The U.S. military, all by itself, has the know-how to engineer and unleash such a virus. That doesn't mean they've done so, however. It would be an astonishing leap into crimes against humanity to intentionally unleash such a biological weapon into the wild. Then again, governments of the world have routinely engaged in crimes against humanity, haven't they? The U.S., for example, dropped nuclear bombs on civilian populations in Japan. Israel rained white phosphorous on Palestinians, Hitler exterminated countless Jews, and Americans fired millions of rounds of depleted uranium rounds into targets in Iraq and Afghanistan. Unleashing a viral biological weapon in Mexico City is no great leap beyond what governments have already done to achieve their goals. Throughout human history, virtually all the great crimes against humanity have been carried out by governments -- mostly in the name of peace, prosperity and security, by the way. So let's be clear about one thing: Governments are certainly capable of doing this if properly motivated. Let there be no question about that. Is there any hard evidence of laboratory origins? As of this moment, I have not personally seen any conclusive evidence of laboratory origins for this H1N1 swine flu. I am open to the possibility that new evidence may emerge in this direction, however, and I am suspicious of the genetic makeup of the virus as one possible indicator of its origins. I am not a medical specialist in the area of infectious disease, but I have studied microbiology, genetics and a considerable amount of material on pandemics. What seems suspicious to me is the hybrid origin of the viral fragments found in H1N1 influenza. According to reports in the mainstream media (which has no reason to lie about this particular detail), this strain of influenza contains viral code fragments from: • Human influenza • Bird Flu from North America • Swine flu from Europe • Swine flu from Asia This is rather astonishing to realize, because for this to have been a natural combination of viral fragments, it means an infected bird from North America would have had to infect pigs in Europe, then be re-infected by those some pigs with an unlikely cross-species mutation that allowed the bird to carry it again, then that bird would have had to fly to Asia and infected pigs there, and those Asian pigs then mutated the virus once again (while preserving the European swine and bird flu elements) to become human transmittable, and then a human would have had to catch that virus from the Asian pigs -- in Mexico! -- and spread it to others. (This isn't the only explanation of how it could have happened, but it is one scenario that gives you an idea of the complexity of such a thing happening). |
A Race-Specific Virus?
NAaaaaaa, Its a mentally conceived evil! Fear! Awareness of reality. A fear is living in denial of truth. |
A Race-Specific Virus?
To be fair, I think that Fanta have asked about earmarks rhetorically, meaning that those Mexicans wish they have paid some taxes towards the research and production of a vaccine, that could combat the swine flu.
I would like to touch something that Jefferson or Madison did touch. But to waste an hour to look at the dried skin of one of the biggest murderers in human history, a man who committed the treason against his own people, is a little to much for me.
So, what are those 5 acts? I can guess a few, but I might be leaving one or two out. 20 years of research? What constitutes research? What could you learn in 19 years that you couldn't have discovered in the first year? Whether you believe him or not, the man has a right to say what he wants. I personally think the man is a little off-base. Not that watching porn is a good reason to call in sick from work. Anyway, If I watch 'Speed', how likely is it that I will get the urge to plant a bomb on a city bus? The reason people go to war with sex, is.... that once one is impotent, the existence of sex is just a proof in his own eyes that he is same as dead. So, he goes on to war. He hopes that everyone will stop having sex, so that he can feel alive again. He starts his war by dragging his enemy through the dirt. He is looking for something about it, that could be made bad, wrong, disgusting. In short, you see a man talking sex down? That man won't make you feel like a woman. |