Community > Posts By > SignoreMadrid

SignoreMadrid's photo
Sun 09/06/09 12:22 PM
not online ;)... or living at home ;)

SignoreMadrid's photo
Sun 09/06/09 12:18 PM
that sounds horribly pathetic.... or you really need a suga mama

SignoreMadrid's photo
Wed 01/07/09 04:04 PM
and she's not the only one. he's a crook and a liar... just another politician. president elect obama bin laden. "hussein" that is. my bad.

Watch what happens during the second year of his reign of madness... the only thing I'm glad about is not pulling out of the middle east, thats a smart move by any leader. only a idealistic hippi would approve of such madness.

Well whatever! it is what it is... and then the sheep all missed their last shepard...

SignoreMadrid's photo
Wed 01/07/09 03:20 PM
girls... mostly girls and a few guys. most guys see me and all my tattoo's and it's like I'm a sudden threat or something. unless they talk to me then I'm easy to get along with.

HAHA this one asshole tried to start a fight with me when I was out one time with my son, I took off my glasses and he saw the tattoo underneath my eye and he's all like.. "oh ****.. sorry bro, i don't know why I did that" HAAAAH!!!

SignoreMadrid's photo
Wed 01/07/09 03:16 PM
bad ass.. now thats lyrical genius right there.. ya'll could learn something from this guy... fools.

SignoreMadrid's photo
Wed 01/07/09 03:03 PM
why don't you just publish your ****? or sing? it's what I do for a living.. music. I write and perform... not really my style but don't limit your skills.

my stuff is very different actually but you can go somewhere with it.

SignoreMadrid's photo
Wed 01/07/09 03:01 PM
how about you slap yourself with a salami for askin these hypothetical questions.

SignoreMadrid's photo
Wed 01/07/09 02:59 PM
yeah well thats life and it aint fair so deal with it. sux but they all grow up and join the parade... then do you still feel sorry for them? NO you don't because now they are the enemies.. think about that one.

besides, what do you care at all? what are you gonna do about it? give your sympathy? well that doesn't make a change now does it?? of course not! unless your doing something about it ya'll can shut up.

SignoreMadrid's photo
Wed 01/07/09 01:08 PM
yeah... I've been there only I was sancho. I found out about it and.... I mean I'm a cage fighter and all but I ain't stupid, homie was a marine and... yeah... Look the guys a fool and your just trying to see if you can trust him and to be with him... nah your doing the right thing.

Oh and he found out about us and ended up beating the **** out of her! ... eek! and was trying to find me.. but I'm a backdoor man so ...HAH!!! catch me if you can, I'm the motha ****en ginger bread man!!

SignoreMadrid's photo
Tue 01/06/09 05:43 PM
Ok this is a dating site right?? SO!!! Honestly now, how many of us will just man up and say "HEY! I'M HERE BECAUSE ONE DAY I WAS HORNEY AND TRYIN TO GET SOME ASS!!"

HAAAAh you ****en know it!! liars..

Men and Women alike... but come on... lets hear it!! tell me how I'm a pig or whatever it is you gotta say....

Men and Women alike Friendsies!! we all fall short every now and then!! JUST ADMIT IT!!!

Who is true!! I AM!!! lol

SignoreMadrid's photo
Tue 01/06/09 05:35 PM

SignoreMadrid's photo
Tue 01/06/09 05:34 PM

Oh yea and if you go to and email date site and expect that the woman is going to be so impressed with your profile that she will just fall down at your feet and write you knowing you are not going to respond but a couple of words or demand a phone number put and add in the yellow pages and don't waste our time.

geeze what crawled in you @$$ and died???


A woman who is not like you!!

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH oh my god... ****en hillarious!! women are wierd... cool, fun, makes a man at ease but you know what I think they want? MONEY!!

Not just money in general but stability, after all love only lasts ass long ass the rent is paid yo.

I don't think they even know what they want! know what I want? a DAMN BABY SITTER!!! my son is driving me crazy right now!

SignoreMadrid's photo
Tue 01/06/09 05:21 PM
Damn buddy... I guess not huh??

SignoreMadrid's photo
Tue 01/06/09 05:21 PM

You know what's funny? Rabbit poop. I mean, c'mon! They look like those dark-colored tapioca boba balls in boba milk tea or something. That's hilarious. :laughing:

rofl rofl rofl

who knows maybe they are the little boba balls in milk teascared

hahaha just kidding

lol boba milk tea sounds good right now :thumbsup:

You know what's really funny? what do you get when you cross a penis with a potato?? well?? hu? you know? you know? ok a DICTATOR!!! wah wah wah... yah... kinda gay. ****it

SignoreMadrid's photo
Tue 01/06/09 05:15 PM
Hahaha!!! That makes me Happy :)

SignoreMadrid's photo
Sat 01/03/09 11:07 PM
oh everyone stop being so damn politically correct!! of course they do!!

It doesn't have to be a basis but if you look like butt... COME ON NOW!?! Stop the madness were all human. lol

It's true and you know it! if not in public then to yourselves.

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