Topic: obama on gaza crisis
catwoman96's photo
Wed 01/07/09 03:50 PM
President-elect Barack Obama has voiced sympathy for Israel's predicament. During his visit to Israel last summer, he held a news conference in Sderot, the southern town that has borne the brunt of the Gaza rocket attacks, saying he does not "think any country would find it acceptable to have missiles raining down on the heads of their citizens."

"If somebody was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I'm going to do everything in my power to stop that," Obama said at the time. "And I would expect Israelis to do the same thing."

Yesterday, Obama's transition team was more cautious, adhering to its policy of not commenting on foreign developments because there should be "one president at a time." Brooke Anderson, Obama's national security spokeswoman, said only that Obama "is closely monitoring global events, including the situation in Gaza."

misstina2's photo
Wed 01/07/09 03:57 PM
I'm aware you don't like ObamaflowerforyouI think Obama is waiting until he's officially president until he makes comments on what all his plans are,at least on certain issuesflowerforyou

SignoreMadrid's photo
Wed 01/07/09 04:04 PM
and she's not the only one. he's a crook and a liar... just another politician. president elect obama bin laden. "hussein" that is. my bad.

Watch what happens during the second year of his reign of madness... the only thing I'm glad about is not pulling out of the middle east, thats a smart move by any leader. only a idealistic hippi would approve of such madness.

Well whatever! it is what it is... and then the sheep all missed their last shepard...

catwoman96's photo
Wed 01/07/09 04:19 PM
its not about not liking him.

Its about the fact that today he really has no comment....but i can find comments where he supports Israel.

and also I find it quite a bit odd that he doesnt comment on any of this....regardless if he isnt QUITE president yet or not. This does change his peace goals dramatically. {although I dont think he ever truly planned on pulling troops outta the mideast....that was just propaganda to get him elected since many dont support the war on terrorism.}

Dragoness's photo
Wed 01/07/09 04:21 PM
Obama will get it right regardless to what any nay sayers say.

catwoman96's photo
Wed 01/07/09 04:22 PM
I just wish he would comment. I would honestly like to know what he thinks.

catwoman96's photo
Wed 01/07/09 04:26 PM
Barack Obama's big speech on Israel is now over, and as expected, the candidate made no secret of his support and dedication to the special relationship between the U.S. and Israel. "My view is that the United States' special relationship with Israel obligates us to be helpful to them in the search for credible partners with whom they can make peace, while also supporting Israel in defending itself against enemies sworn to its destruction," were Obama's words to Haaretz last week. Today, he sounded as strong as Clinton, as supportive as Bush, as friendly as Giuliani. At least rhetorically, Obama passed any test anyone might have wanted him to pass. So, he is pro-Israel. Period.

catwoman96's photo
Wed 01/07/09 04:29 PM
Israel's governing "troika" met yesterday in order to find a way out of the conundrum Israel finds itself in, following the bombing of the school in Jabalya, where dozens of Palestinian civilians were killed. The character of the meeting had already been marked by the warning Israel received from U.S. president-elect, Barack Obama, who broke his silence on the fighting in Gaza and made it clear that he will have a great deal more to say after his inauguration.

The announcement from the Bush White House that for the time being Israel could carry on its offensive was little consolation. Obama made it clear that starting on January 20 the rules of American involvement in the region will change, and his administration will be a lot more active in pushing the diplomatic process between Israel and the Arabs forward.

Obama's timing, after the strike on the school, signals the direction the U.S. will turn in its attitude to the region: It will support Israel, but will oppose any harming of Palestinian civilians. This means that Israel will find it difficult to close the crossings into the Gaza Strip at will.

dated jan 8, 2009

talldub's photo
Wed 01/07/09 04:30 PM

I just wish he would comment. I would honestly like to know what he thinks.

What he thinks is irrelevant, what he says, as with most politicians, will probably be rehearsed or pre-written for him.

misstina2's photo
Wed 01/07/09 04:31 PM
flowerforyou I admire your passion for this issue and othersflowerforyou

SchnaughtTrew's photo
Wed 01/07/09 04:31 PM
Shedding tears for the Devil? Like that really makes sense. Any life lost is a loss and a shame. But before you shed anymore tears for the palestinians, you might want to keep in mind that these are the same people who indiscrimately send rockets into populated areas, send 12 & 13 yr. olds in to blow themselves up and do their dirty work for them. Ask any one of them and they will tell you that WE are satan. I've got dozens of listings on my computer from people IN the states, espousing suicide bombings and hating your country while taking shelter from it. Are you people for REAL?? Give your head a shake and look at what is going on around you. You want my proof? Go ahead and email me, I'll send it.

catwoman96's photo
Wed 01/07/09 04:36 PM

Shedding tears for the Devil? Like that really makes sense. Any life lost is a loss and a shame. But before you shed anymore tears for the palestinians, you might want to keep in mind that these are the same people who indiscrimately send rockets into populated areas, send 12 & 13 yr. olds in to blow themselves up and do their dirty work for them. Ask any one of them and they will tell you that WE are satan. I've got dozens of listings on my computer from people IN the states, espousing suicide bombings and hating your country while taking shelter from it. Are you people for REAL?? Give your head a shake and look at what is going on around you. You want my proof? Go ahead and email me, I'll send it.

why do people hate our country??? Why would they think we are Satan???

Winx's photo
Wed 01/07/09 05:10 PM

Shedding tears for the Devil? Like that really makes sense. Any life lost is a loss and a shame. But before you shed anymore tears for the palestinians, you might want to keep in mind that these are the same people who indiscrimately send rockets into populated areas, send 12 & 13 yr. olds in to blow themselves up and do their dirty work for them. Ask any one of them and they will tell you that WE are satan. I've got dozens of listings on my computer from people IN the states, espousing suicide bombings and hating your country while taking shelter from it. Are you people for REAL?? Give your head a shake and look at what is going on around you. You want my proof? Go ahead and email me, I'll send it.

I'm shedding tears for the children.

catwoman96's photo
Wed 01/07/09 05:20 PM
both sides have children. my opinion is this is the kind of thing that could escalate into WW3 if not handled correctly.

Winx's photo
Wed 01/07/09 05:25 PM

both sides have children. my opinion is this is the kind of thing that could escalate into WW3 if not handled correctly.

Heavy sigh. I hope not.flowerforyou

The new President is inheriting so much with all of the wars.

And now Russia turned the heating gas off to other countries.

Too many things are going on.

catwoman96's photo
Wed 01/07/09 05:40 PM

both sides have children. my opinion is this is the kind of thing that could escalate into WW3 if not handled correctly.

Heavy sigh. I hope not.flowerforyou

The new President is inheriting so much with all of the wars.

And now Russia turned the heating gas off to other countries.

Too many things are going on.

i agree...its a tough road ahead of us.
who knows how the next 4 years are gonna play out.

catwoman96's photo
Thu 01/08/09 06:51 AM

Fanta46's photo
Thu 01/08/09 09:41 AM
Obama has no power over the military and no legal rite to intervene in the current Admin foreign policy mistakes!

What can he do?
What difference would a comment from him make?
Why should he show his hand before he is able to do anything?

catwoman96's photo
Thu 01/08/09 11:52 AM
I just find it ironic that israel waits for this time when our presidents are kinda in limbo..with one leaving office and one coming in office.

So, I did not know where Obama stood....if he was pro-Israel or not. from everything I find he is....and from what i look at also so is his VP and secretary of state.

I imagine he would do the exact same thing Bush is doing right now.

but then by the time he takes office....hopefully this situation will be resolved.

Winx's photo
Thu 01/08/09 12:07 PM
I found it to be ironic too.