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Sat 09/14/24 12:22 AM
It is important for immigrants to come into a Country Legally, Not Illegal. Agreed, that is why it is important to make it clear that the talking point is illegal immigration. Because when you just say immigration it looks like you're referring to the legal immigration that is taking place. There is a huge difference between the two. Immigration is planned while illegal immigration is not. Complaining about immigration is nonsensical, it is not the immigrants faults the companies prefer to hire them because they accept a lower wage. Either Americans needs to also start accepting lower wages to remain competitive or demand that companies gets limited to a minimum wage that must be met. It is why unions are so important. Blaming immigrants for a problem caused and retained by company greed would be stupid. So instead of shouting "stop immigration", maybe you should start shouting "stop company greed"? But I am doubtful Trump would ever endorse such a statement or rally you behind such a cause, considering he loves money more than his own children and the fact that he's already been paid for. Why don't you try shouting "stop company greed" at the next Trump rally and see what happens? I'm sure Trump would single you out and call you a democrat, no matter how much of a MAGA you are. Then you get to witness first hand how easily he discards you. |
Hej i'm am ben from africa but i live in sweden and i need a good and God fearing woman to marry and stay for ever . Well you most likely won't find any woman like that in Sweden or anywhere else in Scandinavia, god fearing that is. ![]() |
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Fri 09/13/24 03:57 AM
Word salad Go figure.. ![]() |
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Thu 09/12/24 07:01 PM
"Throughout history the lives of tyrants almost always seem to end the same way. Through assassination by someone close to them."
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Thu 09/12/24 06:38 PM
The reasons are far from unknown. I've already stated in my post one of the main reasons as to why your country and our countries in Europe have immigration. Immigration is a boon, not a bane.
If you don't want immigration then make more babies. We're not talking about 2-3 children per couple either, you need a lot more than that to keep up with the rest that continues to make good use of immigration. https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/USA/united-states/population-growth-rate A higher population equals a stronger work force, a stronger work force equals a stronger industry, a stronger industry equals a stronger economy and a stronger economy equals more power on the global stage. People is a resource, it's one of if not the main reason Russia even invaded Ukraine in the first place, to take control of Ukraine's population. Russia doesn't care about NATO, otherwise they would've gone absolutely mad when we and Finland joined just recently, especially when Finland joined. Yet they did absolutely nothing to stop it. Immigration is the reason the US is as successful as it is as a nation. You've literally siphoned a lot of talent from other parts of the world because it is the smart thing to do to get ahead. Julius Robert Oppenheimer, the American who invented the nuclear bomb had his roots in Germany through his father for example. He was the child of an immigrant and he made you into a superpower. Being of North American descent means you belong to one of the native tribes. Most caucasian Americans most likely have their roots in Europe or Eurasia. A simple DNA test proves it. Hardly any one of you is related to the first settlers, it's only around 500~ years ago, during the 1500s. That's only about 20~ generations, give or take. As I said, the country is built by immigrants. So if almost everyone in the country is an immigrant or a descendant of one, why is it then considered a bad thing to allow immigration? Shouldn't you have completely open borders to further solidify your position on the global stage? Considering it has done wonders for your country so far throughout your history. Just look at what is happening in Japan due to their lack of immigration. If you paid more attention to the rest of the world you might learn more about yourselves in the process. Stop being ignorant, it serves no one, least of all yourselves. |
Edited by
Thu 09/12/24 05:20 PM
Considering your political views, possession of a moral compass with its cardinal points in the wrong positions and petty need to make a weak stab at something completely unrelated due to the lack of an actual argument, you should probably change your username to the opposite of what it currently defines you as.
Quite dishonest on your end to portray yourself as something you're clearly not. Nevertheless, I wish you good health since some day you might wake up and realize what you're actually promoting. Take care. ![]() |
your favorite dog breed
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Thu 09/12/24 03:50 PM
Yorkshire Terrier.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yorkshire_Terrier |
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Thu 09/12/24 03:40 PM
Eminem - Godzilla
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XvXF1LrWgA |
Why are you here?
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Thu 09/12/24 03:34 PM
To meet interesting people to chat with and an amazing woman I get to live out my days with.
![]() |
Where are you from
Winter is coming! |
Hunting Claim Dispute
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Thu 09/12/24 03:27 PM
A lawyer from the big city is hunting in the rural areas of the country. He shoots a bird which lands on a farm.
When he arrives at the location he sees the owner of the rural farmland holding the bird, inspecting it. Lawyer says: "Hey, that bird is mine." Farmer replies: "No it's not, it is on my land." Lawyer proclaims: "Don't even try it, I'm a lawyer and you do not want to mess with me." Farmer says: "Alright, let's settle this with the rural kick law." Lawyer asks: "Okay, how does it work?" Farmer answers: "I start by kicking you and then you get to kick me, the first one to give up loses possession of the bird." The lawyer agrees to the terms of the contest. So they proceed but before the farmer begins he goes back into his house and puts on his steel-toed boots. He then comes back and proceeds to kick the lawyer in the balls with all his might. The lawyer bends over in extreme pain and agony and pukes up both breakfast and lunch. After a good while the lawyer climbs to his feet and says "Now you've done it, now it's my ****ing turn!" The farmer then replies: "You know what, I give up, you can have the bird." |
Snoop Dogg
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Thu 09/12/24 02:42 PM
I don't believe it is ever sustainable for a multitude of reasons.
Just imagine if you have kids, how would that even work and how expensive would those bus/train/boat/plane tickets even be over the course of a year? Not to mention the stress the kid has to go through just travelling the distance. Sure the kid can live with one parent but that just isn't fair towards the kid who only gets half the parenting it needs. Sure it can be long distance in the beginning, but sooner or later someone has to move or the fire will most likely fade. I'd take a shot in the dark here and proclaim that we aren't mentally evolved to handle it, it's unexplored territory. We haven't had time to adapt to it and probably never will considering it isn't the norm but rather the exception. This is however only my opinion so take it with a grain of salt! ![]() If it's the only possibility then it might be worth a try. |
Maybe you're looking in the wrong places or discarding those that are good because they don't fit all the criteria?
![]() If every man you meet is a disappointment, maybe you need to start meeting men you otherwise wouldn't as to not be stuck in a repeating pattern that doesn't seem to bring you any happiness. Break out of your comfort zone and expand your horizon and I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for. ![]() |
Don't know much about cars, but sure I'll give it a go. Sounds like a lucrative business.
You make personal sacrifices for the people around you and it has not gone unnoticed. ![]() |
guys vs girls - part 345
Launch! |
Hot or not - part 3
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Thu 09/12/24 02:04 PM
I'll gladly take those chips with my 72o! Volunteer work. |