Instant message???
Like the truck by the way, and the jeep, both yours?
Instant message???
I would run microsofts maleware checker. It doesn't take very long and if there's a "popular" virus of some kind on your computer it will find it and kill it. Then run your antivirus to cleanup afterwords. MSRT is made to kill viruses when they are already running, virus scans just try to prevent them from running.
rate my profile
weel my friend what i see is only a picure of car taken from a poster or a magazine or maybe u want us to think its yours, chill dude.that don't impress me much. I'm trying to give you some constructive feedback, but since you want to dig in the dirt it is my car, and that's my carport in the background, attached to my house. If you don't want feedback then don't ask for it next time. I'm done talking to you now. |
Yeah? oh is that so
nice car
Instant message???
You should run a full virus scan after the MSRT runs too just to cleanup the rest of the crap that it downloads. I use spywaredoctor. It costs 40 bucks but worth every penny.
Instant message???
Don't accept chat from someone unless you know them. |
Instant message???
You probably have koobface, it downloads trojans to your machine. Go to and type koobface remove in the search engine. Microsoft puts out a monthly scanner that's free of charge, run it and it will kill off the majority of the problem, let me see if I can dig up a link.
getting ready to crash for the night ..... I hear that. |
rate my profile
Lots of no-answers, one picture from an airplane, and half a sentence to describe yourself.
It does not bode well for you my friend. Personally I don't care, but you were looking for feedback. |
Welcome to the zoo, as they say.
I love it when music buffs get into arguments. They always sound the same....
blablabla My band, blablabla your band, blablabla my band |
They are never alone.........look out for the revenge bites, usually just past where your finger can reach.... Long as they're not swarming my beer we all good. This is Louisiana and we got some mosquitoes. I think I'm immune from my previous surveying career. I don't even get bumps from them anymore. |
Instant message???
I don't know if anyone else is having trouble with this or not but, most of the time when I IM somebody, something ends up cuasing my antivirus to freak out. I have even got a few virus while on the IM. It also usually cuases me to lose contact with the person I am speaking with and sometimes cuases windows to shutdown. I don't ever click on any of the ads either. Just thought you guys should be aware. Great site though, keep up the good work. I downloaded koobface about two weeks ago just for responding to an IM. Be careful with that crap. My work laptop is all screwed up still. Its working now but still loaded with trojans that koobface installed. No longer just for myspace and facebook. |
Squished her. lol. |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 14
I am sooooo taken For the moment anyway Glad to hear that things are still going well for ya babe. I'll drink to that... Oh yea, on topic.... Married to that fine @@@ 350Z in the picture. |
Nice Gecko.. What? Don't like puppies? Puppies EAT geckos!!!! |
cheers to Pats
Bald men
Thank you for the compliment by the way.
Bald men
Mmmm mmm mmm :) Anyone else like the men who are bald? I swear, if Mr. Clean were non-fictional, I'd be on his jock so quickly! You like? lol That is some of the most awesome **** I've ever heard come out of a female mouth. lol..geez..that was just something on the fly right there..I looked at your profile..why are YOU Single? You can go up to anyone and ask them out! Prolly cause I don't want "anyone." Most girls just annoy me, trying to find someone I can be with for a long period of time. Most of the time I call myself shy and I can be, that may be part of it. I dunno babe, just looking for something more I guess. |
Bald men
I must be drunk, typing is starting to turn to crap