Community > Posts By > RealBryan

RealBryan's photo
Sat 05/03/14 01:34 PM

Feel great. Just finished my cooking projector. 20 pounds of potato salad. Now just chillin before heading to my friend's daughter's bday party.

holy guacamole! I've never even SEEN 20 lbs of potato salad! must've taken forever

Hi RealBryan,
Yes, it takes a while. It's easier that I cooked the potatoes the night before. But most things that are worthwhile take a little time.

Absolutely! Love your attitude

RealBryan's photo
Sat 05/03/14 12:25 PM

Feel great. Just finished my cooking project. 20 pounds of potato salad. Now just chillin before heading to my friend's daughter's bday party.

holy guacamole! I've never even SEEN 20 lbs of potato salad! must've taken forever

RealBryan's photo
Sat 05/03/14 12:18 PM
content, not raging, which is as close to happy as I get. I have both my boys today, so I know they are safe. that takes a tremendous load off my mind. oldest is playing xbox, youngest is watching his favorite dinosaur flick. kids are MAGIC

RealBryan's photo
Sat 05/03/14 12:10 PM

I just feel like everything is a bit much, right now. I can hardly think straight. My mum really isn't helping matters. She's like one of those god-awful tiger mums, that try to control every part of my life. That isn't healthy. She needs help. If she doesn't leave me alone, I'm just gonna have to seperate myself from her. I can't stand controlling people.

let me advise you on something you probably already are doing. find your own space. your room, the garage, your friend's house. don't have to argue with her, can't change her. just take care of yourself and get the hell away from her. she probably loves you, but give yourself space until you can deal with her

RealBryan's photo
Sat 05/03/14 12:05 PM

I am depressed and lonely

Feel for ya, bro. there's a lot of ridiculously funny content on this site. check em out! I like to find stand up comedy on you tube when I'm feeling down... also it's a feeling that will pass, if that's any comfort. a few beers and some outdoor scenery always helps too. hang in there man happy

RealBryan's photo
Sat 05/03/14 03:51 AM
Hey solo, start a thread of your own, and I'm sure you'll get a rate. your profile says you're a model, so I'm sure you'll have no problem

RealBryan's photo
Fri 05/02/14 04:12 PM
Thanks guys happy

RealBryan's photo
Fri 05/02/14 08:28 AM
Wish I could delete the "this site is BS" post...

RealBryan's photo
Fri 05/02/14 07:59 AM
I edited my profile. Thank you VERY much for your feedback!

RealBryan's photo
Fri 05/02/14 07:27 AM
I can dig it. I've been on alot of forums, and I appreciate the honesty I'm getting here. Now that I see it, I need to change some things. Thanks all! No wonder I get the reactions I do, I guess I'm pushing people away

RealBryan's photo
Thu 05/01/14 07:33 PM

I just might stick around....

:thumbsup: Good call Bryanbigsmile ....Class starts early, so set you alarm for 5:00 AM:wink:

Oh, and welcome to Mingle honey....flowerforyou

Thanks pretty lady! Can I start in my footy jammies?

RealBryan's photo
Thu 05/01/14 07:25 PM

RealBryan's photo
Thu 05/01/14 07:24 PM
80s mix tape

RealBryan's photo
Thu 05/01/14 07:16 PM

RealBryan's photo
Thu 05/01/14 07:11 PM

you might as well relax.....

Oh my god not again

RealBryan's photo
Thu 05/01/14 06:56 PM
I'm new here, so I'm just starting to understand what this community is all about. The fact that most of the comments about this are kind of humorous shows you guys are loose and aren't taking it too serious. I like that. Facebook debates were getting very tiresome! I just might stick around....

RealBryan's photo
Thu 05/01/14 06:44 PM
My IQ is 136, and I do alot of dumb stuff. The IQ test is really only a measure of how much knowledge you have retained. I have known smart and dumb women, smart and dumb men. Is this a serious question anyway? Because the answer is BOTH

RealBryan's photo
Thu 05/01/14 04:20 PM

Alright, I'm just going to go on and say what everybody else is thinking.

I'm not replying to your messages because you sound like a retard and that isn't a match for me. Now, please stop bothering me with your retarded messages because I really don't want to be rude or politically incorrect because I wasn't saying anything about disabled people and only using the word in the sense that you are a retard.

Agree 100%- You have won the trophy for this thread! You are the MAN!

RealBryan's photo
Thu 05/01/14 02:33 PM
Oh, I get it. Don't put my sons pic on here for safety reasons... Thank you guys- I didn't give you enough credit. Probably right I'm a nice guy unless I don't get my way. Food for thought...

RealBryan's photo
Thu 05/01/14 02:29 PM
THANK YOU. You are right, I was a bit harsh. I appreciate the feedback. Real people here after all. I'm not outta here. A bit cynical perhaps. Constructive criticism builds character, and apparently I could use some! A little confused about the whole "wouldn't have babies with me for safety's sake" though....

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