what women want?
Well put
Spiritual Awakening
Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment. Yes and a great man of wisdom and philosophy “Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment.” ― John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom |
Spiritual Awakening
Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment. Yes and a great man of wisdom and philosophy “Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment.” ― John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom |
Spiritual Awakening
Edited by
Sun 08/17/14 08:49 AM
Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment.
Spiritual Awakening
How awesome for you...Enlightenment and Awakening is a beautiful thing to experience... |
what women want?
Nope no issues here lol
what women want?
You people have unresolved issues. Women want the same thing many of us guys want: a person we can trust, can love and be loved by them, someone to do daily things and enjoy them. We want someone who will want us back: with complete disregard to any rules. Totally and unequivocally be part of each other. That's all. That's not asking much... maybe?! |
Edited by
Sat 08/16/14 03:10 AM
Sunday morning blast as I stretch my arms to wake up my sleeping muscles. I got up and fixed my hair. After I put the dogs out I started the coffee to brewing, set my cup out and turned on the computer to check the weather report and current events. It is going to be another great day, no rain, not too hot, not too cold. I think I will take a walk. I grabbed my sweater and then searched for my sneakers as they had migrated from the front door, no doubt in the mouth of one of the dogs. I creakily crouched down to peek under the bed when I heard footsteps on the back porch.
Footsteps on the back porch... I wonder who that could be this early, the dogs aren't barking so it must be someone I know. I get up from my crouched down position with my shoe in hand and go to see who is on my back porch. The screen door spring typically creaked as I pushed it open. Hello...? I called tenatively to the back of the grey haired figure standing at the railing. The grey haired figure with a beard said, "Hey, it's me, JD, I was driving by and stopped to see how you and Precious (a mighty fine mule he sold me a year an half ago) are getting along?" I asked him if he would like a cup of coffee while I told him all about my mighty fine mule. We laughed together over coffee and stories about Precious's antics as two old friends are likey to do until the stories sagged and there was a spot of silence. JD Looked up from his coffee and drew in a deep breath and I knew something extraordinary was coming. "Olivia", he said tentatively, "You have inspired me to grab the bull by the horns, get over my fear of flying, and let bygones be bygones, I have bought two tickets to Paris and...I can't go alone....I know it's short notice and all, but will you come with me?" He excitedly fumbled in his coat and produced two airline tickets from the breast pocket, waving them faster than a happy puppy. I was taken by surprise, I was speechless, but after a bit I said, "You have a wife at home, what will she have to say about our flying off to Paris together?" "I know we have been friends for a long time and you know I will always be here for you but I don't want to get shot by your wife." "That's just it, Olivia", JD explained. Noreen left me months ago, said she was goin' back east to see Charlie and the grankids and she just never came back. I've been too embarassed to say anything, but dammit I wanna live my life too!" Unknowingly to Olivia JD was a psychopathic serial killer who eventually killed off the women who he got to fall in live with him. Olivia felt a pang of sadness for JD but quickly recovered to feel an excited anticipation. She smiled widely and said "Yes, I would be delighted to see Paris with you." stepping easily into JD's trap. Ethal, Olivia's best friend from school was always an interfering jealous woman and when she heard the news of Olivia's new romance she did some investigation of her own. What she found out was disturbing JD who's real name is Jason Draughton was a notorious English serial killer active in the 1970s and early 1980s. He murdered at least eight women – including his wife Audrey– by strangling them in his flat at 10 Wellington avenue, When news of Audrey's disappearance the police sesrched the premises and shortly afterwards the bodies of three of his victims were discovered hidden in an alcove in the kitchen. His wife's body was found beneath the floorboards of the front room. But after a stretch in HMP Wakefield Jd was recently released on technicalities on the evidence against him. |
Sunday morning blast as I stretch my arms to wake up my sleeping muscles. I got up and fixed my hair. After I put the dogs out I started the coffee to brewing, set my cup out and turned on the computer to check the weather report and current events. It is going to be another great day, no rain, not too hot, not too cold. I think I will take a walk. I grabbed my sweater and then searched for my sneakers as they had migrated from the front door, no doubt in the mouth of one of the dogs. I creakily crouched down to peek under the bed when I heard footsteps on the back porch.
Footsteps on the back porch... I wonder who that could be this early, the dogs aren't barking so it must be someone I know. I get up from my crouched down position with my shoe in hand and go to see who is on my back porch. The screen door spring typically creaked as I pushed it open. Hello...? I called tenatively to the back of the grey haired figure standing at the railing. The grey haired figure with a beard said, "Hey, it's me, JD, I was driving by and stopped to see how you and Precious (a mighty fine mule he sold me a year an half ago) are getting along?" I asked him if he would like a cup of coffee while I told him all about my mighty fine mule. We laughed together over coffee and stories about Precious's antics as two old friends are likey to do until the stories sagged and there was a spot of silence. JD Looked up from his coffee and drew in a deep breath and I knew something extraordinary was coming. "Olivia", he said tentatively, "You have inspired me to grab the bull by the horns, get over my fear of flying, and let bygones be bygones, I have bought two tickets to Paris and...I can't go alone....I know it's short notice and all, but will you come with me?" He excitedly fumbled in his coat and produced two airline tickets from the breast pocket, waving them faster than a happy puppy. I was taken by surprise, I was speechless, but after a bit I said, "You have a wife at home, what will she have to say about our flying off to Paris together?" "I know we have been friends for a long time and you know I will always be here for you but I don't want to get shot by your wife." "That's just it, Olivia", JD explained. Noreen left me months ago, said she was goin' back east to see Charlie and the grankids and she just never came back. I've been too embarassed to say anything, but dammit I wanna live my life too!" Unknowingly to Olivia JD was a psychopathic serial killer who eventually killed off the women who he got to fall in live with him. |
Spiritual Awakening
The true meaning of spiritual awakening, as it has been known classically in both Christian and Buddhist traditions is the waking up of consciousness to the remembrance of its original nature. It is a movement of the psyche where the individual sense of self-identification has fallen away, and awareness stands with nothing to identify itself, and yet it knows itself as being aware. It is like moving from being a noun to a verb. Instead of being some one, we know we are aware-ing, sensing, thinking, feeling or being whatever movement is happening in this one moment. At the same time the physical body/mind has become irrelevant. Proverbs chapter 18 The spirit of a mighty man, a man of spirit, that has a spirit of fortitude, even of natural fortitude, that has a spirit of might upon him, of power, and sound mind; that is renewed in the spirit of his mind; who is a spiritual man, and has the Spirit of God in him, as well as a rational soul, an immaterial, immortal, and never dying substance. Such a man will bear up under many trials and exercises of life; What meaning does this mean to you? later on I will share with you my experience of an spiritual awakening. Here are some examples and indications of a spiritual awakening. Heart Opening: A deep sense of opening in the chest, often with an overwhelming sense of unconditional love for all beings, which brings about a significant change in the psychological orientation, increasing sensitivity, compassion and appreciation for life. Psychic Opening: An eruption of an image or an inner knowing about people, events, other lives, physics, celestial music, auras or other paranormal, visionary or auditory experiences. Initial Mystical Experience: Consciousness breaks through it’s boundaries of your personal self, and experiences a vast expanse of being or presence, great light, a spiritual vision or a sense of cosmic connectedness for a brief period of time, occasionally lasting for a few days. Sometimes understanding about the nature of reality, or other aspects of wisdom or love accompany the experience. There you are three examples heart opening, psychic opening, and initial mystical experience. Okay I said earlier I would share with you my own spiritual awakening. It started when I was sent to prision for the possesion and supply of class A drugs Heroin and crack cocaine. My addiction with drugs started when I was nine years of age but I didnt start taking heroin and crack until I was sixteen. which lead me into the selling of theses drugs. This is not what brought about my spiritual awakening this is what happened. My only focus and love in life was drugs where my thoughts and attitudes was the getting of these drugs to what ever means. I was getting drugs brought into prison by taking on visits then getting them onto the wings and passing them around the prison eventually I got caught and was sent down to the block segregation wing whilst I was there in this dark, damp empty cell with only a bed and a little tiny square window I saw on the floor a piece of a page from the bible out of bordem I started to read this single page which was out of the book of Matthew. When he came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cured of his leprosy. Let me explain when I read this something inside me began to happen. this was my spirit bringing about an awareness I read it again and again clean to me was not been physical dependent and mentally dependent on drugs I was ill and I was desperate doing a cold turkey in this cell so like the man with leprosy I fell to my knees out of desperation and prayed to a God I didn't understand and believe in and I prayed Lord if you are willing you can make me clean you can stop this pain. In this moment something unexplainable happened the small square windown a warm light came through and lit up the cell I was filled with an overwhelming sense of love content and peace within and not only this the physical withdrawals was gone. then when the light passed and I was left in the darkened cell I again I had a clarity of thought which brought about a change a change in my thoughts and attitudes and a change of beliefs. this was my spiritual awakening. Waking up is what happens in response to the question “Who is having these experiences?” and searching neither thought nor emotion to find an answer. It is not the process of having an experience, however ecstatic and profoundly mystical it may be. It is the understanding of that which has an experience, or that which lives through us and is eternally present through all time and experience. To wake up we have to give up the idea that we are a personal identity who is seeking experiences, and begin to wonder what is really true underneath and behind all experiences that humans live. my addiction was like leprosy I had a disease of addiction which manifested isteslf in many forms. sexual material aswel as a mind altering substance. I was waking up I had a renewal of the mind I had a spiritual awakening. which leaded me into a spiritual life a selfless life and change in the very way I live my life to day thanks to my higher power.
what women want?
I was once a bad boy in and out of jail and it is nothing to be proud of if woman want that then there asking for trouble but my values and beleifs have always been there im a gentlemen I treat woman with respect admiration and praise and reassurance when it is needed id expect someone to treat my mum or my sister like that so if I was any other way a bad boy to woman then I would be a hyprocit if a man treayed my mother with disrespect and was a badboy towards her he would resieve three things of me a shallow grave a shovel and a bag a lime to civer the small of his rotting corpse I suppose the upside of his demise would be a private spot in the moors where is body would lay
what women want?
The one where I was talking sexual and putting pictures of myself which I found disturbing and uncomfortable and that was of woman who said they want a relationship and not just sex how confusing is that they say one thing and mean and want another on here im myself honest committed orientated respectable and polite and still I find myself 1 been ignored 2 been blocked just for saying "hello how's you hope all is well" and 3 never getting an introduction maybe they mostly go for looks and im ugly as **** lol but honestly im happy and content coz im been myself peace all
what women want?
I agree there are a lot of woman on these dating sites who put men into a negative category but understand this on dating sites woman have been hurt in the past well most of them and they struggle greatly with trust and don't know what they really want it is confusing and conflicting I did an experiment on one site I was myself honest polite respectable and foreward and on another I was talking very sexual putting semi exposed pictures of myself guess which one I got more replies from