some people at the age of 30 still havent matured. at 18? sounds like your far more mature then many are. and it takes serious guts to post something like that. best luck to you on the baby and sorry your ex wasnt man enough to live up to his responsibility!!! im sure you will do just fine I know. And karma is a ***** of a woman and I say this because he is getting no rights to the baby what so ever. Because no child deserves a father like that, I should know, my dad is the same way. |
Don't let anyone judge you or belittle you for the situation you are in now, or for any other decisions you make in life. As long as you are doing what you think is best for you and the baby, then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Congratulations and I wish you and your little girl all the best! So have you picked out a name yet? her name is Gabriella Michelle Fernandez. |
thank you!!!
thank you all : )
its kinda sticking out, but not a whole lot lol
i'll quote my mother,
"any guy can get a girl pregnant, but it takes a man to raise that baby." i intend to find the right daddy for my little girl. |
yeeah okay?
okay well heres the 411 on myself. i am 8 months pregnant by my ex-boyfriend who decided to immediately dump me after we both found out the news. BUT HOLD UP before you go and say "omg you slut how could you get pregnant at such a young age?!?!" well i'll have you all know that i did graduate with a full degree from my school and i am attending night school to become a registered nurse, yes it will take a while and yes i do intend to keep this baby. i've got a wonderful support system from my family and really thats all i need.
muchas gracias
lol i was born in guatemala city, guatemala. yo sabe que mi espanol no es perfecto, pero ademas, yo pienso que es muy bonito.
is that attractive? or is it that typical saying, "this is america, learn some damn english!"
When you're truly happy, you'll know. Don't seek it, don't force it. Just... Stop. Relax. Listen. Become.Stop worrying so much. Stop trying so hard. Stop copying others.Relax your body. Relax your mind.Listen to people. Listen to your instincts. Become a better person. Become free. Become aware.Never give up. Know that you are beautiful. Forget negativity. Remember the positive. Slowww down. Take your time. Give it all you've got. Say what's on your mind. Stand up for what's right. Try harder. Take risks. Trust yourself.Be genuine. Be appreciative. Be patient.
Do anything and everything that you possibly can. Love with all of your heart and nothing less. Different is good. Tolerance is important. Give more than recieve. Give love. Give peace. Give hugs. Give kisses.Make change. Make a difference. Make sense.Hold on to special moments. Hold on to the things you love most. You are your virtue. You are your future. Nothing is impossible, everything is possible. When you are happy. |
hi there!
its been a while
heey a kiss is just a kiss. theres always next year
aww no it won't be! its all in how you make it.
brand NEW clean slate and all. i intend to make this year one HELL of a year.
turn 19 finish college and get dat degree get in touch with people i've lost complete contact with forgive my enemies make new friends smile more etc, etc. |
happy new years
happy new years
Here’s to the year
that’s almost past its expiration date—2008. We all had some surprises, didn’t we? Some good, some distressing. Let’s use everything we got from our experiences, everything we learned, to enrich the new year. Here’s to the new year, 2009, a gift we haven’t opened yet. May its bright, shiny package contain even more than we hope for. And even while we’re delighting in new treasures, let’s appreciate fully what we already have— the blessings we take for granted. Make a list, and check it twice. And here’s to all you wonderful people who are putting up with my toast; I hope in the new year you see yourselves the way I see you: intelligent, interesting, and likable. To 2009: May it give a whole new meaning to the phrase, "the good life." |