Community > Posts By > HANDLEWITHCAUTION
... Yeah, Good men are hard to come by nowadays... However, I let you in on a secret:
Most of them are busy seraching for Good women -- and this weekend most of them will be at the LARGE SINGLES PARTY - (35+) (Dancing and Encounters) *** SATURDAY, MAY 2nd, 2009 *** ------- 8:00 PM --- ----|---- LaVidette Banquett Hall --"Classic"- Room) ** ----------------------- ---|-------------- (150 North Rivermede Rd, Thoronhill, Ontario) ********* . *BEST EUROPEAN DJ *** · -DRESS CODE IN EFFECT... · -FREE PARKING · -LOW COST CASH BAR *****FREE COFFEE***** . . . . . ******************* --------COVER CHARGE: $15 ----------------- . . . . . .********************** MEET SOMEBODY SPECIAL - MAY BE YOUR DESTINY(?) AND HAVE A BLAST!!! ------*------ |
Religion = Evolution
Evolution is about the best breeding and the least fit dieing. Where does religion fit into these areas? How many people on this planet think God wants them to kill all the people who are on this website? (and everyone else in the US for that matter) I am looking for discussion, not an argument. Arguments are for how to make the best BBQ. The state of our world is something we need to discuss. How religion plays a part on the state of our world is a very big part of the discussion. Sorry, I didn't realize I was arguing, assuming you'r referring to me... Otherwise, there's no need to pay any attention! Anyhoo, I deliberately quoted you, because you pin pointed the key to Evolution: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST! Homo Sapiens -- the only species equiped with brain power -- appear to be the most addaptable. Therefore they've survived (and some of them have even prospered!) But, ever since "God" sepatated them into different communities, their development became sharply differentiated: those who still rely on deity for their well being (X), have fell way behind in their development, while the rest of the Humanity (Y) -- which has realized religion as an atavism from the encient times -- has moved forward in their development. The hate of X towards the unattainable progress is powered by pure envy (and by inability of maintaining the religious power)! Eventually, Humanity is bound to resort to the behavior of rats, i.e. smart rats -- there won't be any random killing, but selective one would appear to be necessary -- preserving limited resources for the fittest! Look at China: families are limited to only one offspring! Pretty soon the same rule will apply to the rest of the world... As far as Taliban is concerned, I hope they won't ever attain the transcontinental weapons deleivey system before they're anihilated... (most probably, they will parish in some "unexpected" local conflict?) Yeah, we sure live in turbulent times! Makes one wonder how will we get out of this predicament... May be I'm too optimistic, but I beleive we will, somehow... P.S. PESSIMIST: Oh, the state of affairs is so bad, and getting worst... OPTIMIST: Everything's gonna be OK -- it cannot get any worst!!! |
Religion = Evolution
BTW, you better watch it -- METALWING can crash you with one finger! (I'm referring to his "intellectual fingers"***) |
I beg your pardon, JB, for intruding in the middle of your story, but I just couldnt wait..
I am a firm believer in the doctrine of "YOU GET WHAT YOU WISH FOR"! (wether its called the "law of Attraction" [LOA] or whatever) However, our personal wishes affect only our personal microcosm, i.e. health, relationships, wellbeing, etc. However, the LOA faulters,if our wishes depend on the others: LOA does not enable one estimating the consequences of various causes -- it just blindly attracts the positive consequences (if any). I bet a lot of people, who were practicing the LOA, must've been surprised getting laid off -- when their place of employment got shut off... (BECAUSE LOA HAS NO EFFECT ON THE MACRO WORLD! ! !)*********************************** Despite of how strongly one beleives in her/him-self -- even if supported by subconscious beliefs and affirmations -- unfortunately, one still remains just a victim of circumstances (in the global sense*). For, if poeple are to blame for their own circumstances, then millions of people must have wished for the current crisis to happen? (maybe subconsciously?) However, the economic UPS and DOWNS are cyclical in nature and do not depend on the common will -- such is the nature of the beast (i.e. political system)!!! I do not mean to dispute the effectiveness of the LOA on a STRICTLY PERSONAL LEVEL -- it is a powerful technique! However, one must be aware of its limited application! ! ! P.S. Just because one is worried about getting infected with the AIDS, doesn't necessarily mean inviting the desease into one's life(?) |
... Something's definitely missing here:
The Theory becomes a Law only after observing the regularity of it's conclusion(s) in any/all circustances -- otherwise, those exceptions must specified... I'm referring to the case of Mr. X: He is the most kind, optimistic, and positive kind of a person -- always cheerful and friendly...(and gainfully employed). Every day, he starts with the positive affirmations regarding his general well-being -- and thus far he was doing O'K... UNTIL THE CRISIS HAS HIT! ! ! As a result, he's lost virtually everything: Job, House, Car, ... even his wife (who's run off with the wealthy neighbour). . .. . . . . REGARDLESS OF HIS POSITIVE THINKING!!! . . . . . . . ************************************ Poor Mr.X, and he was such a firm beleiver in the Law of Attraction! ! ! |
Ancient Astronaught theory
![]() ![]() ![]() :bored: Sorry, MM, but -- even though that was a great book a couple of years ago -- ITS OLD NEWS TODAY... Besides -- according to most of the "greys" -- Erich von Daniken is only partly right! LOL |
Religion = Evolution
You might've noticed that I pasted my comments right into your response to my message, "Apparently, you're right", (marked with "***") -- to save some time... |
Religion = Evolution
METALWING, Apparently, you're right by saying: The real problem is that an insufficient percentage of the world's population cares enough to do anything and the ones that do care can't do anything about the majority that is causing the majority of the damage. We are devolving. We are becoming a copy of Easter Island. Luckily,you seem to be not the only one pondering about this eminent problem -- Humanity seems to be fighting the Warld War III for the ultimate survival against the fiercest of the "enemies", * OVERPOPULATION *! ! ! As during the war, a Command Decision is necessary to defeat the "enemy" -- somebody has to perish so that others will survive... For that reason, I suspect, AIDS has been introduced to the area of the most rampant population explosion, i.e. Africa. (the fact of its spreading all over the world has been an unexpected -- though quite fortunate -- side effect, since the virus seems to hit primerily those who tend to disregard the laws of moral living, except of those, of course, who's got infected thru blood transfusion... (But even in those cases, it is beyond comprehension why would A,B,C, etc, remain unharmed, while X,Y,Z would get infected! Would that be their KARMA in this reincarnation? ? ? (who knows...) Another venue of Humanity's sastainability is the Space exploration -- colonization of the Solar System: No wonder, while the world is suffering another economic slow-down, the plans are being made to send an AMS -- Autonomous Mobile System --to Mars (and the Russians are training the austronauts for the same reason), approximately THIS FALL! Apparently, Humanity has already (or will soon have) reached the point of "No Return" on this planet, if the space exploration appears to be necessary and feasible at this time... (another 50-100 years -- unless some major breakthrough ins't made!) Another words, do not dispaire -- Humanity still has a few tricks up its sleeve! (though some harsh "Command Measures" would be necessarty * * *) I am not sure AIDS was introduced to Africa. I think it started there. How it got from monkeys to humans is not a pleasant thought. *** I suppose that's been a field test to confirm the virus' effectiveness before actually unleashing it. The fairy tale about monkeys is the cover up designed to keep those pacifists quiet... It is interesting that if you wanted to maximize the fatality of the disease, you would extend the lifespan of the infected population and make them well enough to have sex. With the typical multi partner sex patterns in Africa, this process would allow each infected male to spread AIDS to dozens of additional partners. This is exactly what the US is doing with the anti viral drugs they are sending to Africa. *** And that's exactly my point: AIDS is a very efficient desease because it has a very long incubation period -- many people are still having sex unaware of being infected, thereby spreading it over and over again! * * * (not to mention many idiots who purposely continue having sex -- out of spite! No one has the guts to remove billions of humans from this planet. At some point around twenty billion humans (not very far away time wise), most non domesticated animals will die. Most life in the ocean will be gone for purposes of food,and the rainforests will be deserts. Global warming will accellerate rapidily moving most grain producing regions north. However, the soils in many northern regions are too rocky to cultivate properly. The planet may have problems producing oxygen due to insufficient biomass. *** Another words, you Are confirming my statement about Humanity's passing the point of No Return on this planet(?) * * * An interesting scenario is Pakistan being taken over by the Taliban and using some of the nuclear arsenal to wipe out Israel. Since Israel would be wiped out, the US would be left to take out someone, probably the Taliban area of Pakistan and Iran. However, from a military standpoint, it would make more sense to take out all of Pakistan since the non Taliban areas would still be controlled by the Taliban and still have nuclear capability. The number of small nukes required might cause nuclear winter and reduce global warming for quite a while. It might also cause world famine in the process which might set off another nuclear exchange significantly reducing the world's population. *** You know, even Command Measures I mentioned pale in comparison with your forecast! And that is precisely why those measures will be necessary -- avoiding the doom you're picturing: pre-emptive strikes would avert that scenario... As far as Israel is concerned, I wouldn't be so fast in assuming its incapability of defending itself: the only reason Israel still hasn't nuked anybody is because the US isp resuring it to keep away! We don't have the money or technology to colonize other planets. For it to work the colony would have to sustain itself and we are no where near that point. I am afraid we are about to ride this horse into the ground. *** As I mentioned, I'm talking about the next 50-100 years -- definitely not in the next 24 hours... But even today -- as we speak -- the austronauts are getting ready for the mission (sometime this Fall)! Human overpopulation is a problem far worse than that which the general population is aware. The Earth is dying and there does not appear to be any way to reverse the damage. Ironically, it is having the exact opposite effect of evolution. *** Yeah, as I said, it is a "World War III" against a common to all the Humanity "enemy"! And that's why most of the youth is trained to be much more smarter than their predecesssers... |
Religion = Evolution
Apparently, you're right by saying: The real problem is that an insufficient percentage of the world's population cares enough to do anything and the ones that do care can't do anything about the majority that is causing the majority of the damage. We are devolving. We are becoming a copy of Easter Island. Luckily,you seem to be not the only one pondering about this eminent problem -- Humanity seems to be fighting the Warld War III for the ultimate survival against the fiercest of the "enemies", * OVERPOPULATION *! ! ! As during the war, a Command Decision is necessary to defeat the "enemy" -- somebody has to perish so that others will survive... For that reason, I suspect, AIDS has been introduced to the area of the most rampant population explosion, i.e. Africa. (the fact of its spreading all over the world has been an unexpected -- though quite fortunate -- side effect, since the virus seems to hit primerily those who tend to disregard the laws of moral living, except of those, of course, who's got infected thru blood transfusion... (But even in those cases, it is beyond comprehension why would A,B,C, etc, remain unharmed, while X,Y,Z would get infected! Would that be their KARMA in this reincarnation? ? ? (who knows...) Another venue of Humanity's sastainability is the Space exploration -- colonization of the Solar System: No wonder, while the world is suffering another economic slow-down, the plans are being made to send an AMS -- Autonomous Mobile System --to Mars (and the Russians are training the austronauts for the same reason), approximately THIS FALL! Apparently, Humanity has already (or will soon have) reached the point of "No Return" on this planet, if the space exploration appears to be necessary and feasible at this time... (another 50-100 years -- unless some major breakthrough ins't made!) Another words, do not dispaire -- Humanity still has a few tricks up its sleeve! (though some harsh "Command Measures" would be necessarty * * *) |
Things To Do In Toronto Area
(Dancing and Encounters) *** SATURDAY, MAY 2nd, 2009 *** ---------------- 8:00 PM -----------------|---- LaVidette Banquett Hall --"Classic"- Room) *** (150 North Rivermede Rd, Thoronhill, Ontario) ********* . *BEST EUROPEAN DJ *** · -DRESS CODE IN EFFECT... · -FREE PARKING · -LOW COST CASH BAR *****FREE COFFEE***** . . . . . ******************* --------COVER CHARGE: $15 ----------------- . . . . . .********************** MEET SOMEBODY SPECIAL - MAY BE YOUR DESTINY(?) AND HAVE A BLAST!!! -*- |
Ancient Astronaught theory
*************************************************************** *_______________A FRIGHTENING REALIZATION_____________________* * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..* *************************************************************** ** Contrary to our expectations, aliens may represent any shape/form of being -- including Amorphous (i.e. aparitions)* -- in which case they wouldn't have any problem in roaming around unnoticed (especially at night), or getting confused with the ghosts, or even taking possession of human bodies without the hosts' awareness... The aliens exist in both physical form and non-physical form. The non-physical form is still "material" but it is a different frequency of "material." What is "material" after all? It is vibration. It is nothing more than light and sound at different frequencies. What is the building block of all matter? The particle? That has not been found or measured yet. It does not exist. But if you want to imagine that we live in a matrix of space and time, know that we share that matrix with non-human sentient life forms of a different frequency who have discovered how to come through a door to our world. (Just like that show "Sliders.") Just consider that anything you can imagine exists.... somewhere. Because it is imagined, it exists, if not in this world of third density matter, then in some other mind world. All worlds are mind worlds of different frequencies. Thank you, Gloria, that's a very probable view of the subject matter: ... certainly, a different frequency of life is much more realistic approximation than a "transparent" one! I see your point... (I must've been infected by people who wear blinders?)* * * But then -- regarding your other declaration -- How/Why would they allow you/others to disclose their secret nature? ? ? I'd imagine "they" would prefer to remain "anonymous" for as long as they possibly can... (but you go and spoil it all by blowing their cover!!!) I'm suprized you haven't been abducted yet! (or haven't you?) LOL Nevertheless, "they" have made a tremendous miscalculation: "they" would be better of by keeping the Humanity in the Dark Ages -- preying to "God". However, the Church, unwittingly, has influenced the development of *** Science and Engineering(!!!) --> because complex mechanizms have often been/are necessary for creating Awsome "mirracles" that kept the masses in obedience (whose willingness to pay/support the Church has been perpetuated by those pseudo-mirracles -- most of which have eventually entered the main stream, i.e. the everyday life). Thus, in a way, the Church has influenced the Progress(?)!!! * * * * * * On the other hand, I remember you saying "they" (aliens) need our ingenuity for conquering the Universe... Yeah, in that case, they've accomplished their mission!!! * * * * * * But, listen, What's wrong with being a "kept animal", as long as we are capable of sattisfying our needs, wants, desires, and urges?? _________________________ ? ________________________________________ P.S. - regarding your comment, ["Just consider that anything you can imagine exists.... somewhere. Because it is imagined, it exists, if not in this world of third density matter, then in some other mind world."], I can see why David insists upon Everything being Plagirized! ! ! Then, I suppose, Einstein was no genius after all! He's just managed (somehow) to tap into the universal pool of Knowledge... (shux, I suspected that!!! LOL) |
Let me put it another way -- rephrasing the saying:
*** NICE GUYS CUM LAST!!! *** In that sense, I can consider a guy as "VERY NICE"! ![]() |
Ancient Astronaught theory
David, I sincerely beg your pardon (since I don't know what your last post to Billy was about), but I feel you're waisting your energy... (or may be it is important to you that Every single entity and all of the unsophysticated folks of this thread shared your point of view?..) But why? Let them rot in their ignorance! After all, you ain't gonna convince them anyway -- STUBBORNESS's a pain! Besides, there are much more important things to worry about: *************************************************************** *_______________A FRIGHTENING REALIZATION_____________________* * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..* *************************************************************** If you remember, recently, JeanieB posted a message about aliens already being here and controling everything -- what I called a "Conspiracy Theory" -- a prepostorous idea which nobody took seriously... (though, I finished my rebutal^ with a frightening suspicion of her might be right! -- for some unknown reason!!!) And today it occurred to me Why: ** Contrary to our expectations, aliens may represent any shape/form of being -- including Amorphous (i.e. aparitions)* -- in which case they wouldn't have any problem in roaming around unnoticed (especially at night), or getting confused with the ghosts, or even taking possession of human bodies without the hosts' awareness... I closed my pseudo-rebutal^ with the phrase: God, help us! ! ! I'm curious about what you (and JB) think about this conjecture... P.S. If you don't mind, could you limit your sentences only to one subject (2 atmost) and as many objects? ? ? everything that was the last second in time is bit ignorance, so none exist in the perception i see thru, or write thru??? stubborness is but resistence to preserve until hearing what is more true, so again, stubborness is not any perception i see thru nor write thru??? some words are but written for the past, present, and future, laying down a framework for reality itself, and this is the reason for all words written in these posts. it is a sad but understood good thing, known from this perception, that the most truth about alien's cannot be understood, nor even begun to be taken into the mind, less the past, and present, and future is first passed away within the brain itself??? this phenomenon, nothing can give unto another, only caress will all words towards "each" it's own darkness, which is the light??? the universe itself control who believe what it believe, and when it can be believed, and waiting on all such things only create patience needed to know that each movement of the human body, each breath, each word, each sigh, is not controlled by self at all as self think, which indeed, is the very essence of alien's, as man itself is the alien??? see, told ya, speaking it would not matter, lol... there is no outside alien life that is not man itself, and the cabal to prommote this come first from a true essence of truth, but not actually believed, and turned into a power maintenance scheme??? one need not ever be afraid of any alien hostile life form but man itself??? but, did that make one bit of difference??? words have no meaning, can't have meaning, contrary to what human thinking percieve, except SELF FIRST KNEW IT??? so outside words, in reality, only "match up" to what self already knew, just didn't know that it knew it, nor to believe it??? an awakening so to speak, to all new data as it walk along the path of finite time for a spell, as indeed, it is as a "spell", or "force field" created by man itself, by all human contact amoung the species, first only creating a total 'mimiced' civilization, as the only learned experience, all human things being "plagerized" just as you so spoke, and this held over human man, blocking the brain, cannot be removed except by indeed "good" 'alien' intervention, and without it, humanness itself cannot see such nor recognize it. half of all your written words would be truth of the universe itself, the other half, or the definition you give to them, would be what your personal "one life" attribute to them, and these things, i ADDED TO, only to not misguide as to what this one perception actually see, and not to mix that with what you see??? THE HUMAN CONDITION CANNOT SEE IT IS "GUESSING" WHAT OTHER'S ARE, BASING IT ON ITSELF, which is no true understanding of other's at all??? this create no words from the outside believed, simply refuted, and self defending what itself is, based on each response??? this in itself, keep mortal man from all infinity, but, the time and days of infinity are as already as the now??? i will add this??? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ************************* you WILL see alien life form by 09-09-09. [*** GREAT, I MARK THAT DATE IN MY CALENDAR ***] but then you have been seeing 'alien' life form all along, so there will not be any notice unless there is a 'awakeing first', to understand the "energy", as this will be the only sign such is what it is, as no sign is ever given IN ADVANCE, only words, perhaps slightly "different" sounding words, for many good infinite reasons. there will be a "real", and there will be a "fake", but the fake has no idea there really is a real, and will be easily overcome, quite to the dismay of all who planned such long perpetrated scheme's, lol... peace out space invaders of the human kind If I read you correctly, you also maintain that all of the alien Mambo-Jumbo is just a cover up for the visitors from the Future???** |
Ancient Astronaught theory
I am a draconian 2500 years old ![]() (----------------------- but no one believes me ![]() ----------- WHY NOT? CAN'T YOU PROVE IT? ? ? JUST TAKE YOUR PANTS OFF AND SHOW THEM AN EYE IN BETWEEN YOUR LEGS!!! ![]() |
Ancient Astronaught theory
Thank you, MM, for reminding me of that report. HOWEVER...
******************************************************************** * I WOULD BE VERY SKEPTICAL OF ANY REPORT THAT'S MADE PUBLIC! ! ! * ******************************************************************** |
Ancient Astronaught theory
David, I sincerely beg your pardon (since I don't know what your last post to Billy was about), but I feel you're waisting your energy... (or may be it is important to you that Every single entity and all of the unsophysticated folks of this thread shared your point of view?..) But why? Let them rot in their ignorance! After all, you ain't gonna convince them anyway -- STUBBORNESS's a pain! Besides, there are much more important things to worry about:
*************************************************************** *_______________A FRIGHTENING REALIZATION_____________________* * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..* *************************************************************** If you remember, recently, JeanieB posted a message about aliens already being here and controling everything -- what I called a "Conspiracy Theory" -- a prepostorous idea which nobody took seriously... (though, I finished my rebutal^ with a frightening suspicion of her might be right! -- for some unknown reason!!!) And today it occurred to me Why: ** Contrary to our expectations, aliens may represent any shape/form of being -- including Amorphous (i.e. aparitions)* -- in which case they wouldn't have any problem in roaming around unnoticed (especially at night), or getting confused with the ghosts, or even taking possession of human bodies without the hosts' awareness... I closed my pseudo-rebutal^ with the phrase: God, help us! ! ! I'm curious about what you (and JB) think about this conjecture... P.S. If you don't mind, could you limit your sentences only to one subject (2 atmost) and as many objects? ? ? |
Ancient Astronaught theory
. Yeah, that must've been a very wise person who's proclaimed: BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR (THINK OF, DREAM ABOUT...)! ! ! **************************************************** ... Sometimes, they come true!!!????????????????????????????? |
The point of it all.....
So, then, it is decided:
THE GREATEST PURPOSE OF LIFE IS... BREARHING -- IN & OUT.. (____________i.e. IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT!______________________) i.e. if your spouse is willing to support your important endeavor -- assuming, of course, your spouse does NOT have the same conception of the life's purpose... Otherwise, you might be facing endless arguments about who's turn is it to BREATH today! ! ! LO-O-OL (assuming, of course, you have a spouse! ! !) Oh yeah, and you might as well forget about making babies -- the business of Breathing doesn't PAY much! ! ! (unless you have powerful connections...) |
Ancient Astronaught theory
David, darling, do not misundestand me, please:
if I ever were to find your messages as boring or uninteresting (or incomprehensible, God forbid), then I would've never argue with you (as at the end of my previous post, i.e. P.S.)??? Its just that I do not always have the luxury of devoting much time to this endeavor -- as JB phrased it, regarding your messages: "it takes a lot of brain energy to decipher them..." * * * And Time is the most valuable commodity nowadays???! Thus, if I can't spend enough time perceiving your frame of mind, I feel robbed of the pleasure of getting in touch with the superior being (as yourself)???! And that's a shame! Perhaps, we come from the different reals of imagination: your's, obviously, is based on the philosophy??? mine is based on the computer programming -- the most concise way of expressing the ideas??? ..................................................______________________ Nevertheless, I will always follow your advice -- WHENEVER TIME PERMITS, OF COURSE -- namely: "grill me, scrutinize me, rebuke me, criticize me, trust me not, ruff me up, question me, disagree with me..." (I suspect you enjoy that, eh??? Then you'd have to a bit more considerate of my lack of the certain luxury (i.e. Time) too???) Anyways, peace to piece to peace! |
In your opinion, how/why/when will the world end? Honey, I wish I knew the answer to that philosophical question... Really, does it matter how/why/when ? ? ? There ain't nothing you can do about it anyway... YOU'VE GOT TO LIVE TODAY AS IF ITS GONNA HAPPEN TOMORROW! ! ! ************************************************************* |