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Tue 12/17/24 03:41 PM
Is Turkey President Planning To Invade Syria?
https://youtu.be/TRlHhMXmgVM?si=owAUbAwpiRZHS0xL Turkey Forces To Enter Syria? US Panics... https://youtu.be/49psy4CaotI?si=ztQiutN-vnQV2tjY |
Mysterious drones.
Public advised not to worry about these drone sightings. Now we get word tons of uranium are missing from somewhere in the states and the drones are trying to locate it. Maybe with the open borders it has been taken out of our country. who knows where it could be, maybe Joe is selling it off for pennys on the dollar like he’s doing with OUR border materials. We will end up paying twice for the wall , thank you Crooked Joe .. Apparently missing in transit....nuclear detection drones to the rescue. |
Mysterious drones.
Maybe these drones are a secret military development, but I thought all that was done in Area 51.
Wouldn't you believe The Pentagon saying they are not US military drones! ![]() Which lead me to believe that they are military since nothing is being done to them. Spotted oversees too even in some Caribbean skies. Then there is AI and since military technology is 20 - 30 years in advance than consumer technology...anything is possible. |
Mysterious drones.
Am wondering since some of these drones have invaded military air spaces why haven't there been shot down?
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Sat 12/14/24 12:28 PM
World Powers Race To Secure Interests In Syria
After Assad Fall https://youtu.be/hnLtMs1gAmU?si=svDKxA7h19ZGlojh Will Syria Be Drag Into A New War With Israel or The Kurds? https://youtu.be/7jMxIqjtL_4?si=Un11hHX3R1tsKTiw Erdogan Rages As Israel Bombs Syria City.... https://youtu.be/jGQfttL-slc?si=aiuo0-kjxK07KMy7 Israel Bombs Syria 480 Times Destroying Air Force, Navy and Weapons Sites https://youtu.be/ChWMaVRAMMc?si=Mvoe2JRzRKriIfz2 |
The rebels are back by US and Turkey,each having their own agenda in Syria. Nothing much haven't changed since the Cold war. US/NATO and Russia/(China) always attempts to place a yes man at the helm in volatile nations to serve their interests. It's never in the interests of the population or the economy. The West will push the democracy line but it's all about the resources. Russia also, it just doesn't make any pretence about it. If history repeats itself, the US-backed rebels in power will make way for western multicorporations to set up shop in Syria and begin reaping the sweets. If the rebels govern the country according to the West mandate, the citizens wouldn't be any better off than when they were under Assad. Hopefully that wouldn't be the case, however this middle east conflict seems to be widening from different angles.
On another note, the Syrian military not engaging the rebels before Assad flight, would suggest 1/ a weak military 2/ no loyalty to Assad 3/ paid off. |
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Tue 12/10/24 12:15 PM
Biden who? Kamala who? Kamala dumped all you Democrat voters the second she lost and has been missing in action ever since. And Biden has checked out almost completely. What an embarrassing administration, even more so for those that voted for it.
I'd imagine that once the election was over, the vacation was overdue and well-deserved. Running a presidential campaign is not easy, and even less so when condensed to just a few months after she steadily campaigned for Biden, before. What did you expect from her? It's not like she's going to cry to the news networks about "rigged elections" like other crybabies you may have heard of. As for President Biden, he's still on the job, meeting with world leaders and keeping on top of events, like the revolt in Syria, and getting his final judicial appointments through the senate. He'll have handed over the best economy anybody's seen in fifty years on Trump's inauguration. I'd imagine that once the election was over, the vacation was overdue and well-deserved. **What vacation? Kamala is about to leave office in 2 months! After her relaxing retreat, then she have the audacity to be begging donors to pay off a 20 million dollar debt after spending 1 billion in 3 months in an electoral campaign with nothing to show for it. On top of that DNC have a go fund me campaign to pay her staffers who have yet to be paid. He'll have handed over the best economy anybody's seen in fifty years on Trump's inauguration. **La la land again. Trump inherited a depressed economy from Obama, handed Biden a 2% or thereabouts inflation wise economy to Biden. Under his tenure, inflation hit 9%. Since then it has decrease but not at the pre Biden levels. Of course Bill knows better but the democrats just like to play their voters for fools. https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/us/another-gaffe-by-bill-clinton-says-us-economy-was-better-under-trump-but-asks-michigan-voters-to-vote-for-harris/amp_articleshow/114857181.cms He'll have handed over the best economy anybody's seen in fifty years on Trump's inauguration. *Lol. Don't let Bill hear you say that.He will be mighty upset. ![]() Running a presidential campaign is not easy, and even less so when condensed to just a few months after she steadily campaigned for Biden, before. What did you expect from her? **Excuses, excuses, excuses. Shortness of time was not the issue. The American public was not ready for her. 2016 primaries she came last. Picked by the top brass of the DNC after the DNC primary season was over, so the voters will have no say in the matter of candidates, then proceeded to kick Biden to the curb. Not vetted by the party voters, started off her election campaign on a drag queen show, nothing concise, precise or substantial (other than ...need to unburdened what has been burdened) to offer to America voters regarding bread and butter issues, alienated her own voters especially the men and the list goes on and on and on and on. It's not like she's going to cry to the news networks about "rigged elections" like other crybabies you may have heard of. *"Hilary did not concede right away as she was expecting to win and was contemplating a recount. Trump did not concede right away as he thought he had won and though that the elections were rigged. Kamala did not concede right way but did then was investigating the possibility of a recount...after she conceded.... Your point? As for President Biden, he's still on the job, meeting with world leaders and keeping on top of events, like the revolt in Syria. **President "no one is above the law...except my son/don't want to escalate the Ukraine/Russia confict" Biden, (then give permission for Zenlensky to use US missiles to strike Russia interior, when Russia, Ukraine and Trump are looking at a peace agreement), is handing over to 47th a foreign mess to begin his presidency with. |
How US Arms Suppliers Profit From Conflicts
https://youtu.be/JMP4VQmzZq0?si=Yi3VnNGaeQlO-p7H |
If I fail at a new thing/something, I need to know why because I believe that there is a solution to every problem. Even if it means revisiting the failure weeks or months later. Along the way you gain experience and knowledge and learn a lesson or two!
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Russian Missiles Cripple Ukraine Power Grid As Winter Sets In
https://youtu.be/XJ9oDIlzzu4?si=bszkHJ8LNMigksLo At least Israel and Hezbollah now have a ceasefire in Lebanon. Let's hope both parties are true to their word. |
A beautiful day
Sorry to disappoint you Slim gym but Slimmer here
Have a good week ![]() |
Very pleased
Daddy tickle his little girl who giggles before he place her in bed and read her a bedtime story.
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Busy shopping
On another note, Biden is contemplating if to return nukes to Ukraine, seize after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Wrong, they were transferred to Russia and dismantled. I would of thought so too but several news sites are stating differently including the one below. https://newsukraine.rbc.ua/news/amid-trump-s-victory-us-discusses-returning-1732289329.html As I said already if you are not sure of what is stated on the forum check it out. Wrong again, show me the alleged New York Times source! http://www.icanw.org/did_ukraine_give_up_nuclear_weapons: The transfer of all nuclear material took some time, but by 2001, all nuclear weapons had been transferred to Russia to be dismantled and all launch silos decommissioned. http://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/ukraine-nuclear-weapons-and-security-assurances-glance: June 1, 1996: Ukraine transfers its last nuclear warhead to Russia October 30, 2001: Ukraine eliminates its last strategic nuclear weapon delivery vehicle The links provided above just confirm what I said earlier...that "I would of thought so too" as in I would of thought all nuclear weapons after the fall of the Soviet Union were dismantled. I was stating what the word on the political street is regarding Biden mulling over returning seize nukes to Ukraine by several news reports citing the New York Times. You can check NYT yourself. I am not here to do that for you. Whether the NYT story/source is true or not is another topic altogether. Whether all nuclear weapons after USSR fall was dismantled or the impression given that all was dismantled is another topic altogether. Again was just stating what the word on the political street was. |
A - Z City Game - part 28
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Words with "tion" - part 5