The fact is most people even Christians don't know the bible. Errors started by the early Catholic church persist today. WHEN YOU DIE YOU DON'T GO TO HEAVEN RIGHT AWAY BUT SLEEP. NO ONE GOES TO HEAVEN UNTIL CHRIST RETURNS. Jesus was to bring Lazarus back from the dead, and he used the word sleep. Jesus brought a littl e girl back to wife but was ridiculed by a crowd because he said she was sleeping.
We are attached to this earth,so we don't want to miss our friends, sunsets, and the life we have only known. But when Christ comes again it is for his saints....I corinthinians 15;53 Says the dead will rise first and we who are alive will meet CHrist in the clouds. Read 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16. Eccelesiastes 9 verses 5-7 say the dead know nothing. Psalm 104:29-30 : thou takest away their breath, they die and return to their dust. Thou sendest forth thy spirtit ...which is the breath of life....spirit means the life force....think of a light bulb...your body is the light bulb...when you die that life force, like electricity goes back to god not you.....the word soul means a lving breathing is not seperate. So we see we return to dust ...look at all dead things : They return to dust. wE KNOW THE Chritian religion is true because only it explains how life was created and many truths. Buddhists have worshipped Buddha but he says in his writing s not to worship him though people do. The Quran is of the devil cause it says " Slay unbelievers where ever you find them" 9:5 This means anyone who is not a Muslim is to be KILLED.....THIS IS NOT OF A HOLY GOD......HINDUS , TAOISTS ETC CAN NOT EXPLAIN HOW LIF E WAS CREATED....ONLY THE BIBLE DOES THE MOST PLAUSIBLE JOB....DID COMPUTERS COME ABOUT BY EVOLUTION ? YOUR BODY IS A BILLION TIMES MORE COMPLICATED..... ANOTHER ERROR IS THAT THE DEVIL IS SOME RED GUY WITH A PITCH FORK ...BUT READ THE BIBLE AND IT SAYS HE WAS BEATIFUL AND THAT TURNED HIM TO ARROGANCE. i URGE ALL OF YOU TO READ WWW.AMAZINGFACTS.ORG LOOK UP IMMORTALITY OF THE SOUL AND JOE CREW RADIO SERMONS ON EVOLUTION....YOU WILL LEARN ALOT. |