Community > Posts By > JennDtx85

JennDtx85's photo
Thu 03/27/14 09:02 AM
We all face battles every day in our life
But they are challenges we must go through in order to get ourselves right
Notice the fights we face; involve our weakest spots
We think our battles are against us, but they’re actually pushing us to the top
A piece of you wants to give up; hoping it’ll change
You pray for God to take it away, but everything still seems the same
But God chose that battle for you to go through
He’s not here to change the fight; He’s here to change you
Even if you fail and you feel lost in faith
Our Lord is full of compassion, forgiveness, and for your strength He will wait
But He will always return the struggle and make us try again
Silently rooting for us; hoping this time we conquer and win
And so on goes this cycle; until we fully grow
So quit being stubborn and you change; that’s when your strength will truly show

JennDtx85's photo
Thu 03/27/14 09:00 AM
thank you!!

JennDtx85's photo
Wed 03/26/14 06:27 AM

JennDtx85's photo
Tue 03/25/14 06:59 PM
thank you!

JennDtx85's photo
Tue 03/25/14 07:31 AM
We reach points in our life when our minds grow a little more
Realizing you’re not living to your fullest like life is for
And even though you never seen them, but you always surely felt
The weights which hold us down that we’ve chosen to carry on our belt
But now you can see them, a light is being shown
Your spirit is growing inside you to stand up for your own
To brush those weights away and stand in the beauty that is you
And no longer let evil criticize all the things that you do
Because the Lord made us all different with freedom to be unique
But the enemy fills us with lies to make us think that we’re weak
They try to put your light out that shines with in you
Hoping that you live in fear and doubt yourself too
But everyone reaches a point when they have to break away
So live life to your full potential and let nothing stand in your way

JennDtx85's photo
Tue 03/25/14 06:03 AM
thank you! NorCal!!

JennDtx85's photo
Mon 03/24/14 08:06 PM
yes very true!! forgiveness is key for others and for yourself because we often blame ourselves for "letting" that person hurt us..thank you for reading and commenting..try to read my other poem "true love" too

JennDtx85's photo
Mon 03/24/14 07:45 PM
no problem...thank you for reading! I have a whole lot more so if you like poems...youll love all of them!! they are all full of pain and motivation...have a good evening

JennDtx85's photo
Mon 03/24/14 07:32 PM
thx yall, it means a lot!!!!...I posted another, try to look

JennDtx85's photo
Mon 03/24/14 07:30 PM
Edited by JennDtx85 on Mon 03/24/14 07:45 PM
When you wonder through life along time; you can easily lose your identity
Letting your battles and fears mold you away; from a future you cannot see
Its bad enough you had to live through raw events
But then we chose to carry them along; like nothing can fix our permanent dents
Whether it��s something physical that leaves you forever scarred
Or an emotional battle that withers your heart
But we all have to face our own adversities
Our true test is when we still smile; despite the least
You'��re tempted to say give up; you will always be cursed
Life can never get better; it’s been like this since birth
Allow our past to determine how we live today
Now you'��re scared to show your true self; scared you'��ll push another away
Because when things go wrong; we always blame ourselves
You are your biggest enemy; so don'��t be so hard on yourself
Learn from your battles; but also learn to open your heart again
Because in this world; you can even be betrayed; by your very own kin
That's why we should live for today; and be grateful for a lot
Yesterday is already gone; tomorrows not promised; so give today all we got

JennDtx85's photo
Sat 03/22/14 10:51 PM
To truly love yourself is one of the hardest things to do
Especially when your hearts filled with disappointments of you
We search for happiness far and wide
Thinking we can find it with a girl or a guy
But the truth is, emotions are found with in
And how we see ourselves determines if this battle we will win
Day by day we often think of everyone else
Not realizing your just stepping on your own self
We CHOSE to be happy, people cannot be depended on
And loving yourself will help that battle to be won
Start with forgiveness and let it grow
There is no reason to hold on to the things we can’t control
Our emotions follow our thoughts so focus on the good
And rebuke any thoughts that appear to be rude
Love cannot be found from others, it is found with in
And it starts by letting go of all of our sins

JennDtx85's photo
Sat 03/22/14 10:42 PM

.. or perhaps it could be that you are crowding . there' space
. why is it when you tell a woman.
. to take things slowly.. she immediately things. there's something wrong... I...p.m.. some women... and they want to move so fast... I have to tell them to slow down... backup a bit.. relax... don't send me 10 messages... in a five minute span... so when I say I need some space... perhaps it's because you're a .little overzealous.... guys like S.L.O.W.. 2... slow

I completely agree with too...I have only been on the dating scene a year now...and I have sometimes I might go an hour or 2 before I see your text...go to see I have 13 unread messages...talkin about you miss and you barely know me...ppl can be very needy and almost like a not tryin to be no ones superman lol....but what I am referring too is a long marriage...I gave much space he always went out with his dude while I chilled with my girls ...gave him 7 years and a baby but would never marry me..but when I finally leave, he begs for me back, still a year later....idk...I guess im bitter from it makes me not want to believe a dude when he compliments me and says he wants to be around because in reality that's how all relationships start, with an infatuation but as soon that's over, its not to long later tey are treating you like an enemy

JennDtx85's photo
Sat 03/22/14 10:30 PM
Edited by JennDtx85 on Sat 03/22/14 10:32 PM

You women should not play hard to get because when a man does finally get you he will ask himself... "After all that, is this it?" just sayin years go by and they change there mind....tell you youre crowding them....and after they push you away...cry for you back...I think im coming into the realization that people are incapable of loving forever....I gave my marriage all I had...catered to him...ppl will never be satisfied

JennDtx85's photo
Sat 03/22/14 10:29 PM

but eventually they say you crowd my space.....WHY IS THIS?...ppl want what they cant have and as soon as they have it don't want it no more

This just means you withhold it longer,
until appreciation sets in.

yup yup agreed!

JennDtx85's photo
Sat 03/22/14 10:29 PM
Edited by JennDtx85 on Sat 03/22/14 10:45 PM

but eventually they say you crowd my space.....WHY IS THIS?...ppl want what they cant have and as soon as they have it don't want it no more

oorrrrrr, it could be that they realize the situation was not going to be what they had hoped for. this is the reason people should slow down when first getting to know someone and not get all enamored by the new, bright and shiny!

I agree in some cases...but I gave my husband all I had,...when He couldn't work I paid the bills...cooked the food, let him go have drinks...pretty much catered to him....I think its like the other lady said in my case....when someone is always there , the other loses appreciation...but yes, many need to build a friendship foundation a lot longer than we are doing, jump in a relationship too soon and we wonder why they finally started getting comfortable to act their true self and we think they changed

JennDtx85's photo
Sat 03/22/14 10:27 PM
Edited by JennDtx85 on Sat 03/22/14 10:33 PM

JennDtx85's photo
Sat 03/22/14 10:23 PM
Edited by JennDtx85 on Sat 03/22/14 10:30 PM

JennDtx85's photo
Sat 03/22/14 10:19 PM
Edited by JennDtx85 on Sat 03/22/14 10:29 PM

JennDtx85's photo
Sat 03/22/14 10:15 PM
Edited by JennDtx85 on Sat 03/22/14 10:29 PM

JennDtx85's photo
Sat 03/22/14 10:23 AM
Edited by JennDtx85 on Sat 03/22/14 10:25 AM
but eventually they say you crowd my space.....WHY IS THIS?...ppl want what they cant have and as soon as they have it don't want it no more

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