Community > Posts By > OutkastBoss
What's On Your Toilet?
sometimes i do this
![]() ![]() ![]() Normally its whatever im obsessing on researching online or youtube.. |
Doesnt sound like your babe at all then really..
I think they lik double dating for obvious safety reasons and besides it never hurts to make sure theyll get along w your best friends... or if you meant double booking like arranging a date w more than one person ... im pretty sure no one likes to do that bvut it may happen on accident.. Id hope shes not mean enough to have done it on purpous if so F U C Her get someone with a heart... Even if she double booked then chose the other guy going to the same party F in cold.. a person with a heart wouldve gone somewhere else or cancelled both dates... its kinf of hard to have an opinion when you were so unclear |
Stay at home Dads?
My mom did the stay at home thing, because dad made more money. Dad would have done it if mom made more. I know if it ever came up, I'd like to stay at home. I think it's awesome that one or the other parent wants to do it, and will do it well. It's the ones who claim to be stay at home's and do nothing around the place that bug me. Im with you it irritates me when i see a "stay at home" mom or dad that doesnt contribute to the family.. love care and provide its pretty simple thats a family contribute or drag your "loved ones" down with your dead weight.. With men it sucks because i would love to be back in a work for my family in the home situation.. Some people just assume i am lazy and its because of othet lazy bastards that other hard working home dada get ridiculed..As for the lazy stay at home moms some women seem entitled to be do nothing trophies.. im not sure how that satisfies you as having a purpous in life but looks fade and your lazy approach may get you replaced with a younger model of lazy bit. or maybe a REAL woman that contibutes to the family in whatever way makes her feel whole // |
Actually, this thread was for other Christians, but it doesn't surprise me that y'all... have misinterpreted it. If you do not want God in your lives... then this thread wasn't for you... I am connecting to other Christians... hopefully it will work itself out... sorry to point this out but your origional Post and this one dont Jive as it were... You actually posed this question to the Non beleivers.. |
how many take offense at Christians today? Just curious... there seems to be a lot of haters for those that believe in Jesus... and alot of disrespect... I am not about to get into why this or that with some you because I realize now that some of you do not have the faith that is needed to believe in the Holy God amd His Son. I am not ashamed to be a Christian. The NT does says if you lift up Jesus all men will be drawn unto you. I find it interesting that you would ask why the hate and then state that people who dont share your beleifs dont because they are lacking in something. I dont mind religious people my fathers a deacon but hes also respectul and open minded of others beleifs without degrading them or getting that holier than thou attitude. i have no hate for anyone especially christians I beleive it is a great base for teaching wrong and right and my daughter will be raised in the church and like me will make her own choice.. The reason i do shy away from SOME religious folk is the fact that many feel like they are better than you for beleiving (especially people that take EVERY word literally).. and on the other side of that coin i shy away from people that seek to ridicule those of faith they also seem to feel superior in their beleifs.. Why not let people beleive whatever they want without feeling the need to push your ideas or ideals ....theres no need to ridicule anyone for beleiving in an immaculate father figure that waves his finger in disaproval from the sky... Or Any need To tell people you barely know (or even people you do) that they will go to hell... no matter what side of the fence your standing on the minute you feel your superior because of logic or faith .. You are automatically less than the person you saw fit to judge.. Just for the record heres what i do beleive i have felt the presence of something far greater than me but mans word is not infallable and ANY religious text was written by man for man to control populous.. ANY written word was considered truth just by being written at one time and religous texts have been revised and re written with many things omitted ... and being passed down by word of mouth for generations does not help the case at all.. wisper something in someones ear and pass it around it will change in a matter minutes and a small number of people and it will change greatly... now rescale that to ten generations and hundreds of people.. I know iam a good man that VERY often goes out of my way to help people And do my best to improve life for people i dont know and people i do.. i have a personal relationship with my god.. If he is there he knows i am a good man if i am to be dammned to hell for not going through the motions and ceremonies of the religious "system" than what kind of god is that to dammn an honorable person that lived by an honorable code...Of course ive made mistakes and broken my own code at times but there has allways been a regret and a pennace in the form of service to the people around me known and unknown .. If i am to be dammned let it be by one greater than me and as i see all men and women of all sects equal .. let it be he who is called i am.. and i will tell him of his injustice directly.. Now that i feel all dirty from getting all opinionated and judgemntal ill go take a shower and meditate.. |
Dante's Inferno
God of war ripoff?? Id say yes but since GOD of war is not available on 360 .. for many Dantes is their only game of that type available I loved the god o war series and Dante is As good or Better than any of those games and Story wise is the Same...God O War wasnt the first of its kind either
(off topic still .. Eh o.p.?? |
Dante's Inferno
I was familiar with this story . It was introduced to me by my father (a deacon) as an example of the ole fire and brimstone approach that he seems to find harsh and uncalled for.. He believes in an inherent goodness that makes us feel whole and only needs encouragement and opportunity not fear mongering to bloom
I myself am a non beleiver and while I believe in inherent goodness in some.. ALLL of us have primal aggression and territorial rage...which I would think dad saw in Nam long before he was a pious sort.. as far as the game goes it's great it's control and navigation scheme is basically identical to the awesome GOD OF WAR franchise.. So the fightind is awesome.. And for the judgemental types the ability to punish or absolve enemies and famous sinners in suffering such as ponctious pilot.. These decisions allow your character to evolve into a holy savior or avenger by the wrath of the richeous (sp).. and for the historical type unlockable bonus items like a timeline of dantes life and more... This game is wicked fun and I have beaten it on all skill levels and am looking forward to the downloadable add on that's coming.. I think this is a great thing (obviously) and a great story with a good lesson... No mans word is infallable no matter what vestments are worn or position given by church society.. killings obviously wrong even in the name of god DUH!!?? I think it's a great way to introduce this to Many people who wouldn't have known it existed |
Stay at home Dads?
I was one and its what i wanted to do for a long time , i am from a HUGE very close family and have been taking care of kids as long as i can remember...When i was 17 to 19 i cared for 4 children from newborn to 8 from sun up to sun down.. their mother (my sister was sick) and their father was overseas (101st airborne.. This Was A full time job and was done in a show home that my sister had some arangement with the realtor where theyd randomly call and id have like an hour for the house to be Perfectly clean (we just kept it that way)...
So when my daughter came i was WAY more qualified to care for her than my ex who is an only child and only grandchild.. there are literally 6 people in her family (counting my daughter).. she knew nothing...With only one child to care for i couldnt stay busy enough to not go stir crazy so i work during the growing season.. and the only work i doo from fall to spring is various jobs i have interest in.. I have the ability to do ANYTHING ive ever tried and often do custom marble work or even rebuild a motor or paint a car for someone...I also kickboxed in tournaments for years so rule out the weak homemaker sissy stereotype So i guess my opinion is forget stereotypes it seems in freeing themselves from sexism ALOT of modern women werent taught to be a homemaker more like a never rely on any man attitude.. In turn i was taught if i didnt learn to care for myself and my family no one would..I am a great cook and meticulous housekeeper If it is a full time job taht keeps you busy its fair not to work..if you have too much free time work a little ... if your just lazy GET A DAMMN JOB BUM!! But if your single like me Do It all Learn to balance providing and caring and make sure you find time for homemade meals and quality time (somehow)... and now chapter 2 LOL sorry so long |
Nexus One Phone
almost forgot to mention I'm using it to do this
Nexus One Phone
dunno but I love my palm pre... 3 out of my 4 friends with I phones said they'd rather have mine....
like every web capable phone has google ... nexus is newer I'd hope it's better than mine... But I'll never know too happy w mine |
Tiger taking Husseins advice
speculation and fabrication is the medias job I guess but when does anyone give ahit
not sure how any of this is your business but life must be pretty boring to have to be in someone elses personal business that you don't know at all.. |
new pix
nice :)
ejacul ate
okaaaaaaay!? Well good luck w that
Song of the Ancestors
It was a nice poem and i do wish we could live in better harmony with our planet..I beleive in the ideal you shared just not sure whether animals do.. i know theyre seen that way i just dont see it ..
i still beleive they are no different they as we do do everything in their power to survive whether its better for the whole or not and show a very real fear in their eyes and actions when their eaten alive by their natural neighbors that keep them in "harmony" by controlling their population..a lack of ability to prolong yourself well beyond usefulness and throwing off population balance, doesnt mean lack of desire to do so.. it occurs to me that i should probably not have spoken up ..i apologise this probably isnt the place to debate this.I too write poetry and you have a VERY nice poem there i did not mean to pick it apart or disrespect you.. |
Song of the Ancestors
animals are the same as us.. Not so much noble but animal as we are eagle is one hell of a killer.. Majestic yes peaceful no.. The killing and dying is the balance ..people want to believe natures balance is peace but its not survival of the fittest is war on the weak sick and the children .. This is the nature of all things including us...
How to Stop Scammers
its no different on the internet than real life .. Its simple don't trust anyone or do anything for anyone you don't know well enough to do so... And if we've never met in'd have to be an idiot to ask me for anything or think I'm one...its common sense to make people earn your trust respect and then assistance reserved for friends and family...
I allways find it hard to beleivepeople fall for this crap... They're playing on emotions and hoping your either too dumb or to emotionally manipulated to see the obvious..... its nice talking w people on here but if I had a friend I've talked tor years on here and never met in person or moved our friendship into the real world..that's noone that has any business askin me for jack |
Hey, I'm new!
hello an welcome.... Nice industrial I got one too
Hey, I'm new!
hello an welcome.... Nice industrial I got one too
Tattoo's Whats your opinion?
I think all tatoos should have a story and a meaning.....I gots 3 an all are markings of ****ed up **** I been through when I was runnin the streets....I want more but I've had none professionally done and I wannna save some $$ and get it done right this time.....
I think they're super hot on good looking women.. The suicide girls drive me nuts ..but if she's lame or got **** she thought people would like she's a goon.. |