Dominican republic...
please respond if your interested to go to domincan republic bonano a place i wanna go las teerenas a place i wanna go any advice anyone
hi cool are you in rhodeisland around providence maybe we coukld hook up sometime
and i would like a travel partner to go snow boarding maybe colorado anywere with snow and we could hang out and go to taiwan maybe that person can help my wish to go to taiwan bymyself and domincan republic as well any body pleasae give advice25 year old white m warwick rhode island
What is your Dream Vacation?
monteral i want to go 25 year old white m warwick rhode island any advice i wanna go
dont go to kentucky the state except for lexington and lousville rest of kentucky is nuffin like miami
In RI?
hi 25 year old white m looking for any single females 20s 30s or 40s in rhode island leave a comment if interested
Ok who is going to.......
and i have a wish for anyone to go with me to taipei taiwan must be in rhode island anybody out there
canadian east coast
i want a travel partner to go to monteral 25 year old white m
Fly with me
i would love to go santa domingo domincan republic and taipei taiwan 25 year old white m warwick rhode island anyone interested thats in rhode island
Travel to me
hi im in warwick rhode island 25 year old white m looking for a travel partner to go to monteral canada must be in rhode island leave a comment
Need a cruise buddy
hi 25 year old white m looking for travel buddy to go in rhode island to go to monteral or taipei taiwan or santa domingo domincan republic
hi 25 year old white m warwick rhode island need a travel partner i want to go monteral canada and taipei taiwan anybody in rhode island wanna go
also i want a travel partner to go to taipei taiwan or santa domingo domincan republic im 25 year old white m warwick rhode island
hi i want to go to domincan republic desperately 25 year old white m warwick rhode island and taipei taiwan any advice anyone i want to go there
and who knows of any volunteer programs that are free in domincan republic or any other foreign countries
25 year old white m warwick rhode island want a travel partner in rhode island want to go to monteral desperately want to go to santa domingo domincan republic want a domincan girlfriend from south side of providence any advice anyone any comments anyone out there and but not least taipei taiwan i want to go there
Ok who is going to.......
need travel partner in rhode island desperately want to go to monteral advice anyone
What is your Dream Vacation?
my dream vacation monteral quebec canada santa domingo domincan republic 25 year old white m warwick rhode island any advice anyone
and also looking for any single domincan women from south side of providence if interested leave a comment
Singles Travel?? Any Ideas??
also want a travel partner to go to monteral with thats in rhode island any advice anybody