Community > Posts By > Atlantis75

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 05/19/11 01:30 PM
I have to make an alternate account it seems like. I looks like low post numbers and having a new profile is a plus. laugh

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 05/19/11 01:27 PM
Gaza is crumbling under the weight of an Israeli siege backed by the Obama administration. Roughly 80 percent of Palestinians in Gaza now depend on aid. Vast amounts of infrastructure destroyed in the Israeli attacks in the winter of 2008-09 require repair. Thousands of families still live doubled up with relatives or are homeless.

Children are being short-changed educationally because of damaged and horribly overcrowded schools and a lack of textbooks. Their health is compromised by polluted water and food insecurity.

In response, more than 1,000 human rights workers from around the world will sail this June on a dozen boats traveling to the Gaza Strip to highlight this human-made tragedy.

Our boat — the American boat — is named “The Audacity of Hope.” It will be carrying approximately sixty students, nurses, artists, journalists and filmmakers, lawyers, academics and ordinary civilians of many beliefs from around the country. Many of us are Jewish.

Last May, Israeli forces stormed the Turkish humanitarian aid ship Mavi Marmara and killed nine passengers, including an American citizen. A fact-finding mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights found that the “circumstances of the killing of at least six of the passengers were in a manner consistent with an extra-legal, arbitrary and summary execution.” All the civilian deaths on board the humanitarian vessel were inexcusable. Yet, once again, the Israeli government has threatened to initiate violence against us.

Israel insists it has a right to blockade Gaza, to keep its population on a restricted diet, and to destroy its economy by cutting it off from international trade. The rest of the world disagrees. UN chief Ban Ki-moon has called the siege “unacceptable” and has said it must end immediately. Even US President Barack Obama has termed the siege “unsustainable,” notwithstanding our government’s full support of Israeli policy.

Israel states that the purpose of the blockade is to keep weapons out of the hands of the Hamas government in Gaza. There are many ways to do this without imprisoning 1.5 million people inside an area about twice the size of Washington, DC. Gaza’s children, women, elderly and other civilians pay the price for Israel’s refusal to use international inspections, diplomacy and negotiations to achieve its goal. Under international law, this is known as collective punishment and can be regarded as a crime against humanity.

The US and European governments have not acted to end Israel’s siege. Those of us sailing to Gaza on “The Audacity of Hope” have chosen to support international humanitarian law where our governments have not. We sail as an expression of human solidarity with the beleaguered people of Gaza.

We will be unarmed and nonviolent. Representatives from the media, who are invited to sail with us, will be able to testify to this. The boat’s cargo will be open to international inspections before sailing. Our cargo consists of letters of solidarity to the people of Gaza from thousands of Americans.

As the world witnessed this year in Tunisia and Egypt, human solidarity is far more powerful than the force of arms. Despite the Israeli government’s propaganda against us, we believe that most of the world opposes the attempt to reduce Gaza to desperation and dependence. Dov Weisglass, an advisor to Israel’s former prime minister, put Israel’s effort succinctly. He famously said of the Israeli siege on Gaza: “The idea is to put the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger.” We reject this cruelty.

Nevertheless, the Israeli government has launched a scare campaign, accusing us of being “terrorists” with ties to Hamas, who are “willing to become martyrs.” This is false. Our goal is to end the illegal siege of Gaza and highlight the injustice of Israel’s ongoing occupation of the Palestinian territories.

“The Audacity of Hope” sails in peace and will not be deterred by Israeli threats. Our actions are very much in keeping with the moral impetus that drove Freedom Riders fifty years ago to travel south to stand nonviolently with African-Americans against government-backed violence and Jim Crow discrimination. We intend to promote both Palestinian liberty from Israeli domination and an economic opening to the world for Gaza.

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 05/19/11 01:22 PM

Didn't we just have a thread like this recently?

I don't go for a guy specifically because he's a nice guy or a bad boy. Actually, if someone describes themselves either as a nice guy or a bad boy, I'd probably stay away from both.

I am a nice guy. :smile:

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 05/19/11 01:00 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Thu 05/19/11 01:01 PM

A new report published by Millennial Media paints a picture of the global smartphone landscape in April of 2011. The company found that Android continued its domination in pure market share, holding a 53% of impressions on the company’s network. Apple’s iOS came in second with 28% and RIM’s BlackBerry OS came in third with 16%; Symbian, Windows, and “other” totalled under 4% of impressions. While Google continues to maim and destroy in terms of handset numbers, Apple continues to hold the crown when it comes to application revenues.

“Revenue generated from applications on the iOS platform grew 6% month-over-month and represented 50% of the Application Platform Mix on our network, ranked by revenue, in April,” reads the report. Android is in a close second with 39% of app revenues and RIM ranked third with 9%. What are users downloading? The report states that games, mobile social networking, and music/entertainment applications are the top application categories. Millennial Media sees over 142 million unique mobile impressions on its network each month from over 5,500 different devices.

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 05/19/11 12:57 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Thu 05/19/11 12:57 PM
Just my personal opinion, that KDE seems to be visually more pleasing, but I also find it more crash prone. Not that it will, but I did have hickups using Kubuntu, although I really liked graphical interface.

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 05/18/11 11:01 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Wed 05/18/11 11:09 PM

I remember all of that stuff. aside frome the BBC and girl stuff anyways.

jeanco jeans with the huge legs and pockets
flannel shirts
grundge rock
spiked hair
terminator 2
who framed rodger rabbit
howard the duck
X-men the cartoon series
marvel trading cards
the start of magic the gathering
the original mario kart
ice ice baby
ren and stimpy
the clinton scandal

it was a good time to grow up. Not. Ha ha ha

come on man you missed the slap braceletts lol

MC Hammer,
2 Unlimited
Salt'N Pepa
56K modem and internet (wtf is internet??)
AOL online
Doom I-II
Michael Jackson - Black or White
93' Mustang LX 5.0L (brand spanking new for 12,000 bucks!!) / 2 months later - lowered, flowmaster exhaust, new header, new manifold extra 100 hp!/ 5 months later - totalled. :(
Monica Lewinsky-Bill Clinton
cassette player "walkman"
Oklahoma bombing - Timothy McVeigh
Jerry Springer Show
Sega Genesis-Sonic the Hedgehog
Mortal Kombat - via Arcade in the mall (25 cents!)
Jurassic Park
"cell phones" only seen in movies by millionaires on their yacht (WTF is that huge brick?)
Honda Accords are affordable cars for people on the budget
BMWs are still square shaped- not so great cars, the AT dies in them periodically.
Having a steady part time job beside college (even bought a brand new car!), but if I get sick of it, I just get another job like a day later.
Had to go to a library to print and scan stuff for school
had to go to a library to do a research by reading books (google doesn't exist)
Netscape browser is the only best alternative to Internet Explorer
computer mouse has a ball rolling underneath

- This is my recollection from the 90s, just by a quick brainstorming.

oh almost forgot, I had a g/f who actually loved me and lived only 20 min. away!

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 05/18/11 09:28 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Wed 05/18/11 09:29 PM
I had to change my picture, just look kinda depressed on the other, plus I have shaven ever since. This new one I just made with my phone literally 2min. ago.
I hate seeing the same pic of me too long.

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 05/18/11 06:52 PM
Be careful though. I have met people who were surrounded all the time with many friends and family and wife, and they were more miserable and felt lonely and alone, than a guy or a girl, who hasn't dated for years.

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 05/18/11 06:50 PM

And the body is yours

I think we have a problem of many people not even controlling their own. But I do agree though.

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 05/18/11 06:45 PM

If you ask me, I wish I could slow down the planet spinning a bit, because I got so much stuff to do and wanting to do that I never get to the end of it. I hate being interrupted especially when I'm busy with something, but sometimes I just drop everything and stare at the wall front of me and thinking "now, it would be nice to a have a woman around". And she does whatever she wants to do really, all day long, just leave me to my stuff I'm doing for most of the time. I know this just sounds horrible, but I can't help it. But otherwise I'm very nice.laugh

Well, if you ask me, you are a sweetheart.

blushing flowers

Well for the record, Hasidic is a sweetheart too, I have met her in person so take my word, whoever looking at her.

So there, 1-1, on compliments.

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 05/18/11 06:29 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Wed 05/18/11 06:32 PM

You left out the best part about the women coming out of the woodworks and throwing their panties at you.rofl rofl


First time someone caught me editing the quotes of others (watch out! I do this often!) , but yes, I cut out the panties throwing women.
There are reasons, and it has to do with my answer, so I'm not replying a confirmation for women who throw their underwear on me.

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 05/18/11 05:58 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Wed 05/18/11 05:58 PM

Ever come to a point where you were just tired of being alone, but not lonely or, is there a difference?

If you ask me, I wish I could slow down the planet spinning a bit, because I got so much stuff to do and wanting to do that I never get to the end of it. I hate being interrupted especially when I'm busy with something, but sometimes I just drop everything and stare at the wall front of me and thinking "now, it would be nice to a have a woman around". And she does whatever she wants to do really, all day long, just leave me to my stuff I'm doing for most of the time. I know this just sounds horrible, but I can't help it. But otherwise I'm very nice.laugh

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 05/18/11 05:43 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Wed 05/18/11 05:46 PM

That's funny. But what you are hearing from your friend is his own personal attitude. That is how HE feels and thinks. You don't have to take it personal. I have seen other men who think like that too. They think that they better pick one now before that middle age gut kicks in and they don't have as much going for them.

Since I'm a nice guy (really I am) I won't tell my friend what I think of him right into his face and as I said, I treat it as his own business, but I think you are correct. He is of course telling me right into my face all the time what he thinks of me, but that's him, not me. I am not like him.

He is 6 years older than me, had a divorce and now having another wife with one kid. He is 41 and suddenly he has developed this new attitude.
Just because he would never get on mingle2 anyway, plus he isn't my "best" friend anyway, I will state my opinion, that somehow he thinks he can walk in my shoes somehow and re-live his 30s or something. Plus he got a new bad attitude that even others noticed lately. If you ask me, I'm not sure if he is really happy, but again, that's just my own opinion and I don't know his personal affairs, because that's not my business. I also noticed he is jealous. Somehow jealous that I'm not 40 yet neither married or similar.

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 05/18/11 12:34 AM
I'm thinking that it's very very late into the night, almost the morning coming and for some reason I can't sleep. Some people can pyschologically put a strain on me. So I'm waiting and waiting to get sleepy...

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 05/18/11 12:32 AM

depends on how it was said.

either your friend doesn't like some way you act while single and has grown tired
your friend is wanting what is best for you and they feel that means you need someone to complete your life

even when people mean well sometimes they can be overbearing
depending on the feeling behind what was said, you could either accept it as well wishing or be put off by the criticism.

in either case, just remember that there are always russian women looking for western men.

. . .

It's not like I've been single my whole life, I had g/f-s for 4-5 years so I'm not much different really. Only the last 3 years I only had a few months with someone, but he started doing this just now. Like I got a timer on my back or something.

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 05/18/11 12:13 AM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Wed 05/18/11 12:27 AM

I just find being in a relationship too phyiscally and mentally draining. Every guy I met has stressed me out to the point of being sick. I am also tired of the mental and physical abuse from guys because they can't cope with life. I have no desire to become a punching bag anymore. I just don't have the energy to give a relationship; to spend time with a person, to care about how their day went, to cuddle, to have discussions, or even have sex anymore. I am so tired; so damn tired of the whole situation.

The worst part is, when you nicely ask them "please let me be for a while! Please don't ask me more questions, I can't answer them and I don't even like these questions!

And then they won't listen and keep going at me. And then they get upset over it, because they don't want to listen and then I'm gonna say something mean to shake them off and finally they let you be.

It would be so nice to fine someone who lets me be and do my stuff and doesn't bother me with too many questions and make up stories or accuse me of something or get jealous over nothing.

It's like I'm constantly explaining myself, like a criminal suspect at the trial.

That last sentence is my whole basically. That's how I feel like. ohwell

Atlantis75's photo
Tue 05/17/11 11:59 PM
I get a few visitors a week, from Taiwan, Philippines and Hawaii. blushing

It makes me feel special, and when everything fails and the disaster grows beyond my control, I will move to one of those countries. I will roll the dice or flip a coin to decide which country is the winner.

Atlantis75's photo
Tue 05/17/11 11:50 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Tue 05/17/11 11:52 PM
It surprises me, that even my friend who knows me for ages, just basically tells me that "you really need to hurry up and just pick someone and stick with her".

It's kinda like someone just pushing me against someone and saying "there, now kiss her, marry her and be happy and that's an order!".

I mean.WTF? ohwell

Why do people tell others what to do, I never told anyone who to like or not like, let alone becoming a marriage counselor of them. It's their business and frankly, I don't care. I always draw the line how far I would ever get into others' private lives.
Aren't they supposed to respect my private life, or are they worried about me or what in the world is going on? :cry:

Atlantis75's photo
Mon 05/16/11 06:12 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Mon 05/16/11 06:14 PM

Yeah age is a BIG problem!!!
The high school and college kids will scoop up a few of the jobs this summer and it will be damn near impossible to find ANYTHING!!!!

Misconception. They can't find a job either.


82% of them living with their parents.

The Screwed Generation

Unemployment under the age of 30 is the highest of all age groups , it's over 17%.

Atlantis75's photo
Mon 05/16/11 06:04 PM
someone make me a sandwich.

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