Community > Posts By > BrettBrett
okay, this is going to be a weird post, but I'm feeling compelled to post my thoughts so bare with me.. I started reading through this topic, and the subsequent posts, and I guess my mind wandered a bit, because I sparked an 'inner' debate.. which I typed out as a reply post in this topic(yes, I wrote this header afterward).. it goes as followed...
..begin As William Money once said in response to Little Bill's reference to unjustification, 'Deserves got nothing to do with it.' People should be a little bit harder on animals, you are not put on this earth to cherish these creatures. and critics say television has desensatized people... Truely, there's a bit too much sensativity going around these days. Perhaps it is more a civil concern... like the CONCERN that people are being CIVIL to animals! Is this what society represents in post 2000 A.D.? Where as the fellowship of mankind is secular with bigotry and instutionalization loyalist, the concept of fellowship with primal species becomes the true terminology of society?! Of our society that is. A society of consumers. Now, don't get me wrong.. I've grown up with animals my entire life, and admittingly, I share a strong fondness for cats, dogs, and horses (mostly with dogs and horses). But another part of me sees how sad it is that inorder to cope with and preserve our environment, we feel compelled to own it. Like the good consumers we are. ('good' holding two meanings there, hope you caught that) 100 years from now people are going to be 'saving' insects from the bitter cold winters. how is darwinism going to prevail in the future? are there going to be evolutionary leaps in how CUTE animals will appear, so that mankind will inherit them, in our manner of ownership of course... ON THE OTHER HAND... Mankind has obligations, as only sential beings can have, to the study of, the preservation of, and the utilization of life and all its forms. Some of us even look toward them as our purpose in life. As we pursue a tomorrow, we look toward animals as companions that constantly embrace the moments of today. To those that base mankind on the theory of evolution, that primal state is a reflection of not only how we once functioned, but also a characteristic we still contain today. It is not difficult to see the correlation between mankind and other speices in regards to the existing, and respectfully, unchanged terminology of human society. We are tasked, burdened with the gift of thought, of compassion. ....the end... lol, at the end there I think I started to go poetic a bit.. infact, this whole thing seemed like a creative writing essay of sorts. Opposing perspectives and all.... |
Winners and Losers....
Nothing drastic, I'd just buy a farm home, open a trust, buy up some real estate and start renting. I might open up a coffee house and a live music country folk bar.
The trust itself would be setup for dispursements to family members and probably run by someone whos financial invest plans are safe and understandable. So, basically, it would probably change my entire lifesytle. Though, in regards to my initial reaction, I don't think I would be too overwhelmed by it. It wouldn't change my direction so much, but it would definitely eliminate all my short term goals at the moment. |
This is a toss up for me...
The First Noel - song by some girl Was my favorite when I was kid Silent Night - song by carolers is my favorite caroling song. Still, it wouldn't be christmas to me if I didn't hear: Please Come Home For Chirstmas - by 'The Great' Aaron Neville ... or rather, his entire Christmas Album ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 12/03/08 06:04 PM
Welcome, I've got two days seniority over you on here, so let me tell you how it is ....
![]() Actually, this seems like a nice little community site. It feels a little more personable than the unmentionable mainstream sites, where people have been reduced to interacting with one another through widgets and internet apps. Where as this site seems to center it's interactivity around forums, which seems a lot more expressive. ... I just noticed you actually joined the same day as me, so my opening joke doesn't make sense now.. ![]() |
go for it people!
I'm not a big fan of aluminum wearing bum-knights either, but aluminum bum-pirates?!.. that's all together different.
I admit, I merely skimmed your blurb.. It gives the impression of a long, jumbled read; ironically, after the first sentence (which is a nice strong statement to make as a lead off sentence), it actually does start to feel like a jumbled series of thoughts. I suggest you break up your blurb into several short paragraphs and use stand alone statements, like your lead of statement, as seperate sentences between paragraphs where you can. I know, I know.. this isn't Rhetoric and Composition 101; and infact, it really shouldn't appear to be cohersed. Still, it's easier to follow if it's broken up, and people are more likely to read the writting that you wrote for their reading...... .... yea.. haha |
"The Traveler"
Thanks for the comments, this poem is really best suited for reciting. So I can understand if the length of it scares most of these viewers away, as it would have probably scared me away as well.. lol.
Older women/younger men
My older brother is dating a women 10 years older than he is. I have a simple perspective on this, it goes 'she stimulates him in a way that a girl his age couldn't.'
It's not the physical stimulation, per say, he could find that in any number of woman of any legal age. So I agree, it does come down to a maturity factor. It's the point where they both have common relationship goals, and they satisfy not only the needs, but the wants from one another in their companionship. It's the notion of exceptionalism. The pursuit of exception was met by both of them. I realize it must be quite a challenge to find someone so exceptional when you yourself are exceptional. Of course, that's open to perspective. Maybe the indian culture had it right with the arranged marriages. haha |
He said, She said
The first and last jokes are very good, the third one is going to be used as an actual response by the ladies reading this post.
I have my tasks and chores to do
yet no strain or stress, nor unsettledness can provoke my motivation I sit in comfort, with much work to do while lesser men accomplish not a time for thoughts to wander but still I wonder what my mind has to offer and can it distract me from what matters. I sit in comfort, and I ponder while lesser men accomplish *I would like this to be a creative workshop kind of poem, as I just can't add to it. It's short and sweet, and should probably stay that way, but I would also like to just see more out of the concept. Does anyone feel particularly inspired by it? enough to add a verse? |
The Sadness
"The Sadness" This world is full of sadness, a constant truth I'm told; For those who think this to be true, can't grasp what others hold. a faith so pure and never strays, others call this narrow sight; and they say they tell themselves these lies, to get them through the night. I for one cannot say, what one can or cannot do; for even if the faith is false, it rids the pain from you. so if you feel the blues again, and wish it to not show; or if you heart begins to ache, and you want it to just go; then find your faith or belief, it can not do you wrong; for those other people live their lives, but their sadness is carried on. ----Brett---- I sent this poem into when I was like 16. Although, I incorrectly submitted it as 'The Saddness.' |
"The Traveler"
“The Traveler”
In sweet embrace of Heaven’s Night, The Traveler’s on her way No Moon illuminates her trail and yet she does not stray Unhurrying she travels on, not veering left or right Instinctively, she knows the path and then she sees the Light She hesitates and slows her step, disturbed by what she sees This Light that penetrates the night and her security Everywhere is Total Dark except this single beam She turns to flee then sudden stops to wonder what it means Not like her to be confused when instinct says to fly Not like her to freeze in flight and stop to ponder why But now, this time, it’s not the same, She feels her limbs are bound So even as the Light draws near, the Traveler stands her ground A memory and then it’s clear, the meaning of the Light ‘My Journey’s End,’ she realizes and marvels at the Sight What Others whispered or said out loud, ‘It comes to set you free - ‘a Light that radiates within the Dark --- the key to Eternity’ ‘ The End is not the End,’ they said, ‘It’s really just a start You’ll know for sure, when the time has come --- You’ll feel it in your heart’ They said that ‘you would know the truth when contrary to our way instead of fleeing the Unknown, you feel incline to stay’ ‘Bound you’ll feel,’ They told to her, ‘Captured by the Light’ And so she felt and thus she knew --- the stories must be right Greater shines the Brilliant Glow, and still she does not flee ‘The Promise is Fulfilled,’ she thinks, ‘The Light will set me free’ Too late the trucker saw the deer, nothing he could do No time for thought and less for brakes, he had to barrel thru he tried to veer but much too late and saw the doe impact First a thud and then a bounce, and realized that was that Drowsy only just before but wide awake by now The trucker mutters, ‘Thank you Lord --- a deer and not a cow!’ The Peterbilt speeds on its way, once more the Dark descends Beside the road, our Traveler lies, her life seeps to its end As Life begins to flutter out, she opens wide her eyes And with her last breath, wonders, ‘Was then it all a lie? ‘The Light they promised led to Peace, to Worlds everlasting ‘All a trick, designed to hide the uselessness of trying?’ As if to taunt her last few moments, another Light appears And in an instant, this Glorious Light sweeps away her fears Gone are the wounds and agony, she rises without pain And promptly turns tail to the Light and says, “Hell No, not that Again!” By Me & revised by My father |
I remember playing duckhunt and some racing game on a Sega console that predated NES?.. did nintendo manufactor games before they created their own console system?
I would have to say Mario Bros (super was on the SNES I think)..
but what really got me addicted was playing Oregon Trail and coming across classmate's tombstones, so shout out to Oregon Trail fans! actually, the first games I ever played were on a commodor, There was a tennis game and a karate game, but I can't say they were the reason I became a video game junkie. |
isn't it a contradiction to 'prove' love? That would mean love is scientific, or rather, can be reduced to a result. Besides, love is a very personable thing, it's not truely for the benefit of your partner or spouse, it's for your own benefit, to love, not neccessarily to be loved. Perhaps, that's the tradgic lover notion shining through, better left for stories in paperback novels I suppose.
To answer your question, in such a 'conditionally loved' relationship as you purpose, I would probably kill for love, in an unconditionally loved relationship, I would kill and die for love. ![]() |
Come on now
haha, I like your thinking SharpShooter. I'm in Abita Springs... that's on the Northshore (above N.O.)
The sexiest bald women award goes to..
-Natalie Portman - |
in regards to your last post I meant the last post that I read.. apparently... |
hey, I'm new to this rating stuff, but I presume rating people profiles really means rating their pictures and interests, because everyone's profile seems to look the same.
I say, good body, pretty face, impelling career choice, so I give you 9.5 you would have gotten a 10, except you are looking for a intelligent guy that likes pittbulls, which is like looking for a pie eatter that doesn't mind the taste of crust. which rules out no one by their own perception.. haha, so I think you need to add the line where they have to like brussel sprouts too.. which correlates to 'pick up after himself.' or 'responds well under pressure.' better yet 'doesn't mind that you have multible boyfriends.' You know, the things that really deweed the.. weeded ones... yea. ... on another note, in regards to your last post, there's a difference between being honest and being forecoming.. but you can be as forecoming as you want ![]() |
I was just checking through some of the site features and came across these forums, so in the spirit of this thread; My name is Brett, as you might have guessed, and I'm a new member to this site.
I'll refrain from listing my 'turn ons' :D till another time... haha |