Community > Posts By > imsingle951

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 01:01 PM
Plus. In the last two days while she has been on the bus going back home. i have making sure that she has been feed and not going hungry. While she has been in lay overs, ive had her contact me with location of where she was and the phone# of the fast food place and I have been letting her get what she wanted to eat and payed for it with my credit card over the phone. That way she wouldnt go hungry. So I am NOT the monster that you make me out to be. I really do have a heart

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 12:55 PM

Yeah, I understand what you're saying. I'm just giving my point of view. If I were in a situation where the other person was not who they said they were or wanting something completely different than they led me to believe, I would not allow them to stay. I would also not give them money to get home. They should be responsible enough to be able to do that themselves.

If it were as simple as that I might agree with you.. However, it is not..
Oh no???? Please enlighten me.

See above..
Just to let you know. Before she went out the door, i told her to meet me at the bus depot on the third ( which is today ) and i WOULD buy her a bus ticket for the way home.

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 12:50 PM

Yeah, I understand what you're saying. I'm just giving my point of view. If I were in a situation where the other person was not who they said they were or wanting something completely different than they led me to believe, I would not allow them to stay. I would also not give them money to get home. They should be responsible enough to be able to do that themselves.

If it were as simple as that I might agree with you.. However, it is not..
Oh no???? Please enlighten me.

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 12:48 PM
If she would have told me that she had no interest in me romanticly, but wanted a place to stay untill she eas able to get a job and a place of her own. Yes. i would have let her stay untill she got enough money built up to get a place and stand on her own two feet. But decieving me in telling me that she wanted a life with me. And that she was inlove with me in order to get a place to stay untill she got her own place, kinda of hurt realy bad, and bust the bubble that I alowed to grow. Not only was I hurt. I was pissed. She had been lying to me for atleast the past two months. Just for her gain.

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 12:24 PM

Of course it could have been planned better. But what kind of person goes on a trip like that and doesn't bother to make sure they have enough money to take care of themselves should things not go well? Especially when they're not being honest about what's going on to begin with? Sorry, but I have no sympathy for someone like that.

Sympathy or not, using someone or not he brought her to his state wanting something from her.. She didn't give him what he wanted so he got rid of her.. I don't care who you are, if you got them there and didn't like them it's your responsibility to get them home.. Like I said if he was going to buy a ticket he could have bought round trip.. What if he didnt' like her? Would he have put her on the bus to go back home? Just b/c he didn't get "his" needs/wants met is no reason to leave someone on the streets I don't care if she thought she was getting a free ride.. She didn't do anything physcially to him, she didn't tear up his house, she wanted a free ride.. Right or wrong on her part, I wouldn't leave a person in the streets... But then again I wouldn't bring someone to my house with plans of living together and never having spent time with them over a very long period...
Amen to that!! I just got out of that situation!!
I swear. I will NEVER NEVER happen again

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 11:54 AM

Well don't feel too great.. In my opinion you should have bought her a roundtrip ticket rather than a one way if you were going to buy the ticket at all... The whole thing was done rather irresponsibly in the first place and it wasn't the churches job to get her home, it was yours and hers...

It should have been her job to find her way home. She came out there with less than honest intentions and should not have expected to be taken care of.
Im in total agreement. I got a text from her yesturday that she asked me how could I do that to her? Throw her out in the street without knowing anything about the town? i texted her back and told her thet she done it to herself. And also i told her that I was a bit impressed that she had managed to get a chuch around her to buy her a ticket. Any more around here thats unheard of. In the central valley cali we have so many homeless that churches have given up helping ppl.

I think that "both" of you should have been more responsible.. I wasn't there so I don't know her complete intentions but you stated that you wanted something serious, she wasn't going for it so you kicked her out.. I get where you were coming from BUT two responsible adults would have discussed things and planned a little better not expecting love and living together after one meeting... I don't believe in just blaming the other b/c we almost always have control on our side and part of the responsibility lies there...
We both talked through texts,email, over the phone ( for hours)for atleast a month b4 she agreed to come out here. She stated to me, and her friends that she wanted to start a new life with me hoping that some day in the future there would be a posability of marrage. She also stated over and over that I was the only man she wanted.

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 11:01 AM

Maybe this experience will help prevent a future fustercluck ...
For me it will. My new and inproved critiea for dating. Exspecialy online dating. #1 They have to have a job, or a steady source of income.#2. They have had to live, and maintain thoer own place of resadence for atleast a year.#3. They must have thier own car. #4. Be close enough that we may see eachother on a reglar basis in order to spend time together live and in living color. #5. Allow me to talk with her friends so I am able to get charector refs.

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 10:52 AM

Well don't feel too great.. In my opinion you should have bought her a roundtrip ticket rather than a one way if you were going to buy the ticket at all... The whole thing was done rather irresponsibly in the first place and it wasn't the churches job to get her home, it was yours and hers...

It should have been her job to find her way home. She came out there with less than honest intentions and should not have expected to be taken care of.
Im in total agreement. I got a text from her yesturday that she asked me how could I do that to her? Throw her out in the street without knowing anything about the town? i texted her back and told her thet she done it to herself. And also i told her that I was a bit impressed that she had managed to get a chuch around her to buy her a ticket. Any more around here thats unheard of. In the central valley cali we have so many homeless that churches have given up helping ppl.

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 03:57 AM

Yeah, I always find it exciting when I slap a dude for touching me inappropriately and he gets a boner...
OOOHHH baby!!!! Slap away. Would love to have you slap meflowerforyou

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 02:36 AM

Well don't feel too great.. In my opinion you should have bought her a roundtrip ticket rather than a one way if you were going to buy the ticket at all... The whole thing was done rather irresponsibly in the first place and it wasn't the churches job to get her home, it was yours and hers...
Oh WOW!!!!! A shoot from the hip kinda womansmooched smooched love love love flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers smitten smitten smitten

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 02:31 AM

What kind of signals to you give off to let the opposite sex know you are interested?

I do a mating dance. That's obvious surely.


imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 02:23 AM
I would say take it. You can inturn untill you find a job you realy want. Atleast you will money coming in in the meantime.

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 02:21 AM


I said that when I put a pizza in the oven one night, and about 15 minutes later, I walk back into the kitchen and wonder why the pizza isn't cooking. Thought the oven was broke. Stupid me....forgot to turn it on. LOL! I heard about that one for at least two months afterwards.laugh laugh
Lol. I did the same thing lastweek with a pot of noodles. I put them in water,put on stove, went in to watch tv. 10 minutes went to stir just to discover the water was'nt even hot. Not even warm.frustrated forgot to turn burner on

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 02:12 AM

Fudgsicles .. gotta have chocolate in there somewhere love
You betcha:banana:

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 02:10 AM
No. But to me. Going a day without anybody saying " I love you " to me is a given.

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 02:07 AM
Well, today is a brandnew day:banana: I hope hope that everybodys day is great, and everything goes your wayflowers flowers For all the ladies out there in Mingle land

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 02:01 AM
Thinking about calling the dentist. You may not believe this. But i have a toothache. OWYEEEEEE

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 01:58 AM
Yes. But excitingbiggrin

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 01:56 AM
Your pic made me choke on my coffee. Sorry. Thought i died and was looking at death and got scared.Atleast let me finish my coffee first before the devels cronies come for me. Coffee cost too much now a days to waste

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 01:51 AM
Theres a few ladies on here that i would'nt mind pinching. And if i got slapped for it, well baby. Excite me and slap awaylove

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