Community > Posts By > imsingle951

imsingle951's photo
Fri 06/04/10 03:50 PM
Wow. You are so blessed. You have a gorgous family. May your daughter have a fantastic birthday, and everything goes her watflowers

imsingle951's photo
Fri 06/04/10 03:43 PM
Coke on the rocks.

imsingle951's photo
Fri 06/04/10 07:22 AM


"I like long walks, sunsets, and holding hands". (ba-ha....rofl rofl )

See, I knew I would get a bite with that one!! The sad part is, I really do!!! flowers flowers
So do I,

imsingle951's photo
Fri 06/04/10 03:54 AM

"I like long walks, sunsets, and holding hands". (ba-ha....rofl rofl )

imsingle951's photo
Fri 06/04/10 03:48 AM
Join in the topics, and let people know you are here. Its better if you post responses to the topics. Good luck. And welcome to mingle:banana:

imsingle951's photo
Fri 06/04/10 03:41 AM

Well, we are talking about courage, intelligence, strength and loyalty here. Four awesome traits that any person would want in a mate. And, I have my answer to this question. I am going to create another option.


To me, being devoted to someone does take courage. You have to take that step to want to be with someone. And, to love someone takes a ton of courage. You have to have intelligence to assure yourself that you are making a wise decision to be with that person. Yes, we all want to lead with our hearts. However, if you take the time to be intelligent about yourself and the person you want, then you are taking the time to see who they are. And that is never a bad thing. Strength is shown when you have the ability to be there for that person. When you can hold them, and help them in there time of weakness. It also takes great stength when things are rocky in a relationship. And loyalty? Well, to say that you want to be with that person, and that person only. To admit that you will not cheat, or lie, or intentionally hurt that person. That is loyalty to a "T". So yeah....I think Devotion encompasses all four of these elements. Now, Goof will carry on as he has made his mushy, lovey dovey post for the day.
Very good.

imsingle951's photo
Fri 06/04/10 03:38 AM

The whole dang world has gone craaazzy, so baby , why don't we just dance???? Do you ever feel like that??

Didn't I hear that line in FOOTLOOSE ?..... hahahahahahahlaugh

I get busted singing in the car EVERYDAYblushing .... SO lets dance, WHY NOT ??drinks :banana: :banana: :thumbsup:
Know what you mean. i get alot of stange looks for dancing and clapping while im driving

imsingle951's photo
Fri 06/04/10 03:14 AM

hello,ive been reading this topic with dismay,i have come to the conclusion that in the usa,if a woman dont put out you boot her out,how sad.:angry:
Well for information, that is NOT< NOT < NOT NOT <NOT the reason why I kicked her out. And to imply that that was the reason really PISSES me off. Unlike the mojority of men, I DO NOT THINK WITH MY PETER!!!!!!! I think with my heart. So. Just to let you know. I had her here for over 12 hours. And NOT ONCE did the thought of sex enter my mind. Even laying in the same bed as her while she was getting sleep after her long bus trip. And yes. WE were both FULLY CLOTHED. People out there in mingle land might view me as a monster because of what I did. And I just may be. But I be Dammed If im going to let people get away thinkng that I kicked her out because she wouldnt put out. Thats freekn insane. I have ALOT more respect for womaen just to think of them as a piece of meat. Plus. To let you all know another thing. Im taking sych meds. if you take the time to research most sych meds you will find out that while on them, your sex drive is pretty much nonexisting. So, yes. My sex drive is pretty much non exsisting. So dont always be so quick to assume that all a guy wants is sex. To assume that with me. YOU COULDNT BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!

imsingle951's photo
Fri 06/04/10 02:57 AM

I find it very interesting the spectators vs the particpants in life.

Just look at the difference between those who VIEW the threads and those who actually POST in them.

One actually has almost 3000 views! asleep asleep
Only 300 posts. oops

slaphead That's crazy!!!! shocked shocked shocked shocked
There are times I peek in to see what is being said even though I dont have a clue what the topic is about. Alot of things tend to go over my head. Theres ALOT of people on mingle with far more brains and wit than I have. So alot of the topic are way above my head. So to keep from sounding dum, I keep my mouth shut. But in the topics that I do understand, I do try to put my .02 worth in

imsingle951's photo
Fri 06/04/10 02:34 AM
I much prefer texting then talking on the phone. I hate talking on the phone.When on the phone you really dont have the time to think about your responses. You tend to speak out what first comes to your mind. With texting you can take time in giving your answer. Think about how you want to answer. I love unlimited texting:banana: :banana:

imsingle951's photo
Fri 06/04/10 02:18 AM pleasure or do we become more inclined to avoid pain?
I would have to say seek pleasure. Want as much pleasure as I can abtain before they lay me in the ground where pleasure is done once and for all. And at times when seeking that pleasue I get the pain of the adventure. Sometimes its worth the pain, and sometimes not. A risk I have to take. And as I get older, and know that my years left on this earth is dwiddling down I seem to grab whatever pleasure may come my way. Giving only little thought of the pain I may have to indure to gain if only for a fleeting momemt of that pleasue. Oh yes, To feel my heart beat at a more than normal beat, if it only be for a short period of time.

imsingle951's photo
Fri 06/04/10 02:02 AM

...a strip search?
If I was traveling to a diffrant country and they wanted to make syre that I did'nt have anything explosive in my underwear, Sure I would. Just to see thier faces when they find out that I never wear underwear.:banana:

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 04:43 PM
Yes. I loved her with such a deep love that more than likely I will never pocess again. And Im the type that when I give my heart to someone. Its forever. Just as in the case of this past fiasco. Even though she had deciet on her mind. I still loved her. and she will always be in my heart. and if ever she gets her hed on straight and needs help, or a shoulder to lean on. Yes. I wouldnt hesitate in helping her. I have already forgiven her in my heart. Because when I give my heart. Its TOTALY UNCONDITIONAL.

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 04:27 PM

Well. Im starting to feel that out of pure loneliness That im trying to regain and get back what I lost years ago. Thats a woman that truely loved me unconditionally. She was totally dedicated to me. Heart, mind body, and soul. Only woman in my life that truly understood me, put up with my many mood swings. always defended and protected my honor. Stuck with me through all my hardships. Even to the point of when I lost my job causing us to lose all we owned and a place to stay. she stuck with me living in our car for 4 months. A woman that after we finally divorced ( for reasons I wont go into) She waited for 14 years hoping that someday I would return back to her. In those 14 years, she turned down offers for a relationship. always hoping that I would return back to her . and once again marry her. Maybe im trying too hard to find the woman that will be just like her. And to go back to her is a dead issue. She died in 2008. I think about now. We must have had a stronger bond between us than I thought possable.I say that for the fact that as far as I can remember, Around the day she died, I got a real bad ill feeling that something bad had happened to her. And for the past 2 years that feeling never went away. Untill the day I got this pc and looked up death records in the town she lived in. And there it was. When I stared at it in black and white, Could do nothing but cry. And I cried up into the next day. Finally getting through my head, That no, she is irreplacable.

Well, bless your heart...I am sorry for the loss.

Please don't allow your loneliness and/or desperation to feel once you felt with her to guide your decisions. Folks are right on here, Sl-o-o-o-o-w things down. You most probably will not find what you had with her again, so don't lay that at someone else's door. Take your time, plan things out and when you do meet someone be sure it because you want to meet HER and not chasing a memory.flowerforyou
Thank you for that. Very good advice. Just may be time for me to put the life that my ex and I had together in the past and behind me. LOL got to admit that im getting too old to go through the life style that we lived for the 20 years that were married. WOW!!!!! Those were great years. I use many memories from those years as fantasies as In self serving. Think its time i keep them in mty mememory bank instead of trying so dam hard to recapture what her and I once had. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Now I must learn how to have a " normal" relationship. Never once in the past 30 years gave that a thought. Hell.May be worth trying.

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 04:06 PM
Well. Im starting to feel that out of pure loneliness That im trying to regain and get back what I lost years ago. Thats a woman that truely loved me unconditionally. She was totally dedicated to me. Heart, mind body, and soul. Only woman in my life that truly understood me, put up with my many mood swings. always defended and protected my honor. Stuck with me through all my hardships. Even to the point of when I lost my job causing us to lose all we owned and a place to stay. she stuck with me living in our car for 4 months. A woman that after we finally divorced ( for reasons I wont go into) She waited for 14 years hoping that someday I would return back to her. In those 14 years, she turned down offers for a relationship. always hoping that I would return back to her . and once again marry her. Maybe im trying too hard to find the woman that will be just like her. And to go back to her is a dead issue. She died in 2008. I think about now. We must have had a stronger bond between us than I thought possable.I say that for the fact that as far as I can remember, Around the day she died, I got a real bad ill feeling that something bad had happened to her. And for the past 2 years that feeling never went away. Untill the day I got this pc and looked up death records in the town she lived in. And there it was. When I stared at it in black and white, Could do nothing but cry. And I cried up into the next day. Finally getting through my head, That no, she is irreplacable.

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 02:49 PM

Dang I can fly roundtrip for that. Bus fare isn't what it used to be. LOL

No it is'nt. Just for the one way From Cape Girardeau mo. To tulare cali, doing it over the phone, it cost me 245.00 one way. Aint cheap any more

You can fly round trip for less than $250 easily! I flew round trip/nonstop to VA from Cali for $228. All it takes is a little research.
well. i wont have to worry about it from now on. From now on, if they say they want to be with me. Ok. Come on. But. Pay your own way. And make sure you have your own place to stay. And your own way back home.

Well, now, I have to comment. Why, do they have to absorb all the costs to meet? It's not just a matter of them wanting to be with you, I am assuming you are wanting to be with them as your own part of that dream.

Or better yet...why can't you go to them?
Last time I went to them. i drove from out here to indiana. As it turned out. all she wanted me out there for was to eat her out for two days. then after she got her fill, She kicked me out. so.i had to drive back to cali, and move in with a friend.

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 02:24 PM

Dang I can fly roundtrip for that. Bus fare isn't what it used to be. LOL

No it is'nt. Just for the one way From Cape Girardeau mo. To tulare cali, doing it over the phone, it cost me 245.00 one way. Aint cheap any more

You can fly round trip for less than $250 easily! I flew round trip/nonstop to VA from Cali for $228. All it takes is a little research.
well. i wont have to worry about it from now on. From now on, if they say they want to be with me. Ok. Come on. But. Pay your own way. And make sure you have your own place to stay. And your own way back home.

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 02:17 PM

Plus. In the last two days while she has been on the bus going back home. i have making sure that she has been feed and not going hungry. While she has been in lay overs, ive had her contact me with location of where she was and the phone# of the fast food place and I have been letting her get what she wanted to eat and payed for it with my credit card over the phone. That way she wouldnt go hungry. So I am NOT the monster that you make me out to be. I really do have a heart

I did not say you were a monster.. I did not say she was an upstanding person... I think you were both irresponsible in your actions.. What if she had been raped or killed or both?

I wonder if the money spent on food might have gotten her a quicker bus ride though..
I only get ssdi. Which realy isnt very much. So. On the 1st ( the day I kicked her out ) I only had 50.00 in the bank. NOT enough to buy her tyhe ticket. Her ticket was 178.00 one way. I dont get payed untill the 3rd. Today.

Dang I can fly roundtrip for that. Bus fare isn't what it used to be. LOL
No it is'nt. Just for the one way From Cape Girardeau mo. To tulare cali, doing it over the phone, it cost me 245.00 one way. Aint cheap any more

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 01:11 PM

Plus. In the last two days while she has been on the bus going back home. i have making sure that she has been feed and not going hungry. While she has been in lay overs, ive had her contact me with location of where she was and the phone# of the fast food place and I have been letting her get what she wanted to eat and payed for it with my credit card over the phone. That way she wouldnt go hungry. So I am NOT the monster that you make me out to be. I really do have a heart

I did not say you were a monster.. I did not say she was an upstanding person... I think you were both irresponsible in your actions.. What if she had been raped or killed or both?

I wonder if the money spent on food might have gotten her a quicker bus ride though..
I only get ssdi. Which realy isnt very much. So. On the 1st ( the day I kicked her out ) I only had 50.00 in the bank. NOT enough to buy her tyhe ticket. Her ticket was 178.00 one way. I dont get payed untill the 3rd. Today.

imsingle951's photo
Thu 06/03/10 01:03 PM

Yeah, I understand what you're saying. I'm just giving my point of view. If I were in a situation where the other person was not who they said they were or wanting something completely different than they led me to believe, I would not allow them to stay. I would also not give them money to get home. They should be responsible enough to be able to do that themselves.

If it were as simple as that I might agree with you.. However, it is not..
Oh no???? Please enlighten me.

See above..
Just to let you know. Before she went out the door, i told her to meet me at the bus depot on the third ( which is today ) and i WOULD buy her a bus ticket for the way home.

That's just swell and where was she to sleep in the mean time? On a park bench?
I gave her the phone # to the womens shelter. But she threw it down, and said " Ill be ok

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