Question of the night
isn't that the truth
Fear of rejection
Fear of rejection, hell it happens to me every time i justsayhi.
Question of the night
that is a good answer, mike but what is the one nighter left you
searching for the rocking heart beat, because you opted, instead of waited. |
Question of the night
seahawks, you are nuts bro, but that is cool
as for you lala, you rock |
Question of the night
i think in the long run, are wenot all looking for the most satisfying
night stand of all, the one that keeps us going for years. |
Question of the night
Thanks i thought i was just crazy, because i am the same way, give me
the heart beat |
Question of the night
One night stand with the hottest girl/guy you can think of?
Or finding the one that rocks your heart to another beat? |
Old words, new feelings
Roses are red,
Violets are blue, And yes i do care for you. Not like i did her, Or even she, But you know like i do care for you. The way the stems of a flower bend in a gentle breeze, Swaying side to side, This is the way i shall bend for you, Not quite enough to break my back, But enough to show i care, For the roses are still red, Violets still blue, My eyes spatkle as i hear from you, Via email, So i day again tis to this i say, Old words, new feelings. |
80's baby
I do not know about the 80's but Tom and Jerry stil rocks.
Wanting to be
Rarerose thank you and i know, i just wish i were holding her.
sstammy9, trust me i feel you. I need to be needed and want to be wanted, i am not sure wheteher love hurts worse with or without it. |
Wanting to be
Wanting to be loved,
Waiting to be loved, We try just to say hi, Yet all we get is a bye, Wish i could tell you, If only you would listen, And allow this poem to glisten, In your ears, As you do in my eyes, Wanting and wainting to be loved, Getting no where being the me i am, Yet all i can say is hey, hello, how are you, Yes i am one hell of a guy, Take a chance and say hi, Because after all aren't we all just saying hi, In order to be loved, And wanting to be. |
Guys your killen me!!
To all you **** heads out there, fact is every women out there diserves
to be treated like a lady, be respectful and find a way into their heart first, then who knows what will happen. Life is about so much more than getting laid, besides if you allow the heart to breath every thing else is better. Sincerely, STEVE |
To Wonder
To wonder what is,
What will be, or what has been. To wonder is to ponder the possibilties, The improberabltilties, The What if and could haves, To wonder is to be human, To be human is to think of love lost, And love gained, To ponder the irresistible, To be able to look into your own eyes, And see that you are a true wonder of the world, Is not so far fitched, In fact it is the reality of the dream come true, If only i could find you, Tis to wonder, This is my ponder, That someday, somehow, My wonder will be in you being nesxt to me. |
many thanks
Uncondtional is what we want,
Not the I love when, Not now but maybe then, Only if you, Do this or that, Damn wearing that hat, Tried it on, just doesn't fit my heart, Because after all, It can be really tart, Uncondtional, There is no condition, Nor substitute, Forget about the prostitute, Of the mind games to be played, So from here to there i shall pray, On my knees, head bowed, Only to realize, The only uncontional is that of the cross, Life taken in order to have life given. No more that, no more then, no more only if, All that will do is the unexemptional, Uncondtional love of you, Wherever you may be, Whom ever you may be, Love me like that of the Cross, And all i will give in return, Is the lame, Of the same. |
Broken heart
Great poem keep it up
Freedom of love
Thanks to all that replyed
Freedom of love
With each day the dun rises,
Setting us free, To start a new day, Giving us the opportunity to experience, Freedom of love, Like a dove, Wavering against a gentle breeze, Fluttering to hold its line, A fresh start with each flap of the wing, The sun sings, Freedom of love, Like a dove, We give out our love, Sometimes to fast, And often to hard, All the while, hoping, We shall have freedom, To love and be loved, To care and share all that is, And all that will be, Fluttering on the edge of chaos, We only ask please, Do not be a tease, Give me the very thing i need, Not a trip into the abyss, Down below, but rather, A lather of the heart, Sputtering in the fear, Not wanting to shed a tear, Freedom of love, Like that of a dove, I say to thee, Allow me to love thee, Not in lust, for the heart has no rust, It always knows how to reach out, And give all, One more big flap of the wing, Shall my heart beat, Letting out a sing, Freedom. |
Valtine's day again,
Man what was i thinking, Hoping to be drinking, A glass of wine, While we dine, Excuse me why i cry, No more, My heart is gone, I wish you would just leave me alone, Yet here it is V'Day again, All my memeories, All my pain, Nothing to gain, Thanks alot, One more time, I spent the dime, On the wrong one, Looking for the one, Finding only a broken and dismantled heart, Here i sit alone again, I say what was i thinking, Trying to date online, All i get is a line from you or her, So i say have a great life with whomever, This Valentine's Day you shall spend with, Cause now my only Valentine's wish, Is to be feed to a fish, Piece by piece, In agony and pain till, Hey i all but gone, So happy Valentine's Day, And good riddens' |
To be alone
I sit here in the darkness,
Alone, Still as a stone, Alone, Thinking of you and of me, Alone, There was a time when, I wanted to be alone, Yet know all i want is, Happiness, Alone it can not be achieved, Alone it can not be found, Not even if stuck be a stone, In the darkness i sit, Remembering you, As if you were here, Yet I reach out to hug you, I am alone, Stuck here, Tears falling, Now i am balling, To be alone, Is to not find you, not remember you, You broke my heart, Now i sit here, Cryinbg alone, Wanting to be happy, Slappy, And just plain silly, But i hae no Liily, No Kelly, not even a Melannie, Nor a Lisa, So i guese it just has to be, Me, myself, and I, Alone. |