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Tue 12/26/06 04:26 PM
dreams = nightmares

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Tue 12/26/06 12:01 PM
Bad Horsie!

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Sun 12/24/06 02:40 PM
As iam4u your service....just as hard to find as honest and
faithfull...but its possible!

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Sun 12/24/06 02:36 PM
Now thats my kind of christmas coarol....oops that might be a little

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Sun 12/24/06 02:34 PM
Yeah I agree its not piontless... I am just spreading a little Christmas
love....using an alternate account lol!

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Sun 12/24/06 01:20 PM
Dominus tecum
She was a blessed child that brought joy to us. She passed just last

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Sun 12/24/06 01:12 PM
I am great, how are you?

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Sun 12/24/06 12:46 PM
Now i have to go see!... Hello ladies ...Merry Christmas

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Sun 12/24/06 12:41 PM
Wow play star wars....I'm a counter strike fan myself! Van has sadi...and incase you guys haven't guessed yet...I
am someone else lol... It's just a pain to have to re-add friends...who
wants to go through all that again...especailly after you have been here
for a while and you are well known and have lots of friends. But i do
see the other side of it..if someone wants to just cause
make another acount like i did with this one...cause your trouble ..and
then it doesn't matter if they ban you. I have mentioned the IP thing
before but Van never did comment on it.

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Sun 12/24/06 12:34 PM
lol kids will get a kick out of that!

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Sun 12/24/06 12:33 PM
Good work Cybear....wonderfull...I really love children...they make this
world worth living in!

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Sun 12/24/06 12:30 PM
Welocme...this is a great site full of wonderfull people. Have a good
time make plenty of riends!

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Sun 12/24/06 12:29 PM
Happy Hoildays guys...great job on the site!