Community > Posts By > Trizar

Trizar's photo
Thu 05/24/07 04:13 PM
Hosea, I*m not sure how much you undersand about ethnicies/I may spell
somew words wrong.... butthe whire race is refered to as the caucasion
race... Polish german irish englich swedes spanish, and al most all
europe is caucasion.. rusiia checks etc etc.. but they are differntent
nationalitys.. Differnt ethnicc groups...But all belong to the white
race...So hosea you are almost all white from what you listed... This is
a fact by7 the way, and I never meet anyone b4 that thought Irish (im
half) was a race.... laugh sort of funny

Trizar's photo
Thu 05/24/07 03:56 PM
belusi, thanks.. I am trying to keep this simple..going back to what doc
said.. the lebanese Govt forces have all the sects within it..They are
not a puppet of syria, as they finally got a good government once they
got rid of syria... The government who failed to disarm Hezbollah, now
are dead set disarming the fath Islamic sect, who is a al quide group
and funded by them.. The refugge camp is full of innocents
palestinians... They dont want the group in there either, as expressed
by the refugees that are fleeing by the thousands..The lebanese govt is
not trying to wipe out the palestinians, rather the military of Fatah
Islamic group.. Now I quit,... this was only in repsonce to the 1st
statement of doc... and somehow we got off the topi.. sorry for typosc

Trizar's photo
Thu 05/24/07 03:24 PM
I walk the shores looking for interesting shells broken or not, and also
collect the color glass. they are so cool. smoothed by the ocean... I
have a favoritie spot that was a dump many years sgo for the polished
glsee.. I use then to decorate arount my plants shells and the glass

Trizar's photo
Thu 05/24/07 03:17 PM
Hose you crack me up
white, german , itailan, irish, dutch, welch
all those arent races , lol they are nationalitys and all belong to the
white race....only 3 races in the world people and they have

Trizar's photo
Thu 05/24/07 03:14 PM
had an ex that was philippeno.. isnt a eace though.. they are so mixed
either with chinese japenese, etc, and of course spanish.. since that
spanish is a white rece, and chenese is another, I would say you are
more mixed than you know.. and I havnt met a Black person that wasnt
mixed with another race... except for the Sfricans that are immigrating
here. .. So I say,
felisha_21 is more blessed than she knows :) oh by the way I also have
euopean spanish blood.. not latino though cause I have no native blood
in me

Trizar's photo
Thu 05/24/07 02:52 PM
umm my kids are well off... so buy my sister a house and just travel the
rest of my life

Trizar's photo
Wed 05/23/07 10:30 PM
Ive been called a romantic... dont know why? but of course I like all
these things, and hope my woman would to.

Trizar's photo
Wed 05/23/07 10:16 PM
Some have said that the Lebanese government that is now in power is a
puppet government of Syria. Syria claims to hold the torch in support of
the Palestinian struggle.

Lebanese soldiers opened fire on a camp yesterday, the fighting
continues even today.

Supposedly they claim that Alqaeda members were hiding among the
refugees. Which is also weird since Alqaeda also claims to be a standard
bearer for the people of palestine as well.

Actually the current Government is anti syria... They got rid of the
sryias army. Now they intend to disarm this fatah islamic movement what
has ties to AL-qaeda. They couldnt disarm the other big party who was
fighting Isreal last year? and they are determine to disarm this one.Yes
in the civil war there were 2 big christian armies, who eventually
allied with some islamic army... This is all from memory, and what is
happening now if from the news.. Syria dares not to enter this

Trizar's photo
Wed 05/23/07 10:01 PM
I also have wanted to go to Ireland b4 I die.

Trizar's photo
Wed 05/23/07 09:49 PM
welcome and hello.... Jack

Trizar's photo
Wed 05/23/07 01:39 PM
I also take meds for depression, and anti anxieity. works for me....
Just a note here, they may also ruin your sex life.

Trizar's photo
Wed 05/23/07 01:34 PM
Hello and welcome... Jack

Trizar's photo
Tue 05/22/07 12:55 AM
I am looking for my last love..I have met some great women, while
searching the dating sites. Only time will tell..
so to answer question. yes, no, no

Trizar's photo
Mon 05/21/07 06:05 PM
I miss Old dogs, children, and watermelon wine.

from tom t halls song

he said," women think of themselfs, when men folk ain't around.
And friends are hard to find, when they discover that you are down."
He said " I tried it all when I was young and in my natural prime, Now
it's old dogs and children and watermelen wine."

"Old dogs care about you even when you make mistakes
God bless little children while they're to young to hate."

when he moved away I found my pen and copied that line
About Old Dogs and Children and Watermelen wine.

Trizar's photo
Mon 05/21/07 03:20 PM
Not sure, let me check..well if noone else sees me, I really am
here..Just checked

Trizar's photo
Mon 05/21/07 02:55 PM
Butr the thing that saves my whole fame is generic.
Noone look their real age, always younger. (tried to message you my
friend but you have put a age requirmewnt, and you missed mie a
little... Sort of different..cant write to a friend

was meant to be typed the thing that saves my whole family is genetics.
I dont mean to burst bubbles here but the average gals in the late 40s
50s 60s look sooooooo old. and when you see women in that age bracket
looking good... Its a beautiful feeling

Trizar's photo
Mon 05/21/07 02:46 PM
I have met 49 and 50 yr old men that look way older than myself... yes
the older women I see on dating sites , a lot of them still hot. I seem
my sister go from looking good at 45 to over 300 lbs at age 55... Still
her face is young.. no wrinkles.. I too jean, have party hardy smoked
seince 12 yrs old.. Butr the thing that saves my whole fame is generic.
Noone look their real age, always younger. (tried to message you my
friend but you have put a age requirmewnt, and you missed mie a
little... Sort of different..cant write to a friend

Trizar's photo
Mon 05/21/07 01:27 PM
hey, wow!!congrats lisa......................

Trizar's photo
Mon 05/21/07 05:06 AM
Hey Zap==the trundra huh? woodbury??laugh thats cool.. whats Coon
Rapids? The glacier city lol.. hey is puvs still going on? I used to
frequent all of those.. roberts, mermaid etc

Trizar's photo
Mon 05/21/07 05:01 AM
Just woke up... too dam early though lol. 5am monday pacific time..
Thats what i get for taking a dam nap.... Zap, your the man :)

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