Ah I love watching people doing linguistic gymnastics to ONLY justify the speech and the symbols THEY like. Unenlightened self interest is not that intellectually impressive. Free speech doesn't begin and end with "Have a nice day, comrade.". It actually includes opinions, thoughts, and symbols from people who disagree with you, or *gasp* DON'T EVEN LIKE YOU! I know there has been this movement afoot since the 60's to raise people in a mindset of total acceptance of all ideas, cultures, and colours. Guess what? You can't FORCE people to like each other. Regardless of colour, some people are jerks. Some are violent. Some are just annoying. They don't want to go to your church, listen to your music, eat your food, or patronize your business. Forcing people to hold hands and sing "It's a Small World After All" is going to blow up in your face. It was posted earlier that people use symbols to protest, and we should be aware of that. Guess what? This flag was a symbol of protest as well. It stood for ideas that people WILLINGLY SACRIFICED THEIR LIVES FOR. Now YOU don't have to agree with their position, but based on your own logic though, you DO have to respect it.You teach tolerance and respect right? You want people to respect YOU right? Respect YOUR ideas, right? Why do YOU have such a difficult time practicing what you preach? It seems that those who don't like this flag believe they have an unimpeachable moral position, and that the rest of us have no choice but to admit defeat, and roll over and accept THEIR terms of social and moral deportment. Hmmmmm. Kinda sounds like why the Civil War was fought originally. One side, claiming moral superiority, demands the other side acquiesce or fight to the death to defend itself. I'm simply suggesting at this point that continually poking the dog may lead Bubba and Scooter to pick up those guns again. They'll get grandpappy to tell them how he was in the Klan, and what they should have done the last time. Black America may not like the way this turns out for them if they insist on going down this path of historical 'cleansing'. That's not a threat, it's simply a prediction. In fact, way before this recent distraction of the confederate battle flag started, that dog that is a little terrorist dylan roof had already decided to inspire others to move towards race war. No one has historically"cleansed" more than whites. They need nothing to move towards their desires. He needed no historical cleansing to inspire him anymore than the kkk who flew that flag while murdering and commiting ethnic cleansing needed it. we actually agree on something. |
Bill Cosby - Guilty
I haven't seen any of this on the news over here, I don't think its even been mentioned. So can someone tell me, has he been found guilty in a court of law I just wondered no, its hard to depose a 78 year old man about what he did or didn't do in his thirties or forties (in detail) and non consent is equally hard to prove after that amount of time has passed. he will probably die from the stress before any of it is brought to a court of law they are still extraditing 100 year old men that may or may not have been within 100 miles of a concentration camp back to Germany for war crimes trials. age means ZIP.. |
Now, that you mention it, that "white privilege" comment in the article really rankled me, too. After reverse discrimination and all kinds of other indignities endured by whites nowadays, who by the way are a diminishing race by population growth compared to the rest of the world, an endangered species, that comment had no place anywhere. Bogus, man! she may be referring to 'implicit bias' where the majority sets the norm and relates to others within their 'group' with more apathy/empathy/comradery than they do those in the minority the bias that may make a police man, see the majority group with more empathy, see the white suspect as less of a 'threat',,,,than the black one,,, what group is guilty of 'reverse discrimination' of another group? black people collectively dont have the wealth or power to impact the majority,,, what group is forcing indignities upon whites ,,,In america? I agree, whites are diminishing and perhaps once they become a true MINORITY , they may face a privilege that belongs to a different majority,, but for now,, not so much Those with the means will move back to Europe. They aren't going to want to live in New Guatemala.. |
What flag was flying when we were going around raping pillaging and plundering the Indians?
I don't think it was the confederate flag. Should they demand that flag be taken down? Aren't they disenfranchised Americans too? Phucking stupid.. |
Edited by
Wed 07/08/15 06:59 PM
The liberal agenda and policy decisions are what needs to go.
This city has been run by liberals for decades and the people who vote them in office election after election have no one to blame but themselves. |
well with every thing now a days made in china and usa so many out of work and not buying i could see where they might be in a hurt They made the same mistakes in housing we did except their government fronted the money for the overdevelopment and the bad loans to the buyers. The world market is contracting and China relys heavily on its huge trade imbalances to fund its government. Housing collapse plus market contraction equals back to reality for the communist utopia. All that is really left to finish them off is a steep rise in oil prices. They have huge reserves stockpiled, but that won't last forever with a billion plus people.. |
For all the talk in this forum about how high and mighty China is...
The sobering reality: The really worrying financial crisis is happening in China, not Greece China looks like it is heading for its version of the 1929 stock market crash While all Western eyes remain firmly focused on Greece, a potentially much more significant financial crisis is developing on the other side of world. In some quarters, it’s already being called China’s 1929 – the year of the most infamous stock market crash in history and the start of the economic catastrophe of the Great Depression. In any normal summer, a 30pc fall in the Chinese stock market – a loss of value roughly equivalent to the UK’s entire economic output last year – after an ascent which had seen share prices more than double within the space of a year would have been front page news across the globe. The dramatic series of government interventions to stem the panic – hitherto unsuccessful, it should be added – would similarly have been up there at the top of the news agenda. Yet the pantomime of the Greek debt talks, together with the tragi-comedy of will they, won’t they leave the euro, has relegated the story to little more than a footnote - even though 940 companies, more than a third, have now suspended trading on China’s two main indices. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/china-business/11725236/The-really-worrying-financial-crisis-is-happening-in-China-not-Greece.html |
My first thought was that their community is flooded by gangs.
That can't be the problem... |
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Tue 07/07/15 07:53 AM
I see bowing down to people that don't traditionally vote for your party as surrendering to the enemy. If it is BUSH BUSH BUSH crowd that wants an apology.. I would say go phuck yourself..
hispanic voters will make up their minds and if Rubio is on the ticket none of this will matter. It is just more semantics from the BUSH BUSH BUSH clowns to take the focus off the train wreck that is Hillary. Oh yeah... If Hillary is the BUSH BUSH BUSH nominee you can bet there will be a lot of this... 'Send them back': Hillary says wave of illegal immigrant children should be 'reunited with their families' Hillary Clinton stunned a CNN audience on Tuesday by saying that the US should deport thousands of unaccompanied minors who have flooded the American border 'They should be sent back as soon as it can be determined who responsible adults in their families are,' she said 'Just because your child gets across the border, that doesn't mean the child gets to stay,' she warned parents south of the border http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2660756/Send-Hillary-says-wave-illegal-immigrant-children-reunited-families.html |
This whole sordid affair reminds me of our education system.
You have a group of central planners that are oblivious to local needs and their decisions are based on what they deem the collective good. The problem is that within this collective there are individuals that cannot compete with the others and they are measured by unrealistic standards. Then everyone shakes their head wondering why they have failed and the bailout plan is just to throw more money at it. Centralized failure.. |
Dlyann Roof and his agenda
This was a terrorist act by a terrorist who subscribes to an old tradition of white terrorism.
Yeah, the white terrorism that the Democratic Party condoned from the end of the U.S. Civil War to the end of the Civil Rights Era. lol, to quote a friend meanwhile, in THIS Century,,,,lol How many Klan members in congress now? |
28 pharmacies and 2 methadone clinics were looted. 170,000 doses of narcotics went on the street. That's the problem right now.
I saw the story on the 2yo left in the car on WBAL.
The Mayor made the choice to allow the riots to happen. They released tape recordings from the first night of massive plundering and it was clear the cops were told to stand there and watch the criminals rampage through the streets. We will see what happens. But this weekend will be a blood bath... |
74 Murders in the last 2 months
Recent homicide victims also include a 16-year-old City College high school student who was raped and killed and a 2-year-old girl who suffered second-degree burns and died after police say her father left her in a car for several hours. "People cannot boil them down to one simple factor, gangs and drugs," said Scott, vice chair of the public safety committee. "When you have people killing children in cars, that's something that has to be dealt with. It shows you that things are a lot deeper than many folks think." At this time last year, Baltimore officials had pointed to one of lowest midyear homicide figures of the past three decades, with 98. This year, the city reached the 100-death mark on May 21. The number of nonfatal shootings this year has also risen significantly, to 285, up from 151 at this time last year. Some Baltimore officials have blamed some of the surge in violence on the dealing of drugs looted from pharmacies during the riots. DEA officials have not said how much was taken or announced any arrests in those cases. The city has also seen a sharp increase in juvenile homicides, with 11 so far this year, compared to six at this time last year. Among the victims is 16-year-old Arnesha Bowers, who was found June 7 in a Northeast Baltimore rowhouse that had been burned. Two men and a 14-year-old boy have been indicted on murder, rape, arson and gang charges in her death. The death of 7-year-old Kester "Tony" Brown and his mother also shocked the community. Wilder recalled her close relationship with her nephew, who she said spent weekends at her home and stayed with her after school. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/crime/blog/bs-md-ci-6-month-homicide-numbers-20150630-story.html |
all this stuff is great news for the few elite demolition companies in business today... they will be saving tons of money and man-hours of work by adopting this new technique of razing skyscrapers..... no longer will it be necessary to do any of that ground level preparation to compromise the integrity of those pesky core columns whatsoever..the new manual says, we can just take the elevator up to the upper portion of the building and fill a couple of floors with fire accellerants (like thermite maybe) and explosives and hit the detonator switch... then, when top 10 or 20% of the building falls twenty or thirty feet enough force will be generated to bring the remaining balance of the building straight down to groung zero just like a stack of pancakes...there will be no bowing outwards of the outer structure support columns, no chance of the top portion falling off sideways or for that matter, the whole building falling sideways, no chance of any 20 or 30 story spike-like twisted mass of mangled steel and concrete to deal with either...clean-up will be a breeze.... the NIST along with the example of the twin towers falling identically within hours of each other, prove beyond a shadow of doubt, this new technique should become the new standard throughout the demolition industry.... What is your point? Are you saying that the official explanation must be a lie, because proper demolition is hard and expensive, and yet fire brought a building down? If so, you seem to be ignoring the most important part of a controlled demolition: Control. my point is...that no steel and concrete skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire damage in the history of steel and concrete buildings, no not a single one....and that the common practice of demolition companies to compromise the integrity of the core support columns at the ground level with explosives and timing the charges in a climbing pattern as they travel upward through the building leaving little if any resistance to support the floors above them....well, you can throw all that stuff out the window now..because the wtc towers prove, beyond a doubt, that it can be done just as easily and safely by taking out 3 or 4 floors up near the top with explosives and a fire accellerant and that steel and concrete building will absolutely fall straight down like a stack of pancakes....i'm sure all the demo companies will be instituting this amazing industry revolutionizing new technique on their very next contracts.... I doubt it would be very cost effective since you would need a large passenger plane to strike the building and compromise the structure then start the fires. Did you forget that part? |
I posted this before in one of the other thousand truther threads on 9-11.
Molten aluminum coming into contact with water can and does create steam explosions. 1 pound of molten aluminum has the explosive force of 3 pounds of tnt. Foundry explosions occur fairly frequently. Even the smallest amount of water in a mold can cause a minor explosion. Planes have tons of aluminum. |
July 3, 2008
"The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents - #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back -- $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic." Candidate Obama. http://www.americanthinker.com/video/2013/03/flashback_obama_calls_debt_under_bush_unpatriotic_and_irresponsible.html March 19, 2012 National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush. The National Debt has now increased more during President Obama's three years and two months in office than it did during 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency. The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency. It has now gone up $4.939 trillion since President Obama took office. The latest posting from the Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department shows the National Debt now stands at $15.566 trillion. It was $10.626 trillion on President Bush's last day in office, which coincided with President Obama's first day. The National Debt also now exceeds 100% of the nation's Gross Domestic Product, the total value of goods and services. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/national-debt-has-increased-more-under-obama-than-under-bush/ Reagan/Obama talked a great game. But Governor Reagan/Candidate Obama criticized President Carter/President Bush for increasing the U.S. federal debt. But President Reagan/President Obama not only ran up more federal debt than the Democrat/Republican he criticized. Reagan/Obama ran up/will run up more U.S. federal debt than all the other U.S. presidents before him, COMBINED! |
Edited by
Mon 06/29/15 08:38 PM
George Bernard Shaw was a disgrace.
He was a marxist that supported eugenics and was a huge fan of Hitler. He was a racist and a bigot. He wanted the lower classes sterilized or exterminated. ''The Nazi movement is in many respects one which has my warm sympathy; in fact, I might fairly claim that Herr Hitler has repudiated Karl Marx to enlist under the banner of Bernard Shaw. You can therefore imagine my dismay when at the most critical moment Herr Hitler and the Nazis went mad on the Jewish question.'' (Gibbs, p. 355, quoting an interview with Haydon Church, Sunday Dispatch, June 4th, 1933). Not because this was unjustified, but politically unwise. A wiser way to contain the threat was to create a Jewish state. ''The Jews are worse than my own people. Those Jews who still want to be the chosen race (chosen by the late Lord Balfour) can go to Palestine and stew in their own juice. The rest had better stop being Jews and start being human beings. This is the real enemy, the invader from the East, the Druze, the ruffian, the oriental parasite; in a word: the Jew.'' (London Morning Post, December 3, 1925) http://www.smh.com.au/business/wanted-a-new-economic-theory-20090205-7z7h.html |
Hey, how's that ISIS recruitment program working out for ya? Maybe all the beheadings at the hands of those radical Islamic extremists are inside jobs as well. How about the USS Cole or this litany of attacks against the United States, which you probably believe are also the work of the U.S. government. https://factreal.wordpress.com/2010/01/30/list-of-islamic-attacks-against-america/ I suppose all of these are the work of conspiracies by the United States government. You probably believe the attack on Pearl Harbor was also an inside job. And by the way, do you think if George W. Bush and his cronies were as monumentally stupid as the liberals made him out to be, that he would have been able to get away with such an atrocity perpetrated against the American people? You folks want to have it both ways, but you never sit down and do the math. You people are clueless. i didnt say everything is a conspiracy. i said the story of 9/11 is BS and the majority of americans agree. The majority of Americans voted for Obama twice so I wouldn't hang my hat on that statistic. |
Initial, secondary. How come nothing of the towers remained? Those pristine lower floors the survivors evacuated before reporting the sound of explosives when there was NO FIRE in the lower floors? And what part of straight down don't you understand when there was commercial airline sized DIRECTIONAL IMPACT THAT DIDN'T PENETRATE THROUGH THE INNER SUPPORT OF THE BUILDINGS? How come it didn't fragment out in the direction the 'exoskeleton' was weakened and where the most additional weight came to rest in and around it plus the burning jet fuel? Your other view clearly shows the thick black jet fueled fire smoke considerably higher than the point of collapse which is the lower grayish mushroom below. Maybe you haven't witnessed the purposeful decimation of a structure with explosives before. I have. Maybe you've never witnessed a fueled vehicle explode and burn out. I have. Maybe you have never seen an oil field burn, I have. In the oil fields of the east they burn the impurities instead of reusing or refining another fuel or oil. That smoke is black. It stands to reason that the hhottest point of the fire caused by the impact of the planes would be the floors where it hit and those directly above. Why then would the building shown in the photo you provided have a second, cold mushroom of pure concrete dust well below the point of impact? You have no proof whatsoever to claim there was no damage to the interior columns. NONE. I don't care what you say you witnessed because you have no proof of that either. You claimed that the collapse started in the bottom of the towers 'cause that is the way pros do it'.. I show you indisputable photographic evidence that you are wrong.. And you come back with 'directional impact that didn't penetrate through the inner support'.. LMAO Oh so the planes came out the other side? Your pictures show figure 8 mushrooms black above impact and grey below. Photographic evidence. ![]() LMAO |