Topic: Republican-Americans v. Confederate-Americans | |
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Fri 07/10/15 05:54 PM
In the circus called American politics, Confederate-Americans have risen from their slumber to protect their collective ego from actions taken by Republican-Americans.
For decades, Republican-Americans sat idle while Confederate-Americans claimed that their most-cherished emblem represented "southern pride" and "southern heritage". Then, Republican-Americans began to realize that plenty of southerners weren't represented by that emblem. Black Americans born and raised in the southern USA are genuine southerners, and yet, they have no pride in a culture that enslaved their ancestors and racially discriminated against their elders. Their heritage is a shameful element of U.S. history. Confederate-Americans insist that Confederate soldiers be honored because the latter fought against Union soldiers who invaded the South. The ancestors of black southerners actually welcomed those same Union soldiers, because those Union soldiers invaded the South in order to free the slaves. During the Civil Rights Era, Confederate-Americans indicated their rebellion against racial equality by displaying their most-cherished emblem on state property as well as on private property. Black southerners understood this action by Confederate-Americans as a symbolic attack on them. Contrary to what Confederate-Americans and naive people claim, the most-cherished emblem of Confederate-America has always symbolized the oppression of black southerners. None of that pertaining to black southerners matters in the alternate universe of Confederate-America. In that universe, black southerners aren't really southerners, and so, they have no say in what should represent the South, in whether or not Confederate soldiers should be honored for fighting to preserve slavery. Meanwhile, in this universe, Republican-Americans are turning against the Nineteenth-Century mentality of Confederate-Americans. The former realize that a heritage of racial oppression isn't something that should be honored on government property. The former understand that Confederate-America is a part of U.S. history - a bad part of U.S. history -�� which is why the former want the emblems of Confederate America to be displayed in museums and history books. Republican-Americans understand that, although Confederate-Americans have joined their political party, the latter don't represent the GOP as a whole. The Republican Party is much bigger than Confederate America, and thus, Republican-Americans aren't giving in to the rantings and shrill screeds of those who cherish a particular emblem while being in denial about the racial oppression that emblem stands for. Republican-Americans aren't saying or implying that Confederate-Americans shouldn't have the right to display the latter's emblems on their private property. However, those emblems don't symbolize the Republican Party, don't symbolize American conservatism and definitely don't symbolize the USA. Republican-Americans aren't capitulating to liberals and Democrats, as some have claimed. Instead, Republican-Americans are acknowledging an unpleasant reality within this universe. Whether or not Confederate-Americans will abandon their alternate universe and join this one remains to be seen. * * * * * * * The above commentary was originally published by The Moderate Voice website. |
Black Americans born and raised in the southern USA are genuine southerners, and yet, they have no pride in a culture that enslaved their ancestors and racially discriminated against their elders. Their heritage is a shameful element of U.S. history.
Confederate-Americans insist that Confederate soldiers be honored because the latter fought against Union soldiers who invaded the South. The ancestors of black southerners actually welcomed those same Union soldiers, because those Union soldiers invaded the South in order to free the slaves. i call B.S. north had slaves as well as many places all over the world wake up they are just trying to start a war so they can come in place it under martial law and cause all kinds of hell and take away what few rights we have left |
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Fri 07/10/15 06:52 PM
The destruction of the south and brutal reconstruction left a mark on every family there, black and white. Poverty also has a way of doing that. Their not in denial of anything. They paid a price as well. That flag to them was a symbol of the price they paid and their ancestors paid.
Nothing more. |
The destruction of the south and brutal reconstruction left a mark on every family there. Poverty also has a way of doing that too. Their not in denial of anything. They paid a price as well. What is being denied is what a particular emblem represents. |
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Fri 07/10/15 06:22 PM
That flag to them was a symbol of the price they paid and their ancestors paid. Nothing more. |
Republican-Americans v. Confederate-Americans
Is a great way to play games. "Down with the flag! ....don't pay attention to the economy or all the problems there....The flag's the main issue! Raaaaaaaace!" "Down with the flag! We need to show that something will be done about those that are racists! Things will be moved...actions will be taken! Put that into the collective unconscious that any symbol, tradition, belief, ritual, that may even hint at the idea of potential racism from sometime in history, which is being murdered and warped with every common core class, will generate a rapid, serious, immediate response......which sets things up nicely for all this illegal immigration stuff. You don't like it? RACIST!!!!!! We will hurry up and make sure they're incorporated into the population, we're going to stand them up as fast as the flag is pulled down. But pay attention to the flag! That's the important issue right now!" During the Civil Rights Era, Confederate-Americans indicated their rebellion against racial equality by displaying their most-cherished emblem on state property as well as on private property.
Lot's of people also wore white robes and burned crosses. Let's make sure to outlaw all bedsheets and crosses from everything everywhere.Because these are symbols of hate! No ghost costumes on halloween or you're anti American! Not to mention let's get rid of fire! People used to be burned at the stake unjustly! Fire destroyed whole cities like Chicago and New York! Racists! Bigots! Get rid of fire! It's a symbol of hate and destruction! No more eternal flames! No more high school bonfires! No more Olympic torch! One thing I find absolutely hysterical is this: Republican-Americans v. Confederate-Americans
Seems there is this constant push to see minorities, and homosexuals, and immigrants, and everyone as equal and the same. But we keep coming up with new labels to differentiate people and put them into groups in order to determine how we can discriminate against them. "Use of the old labels bad! Use and come up with new labels! It's patriotic!" People keep doing the same thing. Nothing changes. The only difference is what group is going to be discriminated against this century. |
What flag was flying when we were going around raping pillaging and plundering the Indians?
I don't think it was the confederate flag. Should they demand that flag be taken down? Aren't they disenfranchised Americans too? Phucking stupid.. |
I don't think my black friends got this memo. Some have the battle flag themselves.
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Fri 07/10/15 07:01 PM
Still, Things won't be the same until Colonel Angus come home.
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Fri 07/10/15 07:33 PM
The destruction of the south and brutal reconstruction left a mark on every family there, black and white. Poverty also has a way of doing that. Their not in denial of anything. They paid a price as well. That flag to them was a symbol of the price they paid and their ancestors paid. Nothing more. For Blacks it represented lynchings, burnings of humans, repression, supression of human dignity and rights. The last thing a Black person saw before their deaths was that flag being flown by a murderous mob of cowards in silly white hoods and costumes. It had nothing to do with any price, it was and is a symbol of hate and the desire to keep the profitable system of slavery alive. Nothing more. |
It is amazing the crap people believe who are NOT from the South. The flag of the KKK is the Stars and Stripes. |
It is amazing the crap people believe who are NOT from the South. The flag of the KKK is the Stars and Stripes. |
The destruction of the south and brutal reconstruction left a mark on every family there, black and white. Poverty also has a way of doing that. Their not in denial of anything. They paid a price as well. That flag to them was a symbol of the price they paid and their ancestors paid. Nothing more. For Blacks it represented lynchings, burnings of humans, repression, supression of human dignity and rights. The last thing a Black person saw before their deaths was that flag being flown by a murderous mob of cowards in silly white hoods and costumes. It had nothing to do with any price, it was and is a symbol of hate and the desire to keep the profitable system of slavery alive. Nothing more. I'm with you on this one. I am all for free speech but something about the symbolism of the flag stinks. They should have dealt with this issue straight away instead of waiting 7 generations and passing the unpleasant task to their descendants and forcing them to deal with it 150 years later. What a bunch of cowards in those days. Now, the generations, both black and white, are brainwashed into believing that this symbolism and flag are perfectly fine and are having a hard time facing the truth. |
Lessons learned: nip it in the bud straight away.
hummm interesting,,,,so thay raise the gay power flag in its place? Iam offanded by that,,,you dont think theres gays that hate rednick country ppl like myself,,trust me there are some that do,then theres the black man that thinks cuz iam white iam a racist,deal with that all the time,,theres black month,if we had white ppl month many blacks would
call us racist,its all getting old.., |
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Sat 07/11/15 02:25 AM
The man obviously doesn't have clue of what he speaks. ![]() ... or Confederate-Americans are remaining in denial. The destruction of the south and brutal reconstruction left a mark on every family there, black and white. Poverty also has a way of doing that. Their not in denial of anything. They paid a price as well. That flag to them was a symbol of the price they paid and their ancestors paid. Nothing more. For Blacks it represented lynchings, burnings of humans, repression, supression of human dignity and rights. The last thing a Black person saw before their deaths was that flag being flown by a murderous mob of cowards in silly white hoods and costumes. It had nothing to do with any price, it was and is a symbol of hate and the desire to keep the profitable system of slavery alive. Nothing more. |
Several post were deleted for attacking.. If you want to debate then do so.. Do not attack or call out other members for their opinion..
Site Mod Kristi |
In fact, American terrorist Dylann Roof is a reflection and product of those who adhere to race hate.
He flew that flag in acknowledgement of it's philosophy and historical significance. He wasn't exibiting that flag for pride, he was exhibiting it for it's philosophical significance, just like those who flew it before him wearing their silly costumes while openly murdering men woman and children. That flag is a symbol of cowards who openly murdered with no fear of prosecution. Law enforcement officials often participated in the violence where no one ever went to jail. So pardon me if I don't share in your southern or even northern klan culture and pride at being sympathizers to terrorists. |
The murder of the 9 church goers who were old men and woman was a terrorist attack commited under the same premise as when it was widespread and common not long ago.
The flag is but a symbol of those crimes and were committed while that flag flew in the hands of American terrorism. |
Jenny Horne speaks...It's four minutes long, but take a listen...No matter your position, I think you will be glad you did... |