Community > Posts By > DeusImperator
site ran by and information provided by are not the same thing the information from the link originates from Paul Krugman,, as the New York Times explains: Mr. Krugman received his B.A. from Yale University in 1974 and his Ph.D. from MIT in 1977. He has taught at Yale, MIT and Stanford. At MIT he became the Ford International Professor of Economics. Mr Krugman also won the Nobel Prize for economics in October 2008 The pathetic little Statist? Actually the article was by an even bigger nutter than JMK who offed himself because he couldn't get a job in mainstream journalism. Looks like even the liberal socialists could would not touch someone this toxic. But unfortunately our gal seems to have gone for the bait hook line and sinker. LOL |
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Wed 10/19/11 04:56 AM
condescend (definition 2) miriam webster to assume an air of superiority When or where did I assume a air of superiority? Please state where I might have done as much? 'are you smoking crack', 'quick, grab your brain' both can be 'construed' as condescending, unless one assumes that they are meant to compliment or imply some unified experience,,,, If I meant it as a compliment, THAT would be condescending. Condescending:behave as if conscious of descending from a superior position, rank, or dignity; patronizing. and anyone can CLAIM anything on the net, but apparently not everyone can seperate why people should believe THEIR claims even though they wish to dismiss the claims of others,,, Exactly, hence the reason why you should not make such claims. Like I have said earlier you should take your own advice. not that I care what people believe of me, as those ad hominem contributions are as common in informal writing as opinions are in formal writing,,,,I give people credit for having the ability to tell the difference between whats relevant with whats personal as my elders say, opinions are like behinds, everyone has one Glad we are making progress with your education in this forum. and when I read an article, book, commentary,, I am careful to seperate what is opinion from what is information and , when interested, I will further look into the INFORMATION provided (facts, statistics, historical accounts, quotes,, etc) by going to the references provided for them. Obviously a sloppy job so far, but we shall see in the future if the education of msharmony was a rousing success or an abject failure. |
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Tue 10/18/11 09:59 PM
ah sweety,,,condescention and assumption are not good qualities on anyone,, just some advise.
I would suggest that you take your own advice, and look up what condescending means. If I had said "Oh me too. I too would have been smoking crack if I was from the hood" could be construed as being condescending. :) I wont go on making inane assumptions about you as I dont know you, but I will stick to what my point was in the first place.
Sure as we are going to see a little later in the program... Did I mention that you should take your own advice... in response to your usual condescending type of response 'Have you been smoking crack? I can write a treatise about the CIA manufacturing the moon landing in Area 51. And have each and ever line in my treatise footnoted to hell and back. Oops forgot people have done that already!!! Does that make what they say true just because of heavy footnooting and referencing? Grab your brain before it vacates your cranium and tries to make a getaway from you. Your neurons aren't firing on all cylinders or so it seems. ' no, I dont smoke crack, weed, or any other of those drugs , I dont even drink wine or smoke cigarettes,, so now that we have that stereotyping out of the way,, lets deal with the next My brain works quite well, in fact, went to the mensa sight myself and took the sample test, got all questions right,, I have also been in the gifted and talented program throughout my entire pre college educational journey, so please dont assume that reading and absorbing alot of things on topics that interest you makes me less intellectually compatible, as opposed to just not as interested Perhaps you could get some therapy for your inferiority complex is quite evident perhaps the shrink can massage your self-esteem issues. Yeah yeah we know everyone claims that they can go to the Mensa "sight" and take the test and get a 100%. My sisters dog Baxter who is about as dumb a dog can get got a 100%, or so my sister claims and now she calls him "Mensa Boy". I call him Mohamed because he has tried on occasion to hump puppies. The SOURCE of the information I gave was no one person. That is why referencing and footnoting and endnoting are requirements in serious writing. THe same way credits are requirements in music, because if it didnt come 'from the source' the source has an obligation to point others to where it did come from,, in this case information in the piece was referenced from three other sources. Meaning, three other sources AS Well as krugman are responsible for what the reader is consuming. Serious writing? As in what? A thesis? Treatise? Journalistic article? The source of the article WAS Steve Kangas, and that is the extent of it. Are you a nutter like him (Kangas)? Credits are required in music so that one get paid for it and by convention. Kangas has attributed some of what was contained to work done by others. But the article is by him, and contained it is his opinion. So let me get this, if someone writes a thesis do you attribute the article to the guy who wrote the thesis or to Tom Dick and Harry who is footnoted? The people who are footnoted may only have a fleeting connection to the paper, perhaps a finding as reference. I would sue anyone who took my theses and claimed it was their's because I referenced their work. Nor would it do justice to those persons referenced if I was to claim that my theses was by them just because I made references to their prior work. Furthermore, many articles add reference merely to clothe it with a layer of authority so as to have the article impeached as in a form of argumentum ad verecundiam or a argumentum ad ignorantiam. I have seen innumerable examples of the latter. |
I always find the Reagan myth amusing. Rothbard did a marvelous job destroying the myths about Reagan (and his economics) that conservatives still like to peddle in his "Autopsy" of the Reagan regime. Not to say the Keynesian "left" is correct either, of course. The militant anti-free market "left" is just as myopic and ignorant as the militarist/fascist/Keynesian Stupid Right. Ah an anarco-capitalist or anarcho-libertarian I Presume??? Both Murray and Lew ascribed not simply to a minimalist government but to a more or less virtual non-existence of government. The Rothbardian argument is that Regan did not go far enough, which he couldn't have due to the congress and the senate being run by Donkeys. As for the left, the Bukaninists and the Kropotkinists attempt to provide a leftist understanding of anarcho-systems. However, both these systems fail due to in-built contradictions and the nature of man quo man. Also, if you mean by fascists, people like Hitler and Mussolini, they were leftists they were hardly on the right even a wee bit. Mussolini and Lenin broke with each other due to the pro and anti war approach. Both gave speeches together at events during in the very early 1900 and prior to WW I. Hitler's Mein Kampf would read like a socialist tract once the Teutonic and nationalistic elements are removed - but I do understand having read M.K. that these elements are central to the ideology as class warfare and the bourgeois and proletariat are important to the Communist Manifesto. However, both elements remain very important elements in the M.K. as Hitler uses these systems in his own understanding of his version of socialism. The reason the Communists and national socialists did not get along with eachother was due to the fact that they were dueling for the same blaock of voters not because of ideology. It was a three way race which each one atteming to kill of the other members of other factions - Internationalists (Trotskists), Soviets (Marxists/Leninists/Russiofiers/Stalinsts), and the National Socialists (NAZIs). The Brown Shirts was Hitlers gang of thugs who went to war against the other communist socialist gangs. |
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Tue 10/18/11 05:55 AM
I always find the Reagan myth amusing. Rothbard did a marvelous job destroying the myths about Reagan (and his economics) that conservatives still like to peddle in his "Autopsy" of the Reagan regime. Not to say the Keynesian "left" is correct either, of course. The militant anti-free market "left" is just as myopic and ignorant as the militarist/fascist/Keynesian Stupid Right. Ah an anarco-capitalist or anarcho-libertarian I Presume??? Both Murray and Lew ascribed not simply to a minimalist government but to a more or less virtual non-existence of government. The Rothbardian argument is that Regan did not go far enough, which he couldn't have due to the congress and the senate being run by Donkeys. As for the left, the Bukaninists and the Kropotkinists attempt to provide a leftist understanding of anarcho-systems. However, both these systems fail due to in-built contradictions and the nature of man quo man. |
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Tue 10/18/11 05:05 AM
IM glad you are versed with MR Kangas. I suppose anyone without their own domain must not be able to gather information from other legitimate sources in your opinion,, but I will let others decide how to seperate those issues themself.
Kangas was a nutter, and probably had some mental health issues. When I said I was well versed in Kangas I meant from where he came from politically. Having your domain and publishing on that domain provides one with some modicum of credibility. Everything written in this thread is written (typed) by a mingler (a person performing the physical action to put the words on the screen), yet there is often REFERENCE from other sources from which they attained the information they write.
Have you been smoking crack? I can write a treatise about the CIA manufacturing the moon landing in Area 51. And have each and ever line in my treatise footnoted to hell and back. Oops forgot people have done that already!!! Does that make what they say true just because of heavy footnooting and referencing? Grab your brain before it vacates your cranium and tries to make a getaway from you. Your neurons aren't firing on all cylinders or so it seems. In any case, Im not interested in any discussion of the significance of endnotes, references, etc,,, or whether information can only be obtained by those with domains of their own
Any kind of stupidity can be footnoted, endnoted, added to a bibliography etc etc. However there has to be a judgement made to the crediblity of the source rather than trying to find something the conforms to one's opinion. In this case, since you found it so apt to perform a cut and past hack from a probable nutter whose nutty opinion conformed with your own, one could probably conclude the same of you. Im only putting forth information, with reference to the site, which has further reference to sources used to obtain information on the page.
la la la, and you actually have read Klugman's book right lol. Or do you do a wiki search? The rest, as stated before, is up to the individual to research and decide for themself,, so long as they can tell the difference between opinion and FACTUAL INFORMATION,, I think most readers will do just fine.
Obviously you weren't. FACTUAL INFORMATION to you probably is some mantra provided to you by the Donkeys and B0 which you accept because it help you feel better about yourself, or whatever the case may be, your inability to differentiate between credible and non-credible sources certainly calls your credulity into question. |
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Mon 10/17/11 07:22 PM
Garbage. Rhetoric to push the piss down economics of Reagan that didn't work then and doesn't work now still. Nothing new and nothing constructive for this country but definitely the same crap who got us where we are. Probably would not know crap even if you practiced coprophilia or hit you in the face because all you have shown to know can be summed up as that much perhaps even less. Perhaps that is the reason you waddle in it. Reagan's economics worked on one side but there was no cut in spending due to the Donkeys controlling the house and senate. When money started coming in the Donkeys simply spent even more. |
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Mon 10/17/11 06:56 PM
I wouldnt have anyone believe anything. I admit though that I often speak on a college educated level so I believe in peoples ability to seperate 'opinion' from 'information'. The reference to the information in the piece is absolutely credited to Klugman, as well as the Bureau of economic analysis and Robert S McIntyre. Hopefully, those with college education understand the significance of references in any written piece and can distinguish such referenced material from the writers interpretations and opinions. There is, as in most writing, the presence of both. ??? College level??? I can understand some people can be obstinately thick to get it. The article was written by Steve Kangas. He was the sole author of the piece he submitted for publishing and makes an absolute claim to the content of the article. You want to debate thsi fact, go debate Steve Kangas - you'll get a pass on this as he died sometime ago. Next only the following came directly from Klugman. National Savings, public plus private (5) 1970 - 1979 7.7% 1988 - 1990 3.0 Private investment (5) 1970 - 1979 18.6% 1980 - 1992 17.4 which say is about 25 words (so so) Next a supposedly paraphrase of something from Klugman is supposed to be contained withing this: In 1980, Lawrence Summers (one of the nation's top economists, and then a conservative) conducted a definitive study that found that eliminating the capital gains tax completely would raise U.S. output by only 1 percent over the next 10 years. (3) Which is 41 words supposedly paraphrasing something Klugman wrote. The article blathers on for a total of 1362 words. It is obvious Kangas is not much of a journalist or much of anything... apart from blatherer that is. 1. He does not own a domain and has to settle for some free space on a server hosting personal webpages. 2. He posted a resume hoping someone would hire his as a journalist. He presents the article you attribute to Klugman as his piece to show potential employees his skill as a journalist. 3. Steve Kangas committed suicide in the washroom of some Pittsburg newspaper after being turned down for another job as a journalist (as far as I remember - that was something like 10 years ago, my memory fails me) The reason I even remeber this much is because I have played blitz chess against Mr. Kangas back in 1993 at the MCC. I am quite versed with Mr. Kangas. (political views) |
Hey! Almost all the dope smoking hippies I know are extremely bright and rational. (Steve Jobs happened to be a dope smoking hippie too ![]() Point taken, in an nod to Steve Job. Requiem aeternam dona is Domine et lux perpetua luceat is. Requiescat in pace. |
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Mon 10/17/11 04:57 AM
site ran by and information provided by are not the same thing the information from the link originates from Paul Krugman,, as the New York Times explains: Mr. Krugman received his B.A. from Yale University in 1974 and his Ph.D. from MIT in 1977. He has taught at Yale, MIT and Stanford. At MIT he became the Ford International Professor of Economics. Mr Krugman also won the Nobel Prize for economics in October 2008 Perhaps an inability to read an article for what it is worth seems to be an acute symptom some suffer from ... The article is not by Paul Krugman as you would have us believe. Steve Kanga wrote that article. Steve Kanga's education level? Oh yes Russian Studies and even that was not complete!!! Attempting to clothe an article in an aura of authority by quoting persons out of context and attributing it to another is similar to what Mohamed did to allah. Throwing words into an idol's mouth and then claiming allah said it so it must be true. Conversation from the Sahih Bukahari the most authentic source of ahadith: Mohamed: Allah revealed that I am to wed your daughter. Ali: But we are brothers Mohamed: We are not brothers of blood but brothers in faith. Allah sent the heavenly cranes of supplication and when their gift was uncovered I saw a babe, your daughter. It is allah's will So Mohamed married Ayisha when she was six. And there are still 1 billion (and growing) followers of Islam all hoodwinked by a third rate ventriloquist and his sock puppet. |
A better site regarding capital gains (site not run by a weed smoking hippie) From elsewhere in the world |
Nice opinion but not a viable solution. Still believing the piss down economics works when it has been shown not to and still taking it out on the poor. Shame. ??? So having good money being paid out to the "poor" like we have been doing is a viable solution? We have been doing that on the micro and macro scales and it has shown not to work. So the solution from the left is "give them more money" so fork over more money to the poor and there are still "poor" around. So what is the left's solution once this has not worked? "You have not tried giving them even more money". Yes this song and dance has been going around for ages nationally and internationally and always the left is so willing to relieve the productive of their labor while squandering it on the ne'er-do-wells usually to buy their vote. Well it is time to cut the umbilical cord and leave the parasites to their own accord. Sooner or later hunger or greed will drive them to choose more more productive avenues of income and the productive will be all the better for it. The fact is the poor will always remain with us. The definition what is poverty will forever change. There will always be poor among us. But in a capitalist state that is usually a temporary state which many of us may experience. If we define poor by median income there will always be people below the medium income level. If we define poverty as being the bottom 1%, 2%, 10% what have you there will be someone in that category. If you define poverty by what someone owns or has access to in a home (well that seem to be a new trend), such as owning a Playstation, wide-screen TV, having a cell phone, having high speed internet, a home, a car or what ever else that could be thought of to qualify one to be "poor" there will be people who would qualify for these but these would not necessarily be poor. As I said there will always be a bottom 10% (or what ever number can be dreamt of). So the left will always have someone to claim as a victim of whatever oppression is in vogue at the time. The only way to create sustained wealth is to allow the free market to make choices. As I have stated cut spending, reduce the public workforce, enact right to work legislation, cut welfare, repeal Obamacare, cut and flatten taxes, cut salaries of the public servants, cut federal benefits etc. Such a policy would make more money available for investment and job creation. If you claim that capitalists are greedy, do you think capitalists would keep money in banks??? No they invest, start business or make existing business even bigger or invest in infrastructure. A free unfettered market is an excellent at figuring as to what is required and where thus the market will decide as to where resources and capital is required. |
Yeah, he lost all credibility with me when he started the name-calling, personal attacks on peoples' intelligence and breaking Godwin's Law by making Hitler comparisons. He's just a Canadian Ann Coulter as far as I'm concerned-- all bluster and no facts. Not to mention disrespectful, a pretty crappy payback to we U.S. taxpayers who keep the REAL commies off his back with OUR tax money and blood while his country makes a killing on the oil that runs OUR expensive, superpower-class military. Perhaps you are have the inability to comprehend what has been written. Know the rules in invoking the Godwin Law. The Hitler analogy was germane in the discussion owing to eugenics which was brought up. Next as to the name calling tu quoque but I did not call any one here names, did I now? Suggesting something is not the same as saying it. Would you rather by your oil from us or from the Saudis? Really we Canadian's are pretty nice bunch. We realize that without the US our economy would tank. That is the reason we want the US to do well because then you would buy what we need to sell. See how everything works out? Besides the your larges trading partner is Canada as well. Be nice... for a change. |
what is a mensan kerry? Only that he belongs to MENSA, a society of so-called geniuses with IQs higher than 130. Like any other group, it has its overbearing, arrogant narcissists, but many of the people are really quite humble. I'd bet that Abra is another, and you know him pretty well. Abra is obviously a LOT smarter than us, 'cause you won't catch him dead in this forum, LOL!! -Kerry O. Top 1%ile roughly 142 and higher for your information. And who is a Mensan? |
The only real and lasting solution to the economic situation in the US is to cut corporate taxes down to at LEAST a global median level, promote business friendly policies and institute a flat (or flatter) tax and cut capital gains down to zero. Complaining that businesses are unpatriotic for relocating or moving production overseas just compounds the anti-capitalistic atmosphere detrimental to a healthy economy. Money and capital are liquid. Money and capital move to wherever it welcomed. Likewise, creating an anti-business atmosphere drives out business. I personally believe that capital gain taxes should be cut to zero as the corporation has already paid taxes on the profit earned. Any capital gain that is accrued is actually taxed twice in reality.
Next, not only deregulate industry but reduce regulations which binding corporations and businesses. Make it easier for business to relocate. Enact right to work legislation in each of the states. Repeal Obamacare and reform Medicare (which is another looming crisis looming on the horizon which is going to be an issue as the babyboomers age). What you will see is money and capital move slowly back into the United States. We saw this same phenomena in Europe during the 1980s. As continental Europe pursued social democratic policies money moved to the UK (Thatcher) and the US (Reagan). Next cut the public workforce by a 20% of its current level and place a hiring freeze for a 4 year period which should drop the non-military and non-essential public work force down to about 25% of its current level. Remember every public worker is a net drain on the economy because every cent comes out of the pocket of someone in the private workforce or corporations. Governments do not create jobs but can create an environment where jobs can be created by the private sector. Privatize whatever services that can be privatized without creating a monopoly. Reduce the wage rate of public workers, if they are good enough they can seek employment in the private sector. The lower public sector wages is an indication that the government should not compete detrimentally with the private sector which is the engine which creates real jobs which drive the economy. Reduce federal unemployment benefits to 6 months and reduce welfare payments (not to save money per se) but to reduce dependence on government largess (meaning other people's money) and vote buying. However, due to ideological reasons and loud mouthed special interest groups (squeaky wheel getting the grease) there is little political motivation to institute such reforms. |
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Sun 10/16/11 03:09 PM
perhaps stick to canadian politics?
there is no 'vote' for a 'communist party', no communist party candidates, no registration or place on our ballots for communist party either,,, and what do eugenists have to do with the Communist Party of America? I love the "stick to Canadian Politics" part... That would work IF your George Soros and the boost B0 crowd did not interfere in ours. But then again I would have every right to "interfere" since I moved here as a teenager from the US. You seem so good at copying and pasting that you should be able to track down your closest chapter of the CPUS from their website which I see you have visited or just perhaps contact one of your fellow travelers about their community organization. Now on to the eugenics part... A close and personal friend of mine who happened to be Al Gore's manager in San Francisco in 1992 relate this incident. Al Gore speaking a black gathering with the usual bombast explained to the black folk that Al Sr. championed civil right and lost his senate seat for voting for the CRA of 1964. All the black folk gave Hot Air Al a standing O for it. The reality is that Al was one of the senators who voted against the CRA 1964 and other major civil rights legislation. The audience was obviously made up of a bunch of imbeciles and morons. Now to bring this together... You said Founded in 1919, the Communist Party of the United States of America has championed the struggles for democracy, labor rights, women’s equality, racial justice and peace for ninety years. The Communist Party has an unparalleled history in the progressive movement of the United States, from the struggle against Jim Crow segregation, the organizing of the industrial unions, from the canneries of California, to the sweatshops of New York City. to which I replied Oh I forgot the progressive movement... listing quotes from the progressive movement Do you get it? |
Good riddance for the Democratic Party. Now the Republicans are saddled with them. It's a difficult taint to deodorize. Oh and the two of three factions of the Communist Party of the United States joined the Democratic party. Looks like the the Democrats threw out Pol Pot and recruited Hitler instead!!! lol Oh and the Communist Party of the United States endorsed B0 and the Democrats for 2012. Founded in 1919, the Communist Party USA has championed the struggles for democracy, labor rights, women’s equality, racial justice and peace for ninety years. The Communist Party has an unparalleled history in the progressive movement of the United States, from the struggle against Jim Crow segregation, the organizing of the industrial unions, from the canneries of California, to the sweatshops I feel ya, who would want to be endorsed by such people?,,,,lol Yes all blacks should vote for the Communist Party of the United States after all. You certainly love their endorsement. Oh I forgot the progressive movement... "The emergency problem of segregation and sterilization must be faced immediately. Every feeble-minded girl or woman of the hereditary type, especially of the moron class, should be segregated during the reproductive period. Otherwise, she is almost certain to bear imbecile children, who in turn are just as certain to breed other defectives. The male defectives are no less dangerous. Segregation carried out for one or two generations would give us only partial control of the problem. Moreover, when we realize that each feeble-minded person is a potential source of endless progeny of defect, we prefer the policy of immediate sterilization, of making sure that parenthood is absolutely prohibited to the feeble-minded" or this "Eugenists imply or insist that a woman's first duty is to the state; we contend that her duty to herself is her first duty to the state. We maintain that a woman possessing an adequate knowledge of her reproductive functions is the best judge of the time and conditions under which her child should be brought into the world. We further maintain that it is her right, regardless of all other considerations, to determine whether she shall bear children or not, and how many children she shall bear if she chooses to become a mother." Positively great company from your point of view. |
I came across this fascinating article. While Canada was hardly touched by the Republican Depression of 2007, there is apparently another shoe to drop, Canada's Conservative Government doesn't seem to have posted a very impressive performance in recent times. Canada's household savings rate is credited with having spared the country from the ravages of our 2007 Depression, but now, Canada's household savings rate has plummeted to the lowest rate since 1938. Doesn't auger well for the future. Though our labour market did not lose jobs for 27 long months as in the U.S., he reminds us we have one of the worst debt to income ratios in the world.
In fact Canadians have the worst debt to income ratio of 20 OECD nations. He went on to deliver this shocker: today Canada’s household savings rate ($2.80 on every $100 dollars of household income) is less than half that of the U.S. ($6.40 on every $100). He said that’s the first time this has occurred since the 1970s Interest rates are at historic lows, lower than even when the Bank of Canada was first put into place, in 1934. That means it is easier than ever to borrow and less attractive to save. But that ignores a bigger truth: it’s getting harder to save, and not just for the poorest among us.
Unremitting increases in the costs of housing, education and transportation while incomes are stagnant (or worse) means it may take a long time for savings rates to climb. Rising debt levels since the crisis began is one obvious indication of how hard this is going to be: In the fall of 2008, before the crisis hit, Canadians owed $1.40 owed on every dollar of disposable income. That broke all previous records. At last count (1st quarter of 2010), the average Canadian household owed $1.47 on every dollar they took in. Krugman reminds us of what we all know: interest rates have nowhere to go but up. Indeed, it’s a fine balancing act, leaving behind an era of easy money, and making ends meet. It's easy to forget Canada with the American preoccupation with its own problems. It will be fascinating to see what Canada's Conservative Government can do with it's grim future. Canada has followed socialist policies for several years. In fact, many Canadians describe Canada as a socialist state. We also pay higher taxes and carry more debt per capita. Healthcare makes up the largest area of government spending. Undoing any of the policies can cause the government to lose a future election. Any talk of reforming healthcare unless it is spoken of by a left wing party brings quick barrage of the usual class warfare arguments. Meanwhile, our Jean Chretien and Paul Martin chose to go to the US for medical treatments. Obviously when it comes to their own health they have little confidence in socialized medicine. The truth is that even though the Prime minister is a conservative there is little that he can do to change the country. The left leaning provinces like BC, ON and PQ have private healthcare providers, however, when Albertan government (the right leaning province) discussed doing the same the Government of Canada at the time threatened to sue Alberta and withhold providing funds to Alberta. |
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Sun 10/16/11 12:45 PM
Good riddance for the Democratic Party. Now the Republicans are saddled with them. It's a difficult taint to deodorize. Oh and the two of three factions of the Communist Party of the United States joined the Democratic party. Looks like the the Democrats threw out Pol Pot and recruited Hitler instead!!! lol Oh and the Communist Party of the United States endorsed B0 and the Democrats for 2012. |
Missed this on so responding
Yes we did something in Canada about it. We elected a conservative government which is more amiable to at least a two tiered system. Next we kicked your backsides economically because we followed a more conservative economic policy. We were the first industrial nation to come out of the recession and we recorded the highest growth coming out of it. Furthermore, we spent the least on bailouts.
This is poppycock. This article describes how the recession in Canada was very quick and precipitous under your Conservative Prime Minister. In fact, Canada went through the full double-dip under your Conservative Prime Minister. The reason for Canada's quicker recovery was because household spending was maintained at a high level. Real Economists talk about aggregate demand, and that is something Mr. Harper was able to maintain. (Every Keynesian understands this concept chrystal clear, while it is a complete mystery to American Conservatives, who are doing everything they can to kill aggregate demand in the American economy.) So why was this recession milder, with a speedier recovery? Household spending, Mr. Cross says. In prior recessions, it plummeted by nearly 6 per cent. This time round, it fell by only 2 per cent over two quarters and has already fully bounced back Since you are unable to read and understand what the article said... let me quote from the article itself... "But employment bounced back much more quickly. It took four years after the 1990 recession began for the labour market to recover; three years after the 1981 recession, and two years (for both GDP and jobs) to recuperate in the past recession. The downturn in the early 1990s was marked by a rare double-dip recession." They are talking about the recession in 1990 NOT the the one in 2008. Trouble comprehending English after a remidial course in Ebonics??? While some areas particularly manufacturing was hit hard, the core value of the economy fell merely 3.3% in Canada. With little _actual_ bailout spending (as opposed to slated) Canada did indeed take q hard but quick hit during the recession. As your own article states. Of course Harper, who happened to teach economics at the University of Calgary which is known for its Miltonsque faculty did not pursue JMK policies which maintained the prolonged the great depression in the United States. I doubt the the loudest opponents are the most likely to freeload as such assertions which are thrown willy nilly are usually pulled out of one's rectum and flung around.
As for virtual slave labor, you should talk to your socialist fellow travelers in Peking about not enslaving their people. As a socialist I am sure you might have some clout with your fellow ideologues. This is just silly Conservative, Faux News rhetoric. Rather I know such assertions were merely false claims excreted from the socialist rectum and flung in the hope that it would hit something and stick. The rest of the assertions copied from a the radical socialist mouth piece for the extreme left was hacked off and not worthy of response. Communist dictatorships which instituted the dictatorship of the proletariat loved sticking democracy/democrat in the official name of the country. It was never about democracy but an agenda of subjugating and enslavement. Hmmm … Come to think of it the Democratic party favored slavery did they not? |